NBC's Steve Kornacki Throws Cold Water on Kamala Harris' Chances

Joe Biden’s presidency is over. It’s now a half-dead vessel, much like the man himself, but Democrats appear overjoyed that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the 2024 Democratic mantle, though it’s not like Joe had much choice. He had to back Harris if he bowed out. The disunity he sowed by remaining in the race led to an unprecedented fracturing of the party not seen since 1968. Harris is the only person who could legally inherit his war chest. If he couldn’t run for a second term, maybe he could work on bringing the party back together. Harris’ ascension has led to over $250 million in donations, another damning sign that Biden likely would have run out of juice in the final and most critical phase of the 2024 election.

Yet, NBC’s Steve Kornacki threw cold water on the Harris candidacy, namely that she’s untested. She dropped out before the start of the primaries in 2020; Tom Steyer’s campaign lasted longer than hers. She’s also equally unpopular as Biden and owns the same record. Kornacki noted that “hope” more than numbers is inflating Democrats’ hopes of keeping the White House in November.

BJ -

Harris is by far a worse candidate than lunchpail/scranton joe.
She starts out a -9 in the states that will decide the election.
She will get a slight bump at the beginning and one at the convention (if it is still her)

She is very unlikely to win.

Where does your article say anything about "She starts out a -9 in the states that will decide the election."?

You making shit up on the fly? Because all the article says is that Haris's numbers are slgihtly better than Biden's and can still go up.
The Ds were going to have some kind of mini convention. I don't know how it works at a convention in a situation like this where, at the last minute, the nominee drops out, but the thing is that Harris hasn't received ONE vote yet (unless you consider the H-B ticket 2020 but mostly people voted for B for pres, not so much her). But in any case, I have heard that in some states (NV?) it is too late to put anyone else (rather than B) on the ballot. I wish the news stations or allegedly news stations would explain how this kind of thing works. But in any case, I do understand what Too Late means... So do you know much about this process, enough to answer this Q I have:

Is the cackling Kamala the only candidate the Ds can run?

It is unprecedented so, anyone that says that they know how it works, read how it is supposed to work.

There is no practical experience with this situation.
Where does your article say anything about "She starts out a -9 in the states that will decide the election."?

You making shit up on the fly? Because all the article says is that Haris's numbers are slgihtly better than Biden's and can still go up.

You know that this post didn't materialize in a vacuum, yes?
The Democrats are not going to back off cheating, rigging (obviously poor Joe), lying and ballot box stuffing. Ah, I mean 'ballot harvesting'.
How can Democrats "back off" of all of these things, when they were never doing them in the first place.

You just called Kamala Harris the most talented VP in decades? Seriously? What would you call her biggest achievement as Vice President, Dragonlady?

As VEEP - her work on the overturn of Roe v Wade, and the results of the 2022 mi-terms.

Also, the rebuilding of the immigration infrastructure on the Southern Border gets no credit at all. The border crisis occurred because Trump completely dismantled the refugee intake system, immigration courts, and social services network available for refugees at the Southern Border.

You continue to parrot right wing lies about the Southern Border:
  • that Trump "closed" the Southern Border. He did not. Illegal border crossings spiked BECAUSE there was no legal way to enter. Trump encouraged the coyotes and the cartels - both of which increased under his administration
  • Democrats favour "open borders". Since when????? Obama, Clinton and Biden all deported MORE illegals than Donald Trump deported.
  • Republicans continue to reform immigration law because they like to use the current mess as "something to run on".0.0000000000000
  • Trump just locked up undocumented workers and held them for years in filthy, "for profit" tent camps, where they were abused, and ill-treated. He had 40,000 people in custody - for years - at $700 per day, per prisoner. And then he released them all when covid hit.

Republicans want to end birthright citizenship to create a permanent underclass of long-term "visa workers" they can simply deport once they're no longer useful to the US economy. See Saudi Arabia. It's also a nation where women have no rights.
More like she has zero chance of winning.

