Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, the run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady
they will burn her at the stake if they get a chance.
LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, they run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady
Why do you always lie about Melania?
This will be an "interesting" campaign. Harris has a mountain of recorded statements that show her to be a beyond-Sanders Lefty, advocating policies that no one over 16 years old would take seriously. The Biden Administration was a colossal failure, and her one conspicuous assigned task - the border - was worst of all.

Right now, we are witnessing manufactured enthusiasm but that can't last long. Rest assured she will appear in no venue where she is not wildly loved.

She is a horrible candidate, but with optimal packaging, maybe the voters won't notice.
She had ONE JOB to freaking DO and that was the Border but she completely blew it OFF! LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you always lie about Melania?

Melania was a porn star
Well maybe I give her too much credit by calling her a “star”
She was more of a low end skank who did any porn shots that were offered to her.

But don't you see? Kamala was PAID for her illicit sex. She trashed a family and used them as stepping stones to advance her career. Trump never did anything of the sort.

Like many Americans she had consensual unmarried sex

It was Trump who paid for his dalliance with Stormy Daniels….Bigly
Republicans run a candidate who was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein and they have the GALLL to attack Kamala Harris for an extra marital affair

And the other thing is, guys, if she's going to demand special treatment as a woman and play herself as the victim, then she has to also understand women are held to a higher standard when it comes to sexual misconduct. She really can't have it both ways

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