And the lying continues: Harris says Trump will ban all abortions!

Convicted felon Trump's running mate disagrees with you....and Trump picked him so....that's the convicted felon's position as well.
I don't think this is true. I think Trump probably believes much the same way as his Catholic VP does: that abortion is always wrong and the age is irrelevant. He just knows he can lose a lot of voters if he says that.. (?). I say this because Trump is very intelligent. It doesn't make logical sense to put an age restriction on abortion. Either a person is human and alive or he or she is not. . no gray area. Only ectopic pregnancies have no hope for both mother and child, but some day maybe new technology can save both. I guess that's not do able today..

In any case, I always try to see things God's way, not man's (often stupid) way.. If man is disconnected with God, he will get many many things wrong
I have listened to Trump's policy statements for years now. He has NEVER supported banning all abortions. Nobody in the world is more pro life than I am and I oppose banning all abortions. And I do not believe the federal government has any authority to regulate abortion period.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not a "slut chaser" but isn't Kameltoe an "anytime, anyplace" abortion cheerleader?

Like, the kid has black hair, hit it on the head with a hammer, and sell the organs.

I really don't know... which stems from absolutely not giving a fuck what that slut thinks.... but I am curious.

kamala working the room.jpg
But didn't you know OP that the lying never ends?

The lying is the default position of the corrupt Left! ;)
Yes, LYING is a democrat's native language.

Truth would turn that cult into toxic dust in a few months.

Frankly, I wish all abortion was banned... EVERY stage of a pregnancy.

What..(?) Is a person not a person until he attains to a certain age--age to be determined by the STATE, of all entities?!

NO, our rights come from nature and nature's God, as Jefferson put it.

What a liar these people are... Told ya... just told ya

They are all the same! And then, as someone on Fox said recently, bribum (not name used by Fox LOL) has dementia but Harris acts like she has it. What's all that cackling about?

No wonder Trump is in a hurry to debate this unthinking hack liar...

Thing is if we had a country of intelligent, smart, capable, independent, strong willed, and responsible people and if america had its morals, values, and standards abortion would be almost non existent.

Even in our best days it's still existed somewhat but it was a shameful act that people would never speak about. Or if a girl got pregnant she would go somewhere else, have the child, put it up for adoption then come back home and no one spoke of it

Was that perfect? No. But it sure as hell was a whooooollllleeeee lot better than what we have today.

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