Never under estimate the power of stupidity and people desperately wanting to be a part of a tribe where they don't have to think, they just regurgitate what the others around them say.

Also don't understand estimate the willingness of the current breed of democrats to do anything they can to stay in power.

Remember, they are in control now and have roots that go into every federal branch. For them to have a hand in the ballot box isn't out of the question.

It isn't over until it's over.
It is unprecedented so, anyone that says that they know how it works, read how it is supposed to work.

There is no practical experience with this situation.
I thought the US had had a convention-voting situation once b4, but I guess I heard wrong.

So anyhow, since it's too late to put anyone else on the ballot in some states, I mean.. Is that the reason they are going w/ Harris?

But at the convention, they have to vote for her, right? I am confused.. and who can blame me. As you say... no precedent..
Never under estimate the power of stupidity and people desperately wanting to be a part of a tribe where they don't have to think, they just regurgitate what the others around them say.


Also don't understand estimate the willingness of the current breed of democrats to do anything they can to stay in power.

Remember, they are in control now and have roots that go into every federal branch. For them to have a hand in the ballot box isn't out of the question.

You mean "underestimate"

Yeh, one can never underestimate the crookedness of the dims. Do so at your own peril.
I thought the US had had a convention-voting situation once b4, but I guess I heard wrong.

So anyhow, since it's too late to put anyone else on the ballot in some states, I mean.. Is that the reason they are going w/ Harris?

But at the convention, they have to vote for her, right? I am confused.. and who can blame me. As you say... no precedent..

We have had a lot of scenarios, just never 1 with this exact set of facts, before.
So tell the class what the actual results are. We all know kneepads accomplished absolutely NOTHING!

Kind of absurd to think that Harris could dramatically affect the political and economic situation of Central American countries in a few years.

Doesn't mean it wasn't worth doing, but it wasn't ever likely to see dramatic success.
The Ds were going to have some kind of mini convention. I don't know how it works at a convention in a situation like this where, at the last minute, the nominee drops out, but the thing is that Harris hasn't received ONE vote yet (unless you consider the H-B ticket 2020 but mostly people voted for B for pres, not so much her). But in any case, I have heard that in some states (NV?) it is too late to put anyone else (rather than B) on the ballot. I wish the news stations or allegedly news stations would explain how this kind of thing works. But in any case, I do understand what Too Late means... So do you know much about this process, enough to answer this Q I have:

Is the cackling Kamala the only candidate the Ds can run?

It would be ridiculous for anyone else to attempt to run at this point. There are logistical considerations: You need a campaign staff, outreach offices, and MONEY. You need a website, a bus, an advance team to set up events, and events set up and you need all of this last week.

Harris already has all of that - campaign staff, campaign offices, a large war chest, and the ability to raise even more funds just on her name alone.

The people who voted for Biden also voted for Harris to take over in the event he could not serve. 30,000 volunteers and $100 million raised in 48 hours says that the party is ready to wholeheartedly support her.
Joe Biden’s presidency is over. It’s now a half-dead vessel, much like the man himself, but Democrats appear overjoyed that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the 2024 Democratic mantle, though it’s not like Joe had much choice. He had to back Harris if he bowed out. The disunity he sowed by remaining in the race led to an unprecedented fracturing of the party not seen since 1968. Harris is the only person who could legally inherit his war chest. If he couldn’t run for a second term, maybe he could work on bringing the party back together. Harris’ ascension has led to over $250 million in donations, another damning sign that Biden likely would have run out of juice in the final and most critical phase of the 2024 election.

Yet, NBC’s Steve Kornacki threw cold water on the Harris candidacy, namely that she’s untested. She dropped out before the start of the primaries in 2020; Tom Steyer’s campaign lasted longer than hers. She’s also equally unpopular as Biden and owns the same record. Kornacki noted that “hope” more than numbers is inflating Democrats’ hopes of keeping the White House in November.

