NBC's Steve Kornacki Throws Cold Water on Kamala Harris' Chances

No, I mean fiction, like MAGA pretending they care about democracy in the selection of the Democratic candidate.

It's not like would care if your party leaders threw all 14,000,000 of your primary votes in the trash and then simply told you who they picked as your nominee. Oh, that's right ...
How can Democrats "back off" of all of these things, when they were never doing them in the first place.

As VEEP - her work on the overturn of Roe v Wade, and the results of the 2022 mi-terms.

Also, the rebuilding of the immigration infrastructure on the Southern Border gets no credit at all. The border crisis occurred because Trump completely dismantled the refugee intake system, immigration courts, and social services network available for refugees at the Southern Border.

You continue to parrot right wing lies about the Southern Border:
  • that Trump "closed" the Southern Border. He did not. Illegal border crossings spiked BECAUSE there was no legal way to enter. Trump encouraged the coyotes and the cartels - both of which increased under his administration
  • Democrats favour "open borders". Since when????? Obama, Clinton and Biden all deported MORE illegals than Donald Trump deported.
  • Republicans continue to reform immigration law because they like to use the current mess as "something to run on".0.0000000000000
  • Trump just locked up undocumented workers and held them for years in filthy, "for profit" tent camps, where they were abused, and ill-treated. He had 40,000 people in custody - for years - at $700 per day, per prisoner. And then he released them all when covid hit.

Republicans want to end birthright citizenship to create a permanent underclass of long-term "visa workers" they can simply deport once they're no longer useful to the US economy. See Saudi Arabia. It's also a nation where women have no rights.
That post right there was pure comedy! Joe Biden just let in an estimated 13 million illegals but you claim he doesn't favor open borders? That's 13 MILLION!!!!
it's already been challenged in the courts and immigrants here, legal or illegal, are subjects to our jurisdiction, under our jurisdiction, our laws.

It's never gone back up to the SC in 125 years - the ones that came up with our current interpretation.
Foreign diplomats visiting our nation and their families if they accompany them, have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY, and are under the jurisdiction of their home country, who are Diplomats for the foreign government...heads of States and others in the higher ups of foreign governments visiting on our soil also have DIPLOMATIC immunity.

and U.S. higher up OFFICIALS visiting in foreign countries also are not under foreign jurisdiction....

but we citizens visiting another country, are under the foreign country's laws...they have jurisdiction....(a Mainer couldn't smoke pot there just because it is legal in Maine.)

the exception in the constitution spoken of, is for diplomats, not under our jurisdiction.
If you really want to get into it check out the different between "subject to the jurisdiction" and "within its jurisdiction"
Nope. Trump's campaign was and remain based on Biden's policy failures, his record - Immigration, inflation, crime ...

They will continue that with Kamala and highlight her profound lack of a record.

Care, you still haven't figured it out. Your party's lawfare against Trump was a complete scam from the beginning. It's all falling apart becasue there were no legitimate cases to begin with. The only victories they've had were because of hyperpartisan judges and juries in Manhattan.
But it wasn't lawfare....Trump allegedly committed crimes that he was indicted for by Jack Smith after the DOJ Investigations were handed over to him when Trump and Biden announced their runs for 2024.

A jury of his peers should decide on his guilt or not. He should get his due process in a court of law trial, like every other citizen....like his own lawyers argued in his impeachment trial for J6...
Kamala's candidacy has excited the base of the party, also women, young and swing voters, reaching a fever pitch comparable to Obama's 2008 campaign, which culminated with a landslide win for Obama. This is the biggest swing in political history when a sure win by trump and the maga cult turned overnight into certain huge win by Kamala. Looks like the maga cult can't catch a break.
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Obama had charisma. Something that Kamala has none of. People don't like Kamala. Her own staff doesn't like Kamala.
It's never gone back up to the SC in 125 years - the ones that came up with our current interpretation.

If you really want to get into it check out the different between "subject to the jurisdiction" and "within its jurisdiction"
the founders came up with our current interpretation, in their two differing arguments among themselves and how they finally wrote it and voted.
But it wasn't lawfare....Trump allegedly committed crimes that he was indicted for by Jack Smith after the DOJ Investigations were handed over to him when Trump and Biden announced their runs for 2024.

A jury of his peers should decide on his guilt or not. He should get his due process in a court of law trial, like every other citizen....like his own lawyers argued in his impeachment trial for J6...
He was indicted by a hyperpartisan prosecutor in a weaponized DOJ. Is really how you want your country to be run. Trump indicting Biden and Harris and Newsom and Whitmer and ... When he controls the DOJ? Is that what you really want?
the founders came up with our current interpretation, in their two differing arguments among themselves and how they finally wrote it and voted.
Nope. They wrote it both ways, in the same Amendment. It was the SC in Wong 125 years ago that came up with the present interpretation.
I'm not into any pundits and it seems better to keep things simple. The only premise I'll go with is that America isn't all that partisan one way or the other. So I figure the odds are against Harris simply because Americans aren't that liberal to provide the Democrats capturing victories in 4 out of the last 5 presidential races.

