NBC's Steve Kornacki Throws Cold Water on Kamala Harris' Chances

Virtually half of the American voting population (a) would never vote for Trump, or (b) would vote for any Democrat, regardless of who it is, or their qualifications and fitness.

Talk of a landslide, or that Harris has no chance of winning are wishful thinking.

The election will be decided by who has the best organization in big cities in the critical Swing States. Just like last time.

No source, so not true.
I saw Pennsylvania polling, same polling outfit, it had Trump over Biden by 4 last week, this week it has Trump over Harris by 7.

They're fooling themselves
Trump leads her in all the swing states by an average of 9-10 points. And that's before Cackles has to debate. She's proven she can't do that. Half the party doesn't even want her as the nominee.
It'll be $2 million by the end of the day. Plus 30,000+ people volunteered to work on her campaign.

Campaign workers didn't have to support any "stolen election" lies to work for the party, or declare loyalty to the candidate.

Trump doesn't have a ground game. They closed all of the campaign offices and fired the workers. Most weren't "loyal" to Trump and refused to say that the 2020 election was stolen.

If all you have is lies, your worthless candidate's campaign will be toast by September.
You're so stupid it's pathetic. Trump leads your DEI failure by just shy of double digits already. Keep your idiocy in your own country.
And you opinion matters because???? Let me guess - because you can parrot right wing talking points without even asking if they're true or not.

Tell us what programs that Mike Pence initiated that have been adopted nation wide????

Other than promoting the Iraq War what exactly was Dick Cheney's big contribution to the nation????
Pathetic whataboutism to show you have ZERO accomplishments for failure Harris. You do nothing but parrot far left debunked garbage so STFU.
You're banking on hate and fear?
As your side had done with Biden, and as we presently speak now, doing with Vice President Harris?

We just needed the focus to be off Biden and his age and on to Donald Trump and his age, and mess-ups of the past Trump administration and daily in the present whacky Trump, along with his very inexperienced vp.

This gives democrats the opportunity for the Hail Mary pass, and the possible comeback....hope and enthusiasm has never won an election per say, but hopelessness and despair, has definitely lost them....

Democrats are no longer feeling hopeless....they have a shot now, at least they believe they do!

The term, what a difference a day makes, comes to mind!!!

Democrats are just happy that they have this chance, though it be small, of beating Donald Trump and keeping that felonious man from ever holding office again!

With good reason, this excites Democrats...especially with all the right wing disappointing judicial decisions by the courts re: Trump and his criminal trials that were being set up for failure or dismissal by Trump's judicial appointments or right wing supporters in the courts....putting fingers on the scale of justice.
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As your side had done with Biden, and as we presently speak now, doing with Vice President Harris?

Nope. Trump's campaign was and remain based on Biden's policy failures, his record - Immigration, inflation, crime ...

They will continue that with Kamala and highlight her profound lack of a record.

We just needed the focus to be off Biden and his age and on to Donald Trump and his age, and mess-ups of the past Trump administration and daily in the present whacky Trump, along with his very inexperienced vp.

This gives democrats the opportunity for the Hail Mary pass, and the possible comeback....hope and enthusiasm has never won an election per say, but hopelessness and despair, has definitely lost them....

Democrats are no longer feeling hopeless....they have a shot now, at least they believe they do!

The term, what a difference a day makes, comes to mind!!!

Democrats are just happy that they have this chance, though it be small, of beating Donald Trump and keeping that felonious man from ever holding office again!

With good reason, this excites Democrats...especially with all the right wing disappointing judicial decisions by the courts re: Trump and his criminal trials that were being set up for failure or dismissal by Trump's judicial appointments or right wing supporters in the courts....putting fingers on the scale of justice.
Care, you still haven't figured it out. Your party's lawfare against Trump was a complete scam from the beginning. It's all falling apart becasue there were no legitimate cases to begin with. The only victories they've had were because of hyperpartisan judges and juries in Manhattan.
I don't believe that. History shows that if they could fake 81 million votes for comatose Joe Biden running from his garage, they will manage to give Trump a run for his money with Kamaltoe.

Trump is pretty much a known quantity. The question is what he does now here in with his "second life" after nearly being assassinated. Will he be New Trump or Old Trump?

The other variable of course is Kamelo. She is virtually unknown to the public.
  • Will many of the undecided just go with her rather than another term with Trump?
  • Will events here on in give voters a more positive impression of her or a more /negative/ one?
Like Trump, she carries a lot of baggage, but isn't nearly as good at sloughing it off. As usual, the more informed the voter, the better for the GOP; the less, the better for the democrats. I think the debates ought to be reset to zero and Trump and her have TWO debates.
History shows a 50-State election certification for President Biden.

And the longest crybaby fest of the right in history
Nope. Trump's campaign was and remain based on Biden's policy failures, his record - Immigration, inflation, crime ...

They will continue that with Kamala and highlight her profound lack of a record.

Care, you still haven't figured it out. Your party's lawfare against Trump was a complete scam from the beginning. It's all falling apart becasue there were no legitimate cases to begin with. The only victories they've had were because of hyperpartisan judges and juries in Manhattan.

She is deep in the Cult; she is never going to reach enlightenment.
I hope Trump challenges this
it's already been challenged in the courts and immigrants here, legal or illegal, are subjects to our jurisdiction, under our jurisdiction, our laws.

Foreign diplomats visiting our nation and their families if they accompany them, have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY, and are under the jurisdiction of their home country, who are Diplomats for the foreign government...heads of States and others in the higher ups of foreign governments visiting on our soil also have DIPLOMATIC immunity.

and U.S. higher up OFFICIALS visiting in foreign countries also are not under foreign jurisdiction....

but we citizens visiting another country, are under the foreign country's laws...they have jurisdiction....(a Mainer couldn't smoke pot there just because it is legal in Maine.)

the exception in the constitution spoken of, is for diplomats, not under our jurisdiction.

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