BJ -

Harris is by far a worse candidate than lunchpail/scranton joe.
She starts out a -9 in the states that will decide the election.
She will get a slight bump at the beginning and one at the convention (if it is still her)

She is very unlikely to win.

I watch Steve Karnacki religiously and he has NEVER thrown cold water on Harris' chances. You have to spin everything this man says through a right wing spin cycle, in order to manufacture a phony talking point.

Everything you've been told is a like a game of telephone. Karnacki says A, and townhall.com tells you he said B, and you come here and claim something that Karnacki never said.
I'm not into any pundits and it seems better to keep things simple. The only premise I'll go with is that America isn't all that partisan one way or the other. So I figure the odds are against Harris simply because Americans aren't that liberal to provide the Democrats capturing victories in 4 out of the last 5 presidential races.
Joe Biden’s presidency is over. It’s now a half-dead vessel, much like the man himself, but Democrats appear overjoyed that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the 2024 Democratic mantle, though it’s not like Joe had much choice. He had to back Harris if he bowed out. The disunity he sowed by remaining in the race led to an unprecedented fracturing of the party not seen since 1968. Harris is the only person who could legally inherit his war chest. If he couldn’t run for a second term, maybe he could work on bringing the party back together. Harris’ ascension has led to over $250 million in donations, another damning sign that Biden likely would have run out of juice in the final and most critical phase of the 2024 election.

Yet, NBC’s Steve Kornacki threw cold water on the Harris candidacy, namely that she’s untested. She dropped out before the start of the primaries in 2020; Tom Steyer’s campaign lasted longer than hers. She’s also equally unpopular as Biden and owns the same record. Kornacki noted that “hope” more than numbers is inflating Democrats’ hopes of keeping the White House in November.

BJ -

Harris is by far a worse candidate than lunchpail/scranton joe.
She starts out a -9 in the states that will decide the election.
She will get a slight bump at the beginning and one at the convention (if it is still her)

She is very unlikely to win.
Kamala's candidacy has excited the base of the party, also women, young and swing voters, reaching a fever pitch comparable to Obama's 2008 campaign, which culminated with a landslide win for Obama. This is the biggest swing in political history when a sure win by trump and the maga cult turned overnight into certain huge win by Kamala. Looks like the maga cult can't catch a break.
Kamala's candidacy has excited the base of the party, also women, young and swing voters, reaching a fever pitch comparable to Obama's 2008 campaign, which culminated with a landslide win for Obama. This is the biggest swing in political history when a sure win by trump and the maga cult turned overnight into certain huge win by Kamala. Looks like the maga cult can't catch a break.
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Have you seen any polling that shows she's as popular with blacks or women as Biden?
The Ds were going to have some kind of mini convention. I don't know how it works at a convention in a situation like this where, at the last minute, the nominee drops out, but the thing is that Harris hasn't received ONE vote yet (unless you consider the H-B ticket 2020 but mostly people voted for B for pres, not so much her). But in any case, I have heard that in some states (NV?) it is too late to put anyone else (rather than B) on the ballot. I wish the news stations or allegedly news stations would explain how this kind of thing works. But in any case, I do understand what Too Late means... So do you know much about this process, enough to answer this Q I have:

Is the cackling Kamala the only candidate the Ds can run?
pretty much, yeah.

-the v.p. would be he natural replacement candidate for the newly opened candidate position...

it would cause division and possible chaos, if she were not the chosen replacement by delegates,

when she was always on the 2024 Biden ticket, as his replacement, if something were ever to happen to him.

And you know the saying...

Divided we fall,
United we stand (or sometimes said, together we stand)

-And secondly....

Money money money money, money!

Biden's $92 million left in his kitty for re-election, is Biden/Harris money and she has access to all that money, where other candidates would not and never would.

She also has access to a nationwide network already in place, in all states and counties, for the Biden/Harris campaign.

And third, there isn't enough time for another Democratic contender, to do all of the above,or to win over delegates to his or her side before the convention.

Who wants to jump in, when it is an inevitable loss?

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