With a win, will we be calling her 'President Default'?

What do you care? Do you want your social security? We have a worker shortage at the same time we have record old fucks retiring and sucking off uncle sams tits. Do you want the treasury to go broke or something?

We aren't having enough kids. We can't fix this without immigrants. Companies want growth and say they need low wage workers? Where the fuck do you think you are going to find cheap labor dummy?

In the 2000's we had 1 job for every 20 workers. Back then, I couldn't agree with you more on this. But today we have unfilled jobs. Illegal immigrants or asylum seekers really isn't even an issue today. Tells me your desperate and Joe's done such a good job, you're nit picking. Seriously.

So let's just let the entire third-world to flood right in then, right?
Let's let all these uneducated unskilled people in. Yeah, that will drive wages up.
I guess the cities all across this nation who are seeing their services and budgets blown up, can just suck it up.
Kamala could be very good for our foreign relations.
So let's just let the entire third-world to flood right in then, right?
Let's let all these uneducated unskilled people in. Yeah, that will drive wages up.
I guess the cities all across this nation who are seeing their services and budgets blown up, can just suck it up.
No I didn't say that. I don't like them coming that way by the thousands seeking asylum.

You see, this is what I love about Democrats. Trump would just score points with you playing wack a mole and never really solve the problem. Biden would make a partnership with countries in South America, get them trading with us so to eventually improve their countries economic situation so they don't need to come here anymore. They can make money at home.

And then those "shitholes" will be our friends not Russia's.
And I'm sick of showing it, but Clinton was going after illegal employers are Bush stopped. Reagan also turned a blind eye to illegal employers because it's a way for companies to max profits. So up until racist Trump, Republicans have always loved illegals. Actually, half your party. We've always known your party is divided on this. Who knew when this was written that one day the racists would take over the party.

This is what we were saying in 06. We sound a lot like Trump huh?

Not me. Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President.

Republicans who listen to Republican media have a very negative attitude about Kamala just like they do Pelosi, Whitmer, AOC, Hillary. They hate liberal women. So they just assume this is a bad candidate because they don't like her.

I asked my co worker who is now bitching about Harris and Trump. Last week she was just bitching about Biden. Now it's Trump and Harris. So I asked her, "can I ask you a question? Who would you have liked if the Dems picked them?" And she was honest she said none of them.

So why is she worried about who the Dems picked? Clearly she's never going to vote for a Democrat. And what she's actually revealing is that she doesn't like her candidate.

She's one of those women who wants abortion to remain legal and her daughter protests against Republican book burnings but something at her core makes her lean right. It's women like her who I want Republicans to win and take her rights away like we said they would. Or I want Republicans to outlaw gay marriage and see Bruce Jenner be forced to come piss in the mens room.
I mean, Trump is a despicable piece of shit of a human being. You could insert any person in the country into Kamala's role and people would rally behind them. There's no need for you to be so confused.
Trump's agendas were working. Progs agendas will make us poorer and poorer. And we see it in reality.
Not me. Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President.

Yes, on paper she's very qualified, but she has consistently had worse approval ratings than Biden, and she went down in flames very quickly when she ran in 2020. You would think that this was a huge opportunity for those consistently rumored candidates such as Newsom, Hillary, Whitmer etc to swoop in. Instead, they've all immediately jumped on her bandwagon.
I think there's more going on here, I think they believe they'll sit it out and let her be the one who ends up being the sacrificial lamb.
So let's just let the entire third-world to flood right in then, right?
Let's let all these uneducated unskilled people in. Yeah, that will drive wages up.
I guess the cities all across this nation who are seeing their services and budgets blown up, can just suck it up.
Why don't YOU go pick my lettuce then?

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