Democrats are not that liberal, compared to the liberal parties of other nations. American Democrats are further to the right than Canadian conservatives.

The thought of a Harris presidency does scare every thinking person.

It doesn't seem to scare ANYONE in California where she's been elected as a District Attorney for San Francisco; elected state wide as AG for California, elected as Senator from California, and elected as Vice-President to the oldest President in American history.

A Harris Presidency is a whole lot less scary to American woman than putting a serial sex predator back in the White House with a VP who thinks women should be forced to remain married to men who physically abuse them, and woman should be forced to bear their rapists babies.

Of course, when you run a bunch men with trailer trash values who have to pay women to have sex with them, you're not going to get a quality male in the bunch.
He was indicted by a hyperpartisan prosecutor in a weaponized DOJ. Is really how you want your country to be run. Trump indicting Biden and Harris and Newsom and Whitmer and ... When he controls the DOJ? Is that what you really want?
These cases were being investigated for months, before handing them over to Smith. At least J6 was.... Smith's prosecutors and Smith himself have had high profile court cases of higher up politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle....

I just don't see that as the actions of highly partisan prosecutors imo.
I wouldn't count her out on that yet....

She's played the subservient VP the past 4 years...I think this is going to be different....

We'll see!
Being "subservient" shouldn't have made her stupid, Care! Some of her public speaking events make her look like the biggest ditz on the planet! She's not as stupid as Joe Biden but let's be honest...that's setting a low bar!
Democrats are not that liberal, compared to the liberal parties of other nations. American Democrats are further to the right than Canadian conservatives.

It doesn't seem to scare ANYONE in California where she's been elected as a District Attorney for San Francisco; elected state wide as AG for California, elected as Senator from California, and elected as Vice-President to the oldest President in American history.

A Harris Presidency is a whole lot less scary to American woman than putting a serial sex predator back in the White House with a VP who thinks women should be forced to remain married to men who physically abuse them, and woman should be forced to bear their rapists babies.

Of course, when you run a bunch men with trailer trash values who have to pay women to have sex with them, you're not going to get a quality male in the bunch.
Anyone who's elected to Statewide office in California should be automatically declared ineligible to run the country. California is circling the toilet and it's BECAUSE people like Harris, Pelosi, Schiff and Newsome run it! Do you think the rest of the country want to be like California?
More like she has zero chance of winning.
Kamala should flip burgers at McDonalds. She is worthless for anything else .....but getting a little grease on her knees.
He was indicted by a hyperpartisan prosecutor in a weaponized DOJ. Is really how you want your country to be run. Trump indicting Biden and Harris and Newsom and Whitmer and ... When he controls the DOJ? Is that what you really want?

Bullshit. He was indicted by a career long Republican with a sterling reputation as a prosecutor, based on reems of evidence of criminal wrongdoing by the former President. The evidence in every one of his cases has been overwhelming.

You weren't crying "unfair" or "lawfare" when the Trump Administration prosecuted Michael Cohen for his part in the Stormy Daniels payments. Trump thought it was a crime when he sent Cohen to prison.

And Trump thought crimes were involved when his DOJ gave David Pecker immunity in exchange for his testimony against Cohen.

And yet prosecuting Trump for these same crimes Trump himself prosecuted others for, is somehow wrong, or unfair.

This is why we believe you're an idiot.
These cases were being investigated for months, before handing them over to Smith. At least J6 was.... Smith's prosecutors and Smith himself have had high profile court cases of higher up politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle....

I just don't see that as the actions of highly partisan prosecutors imo.
They sat on that indictment for 18 months and only brought it after Trump announced for President, Just saying that it's hard to see it as anything as political.
That post right there was pure comedy! Joe Biden just let in an estimated 13 million illegals but you claim he doesn't favor open borders? That's 13 MILLION!!!!

Illegals???? If Biden let them in, and documented their refugee claims, then they're not "illegals". They're "refugee claimants" who are legally in the country.

That is actually the antithesis of "open borders". Also, Biden has turned away and deported for more people than he's let in.

Furthermore, both the Wall Street Journal and Forbes have said that immigration is driving your rapid economic recovery.

Canada let in 1.5 million immigrants last year. That's equal to 15 million in the USA. Our economy is thriving for it, just like yours.
They sat on that indictment for 18 months and only brought it after Trump announced for President, Just saying that it's hard to see it as anything as political.

You have it backwards. Trump only announced for President in an effort to stave off indictment.

The DOJ gave Trump EVERY opportunity to get himself off the hook on the stolen documents case, and Trump spit in their eye every single time. Trump worked overtime to get himself arrested in that case. Stealing the documents. Lying about having them. Obstructing the return of the documents. Defying court Orders.

Since he lost the election, Trump's every action has screamed "Arrest me, I'm an idiot!!"

When E. Jean Carroll's book came out Les Moonves didn't say she was lying when she also accused him of rape. But Trump had to go on national TV and call her a liar. If he'd said nothing, he wouldn't have been facing a slander suit, and $5 million in damages.

And what did your brilliant candidate do?? He went on national TV the next night and repeated the slander. What an idiot.

Why would you vote for someone so criminally stupid????

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