Is Very Old Man Trump Chicken to Debate Kamala?

Trumps age worries me…

He is an overweight elderly man with incontinence issues.
He struggles to stay on topic, repeats himself, struggles with truth, throws temper tantrums

Republicans need to run younger candidates
He has more energy than Kamala though. Kamala smoke that ganga man.
He has more energy than Kamala though. Kamala smoke that ganga man.




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Experience as a Federal Prosecutor, Attorney General and twice elected US Senator

What does JD Vance offer?
Again you’re avoiding the question. VP picks are to help the Presidential candidate win a state or sure up support with a voting block. Pence helped Trump with evangelical voters Obama picked Biden because he at that time was seen as someone who had the experience Obama didn’t Hillary picked Tim Caine to sure up Virginia Trump picked Vance to try and appeal to blue collar voters especially in the so called rust belt. Harris did none of that as Sean Connery said in the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Again you’re avoiding the question. VP picks are to help the Presidential candidate win a state or sure up support with a voting block. Pence helped Trump with evangelical voters Obama picked Biden because he at that time was seen as someone who had the experience Obama didn’t Hillary picked Tim Caine to sure up Virginia Trump picked Vance to try and appeal to blue collar voters especially in the so called rust belt. Harris did none of that as Sean Connery said in the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Your question was asked and answered

Now, what experience does JD Vance offer?
The issue was not the age per se. The mental health combined with the age was.
And trumps memtal health was never questioned as he blurted incoherent nonsese in all his rallies and during the debate. Trump is in worse shape than Biden, yet you will try telling me how he isn't.
And trumps memtal health was never questioned as he blurted incoherent nonsese in all his rallies and during the debate. Trump is in worse shape than Biden, yet you will try telling me how he isn't.
Trump is in a far better shape than Biden is. It is without a doubt. Only blind, deaf or hypocrite can say otherwise. Biden's second nomination was insanity. Every sane person could see that. The Democrat sheep aren't among them.

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