The real President Trump and what he achieved...history will remember him far better than they remember his attackers...

Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.

He did more in one yr than Obama/Bush did in 16

Amen to that,the trump haters like smellybozo err sealybobo and Penelope shills can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Explain that one to smellybozo for me 2aguy when he comes on here to sling shit in defeat,cause I don’t waste my time on him anymore.

Smellybozo does not want to deal with reality trump is the first president sense carter to not start a new war. :iyfyus.jpg:
He murdered an Iranian general. We still haven't been paid back for that one yet.

What about this?

Trump announces strikes on Syria following suspected chemical weapons attack by Assad forces
"Clearly, the Assad regime did not get the message last year," Defense Secretary Mattis said. "This time, our allies and we have struck harder."

Assad did what he did on Trump's watch. Trump bombed them. So that means Trump got sucked into a "war". Trump started a new "war". It wasn't like he was in Syria because Obama got us into a quagmire. That was Bush who did that to us. So Obama bombed some middle east shit holes and so did Trump. What's the difference?
Trump did cross the Red Line though. Something the pussy Obama said but didn't. You call that a war....lolololol
No I don't ram boy does.
You just said Trump got sucked in a war.
Oh yea. Now I see what you mean. I'm anticipating LA RAM FAGS comeback. He might want to suggest that Trump was in Syria cleaning up Obama's mess. Not true. Syria supposedly gassed it's civilians and that is what "sucked" Trump into getting involved. If Obama did what Trump did Ram Fag would be calling that one of Obama's illegal wars but he won't do that to Trump. And now it turns out that gassing of civilians might have been a lie. And then a cover up by the white house. When Bolton was working for Trump, before they had a fallout, Bolton threatened the inspectors.
Trump will be remembered as an abject failure who inherited a strong and stable and union and brought it to the precipice of ruin. He will be ranked the worst President of all time. As a matter of fact, he will be the first president ever to be whitewashed from history: forever a stain on the American presidency.
Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.


And don't forget: When mobs were rioting and looting and vandalizing in our cities last Spring and Summer, President Trump refused to kneel in cowardice in order to placate them.

Someday some of those foolish young people who participated in that mayhem and some of the older people who declined to vote for President Trump in November will realize what a big mistake they made.

They are seeing the first hints of that they see the democrats calling for concentration camps for Trump voters, making it impossible for Trump voters to find work.......taking Trump voters off the internet....

1930s playbook all over again...

Some Dems are so out of their minds that they would gladly make this country into another North Korea.

This nuttiness can be directly traced to all the fake news given out by the American media during the last four years
Trump will be remembered as an abject failure who inherited a strong and stable and union and brought it to the precipice of ruin. He will be ranked the worst President of all time. As a matter of fact, he will be the first president ever to be whitewashed from history: forever a stain on the American presidency.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

You guys don't understand human nature or human history, hence, your desire to embrace the worst social, political and economic systems ever created by lunatics and nuts....
Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.

He did more in one yr than Obama/Bush did in 16

Amen to that,the trump haters like smellybozo err sealybobo and Penelope shills can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Explain that one to smellybozo for me 2aguy when he comes on here to sling shit in defeat,cause I don’t waste my time on him anymore.

Smellybozo does not want to deal with reality trump is the first president sense carter to not start a new war. :iyfyus.jpg:
He murdered an Iranian general. We still haven't been paid back for that one yet.

What about this?

Trump announces strikes on Syria following suspected chemical weapons attack by Assad forces
"Clearly, the Assad regime did not get the message last year," Defense Secretary Mattis said. "This time, our allies and we have struck harder."

Assad did what he did on Trump's watch. Trump bombed them. So that means Trump got sucked into a "war". Trump started a new "war". It wasn't like he was in Syria because Obama got us into a quagmire. That was Bush who did that to us. So Obama bombed some middle east shit holes and so did Trump. What's the difference?
Trump did cross the Red Line though. Something the pussy Obama said but didn't. You call that a war....lolololol
No I don't ram boy does.
You just said Trump got sucked in a war.
I'm making fun of Ram Fag. He keeps saying "Obama's wars". What wars right? He's nuts.

Start with overthrowing the government in Egypt for his radical Muslim friends. Then moved on to murder the leader in Libya.
Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.

He did more in one yr than Obama/Bush did in 16

Amen to that,the trump haters like smellybozo err sealybobo and Penelope shills can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.
Explain that one to smellybozo for me 2aguy when he comes on here to sling shit in defeat,cause I don’t waste my time on him anymore.

Smellybozo does not want to deal with reality trump is the first president sense carter to not start a new war. :iyfyus.jpg:
He murdered an Iranian general. We still haven't been paid back for that one yet.

What about this?

Trump announces strikes on Syria following suspected chemical weapons attack by Assad forces
"Clearly, the Assad regime did not get the message last year," Defense Secretary Mattis said. "This time, our allies and we have struck harder."

Assad did what he did on Trump's watch. Trump bombed them. So that means Trump got sucked into a "war". Trump started a new "war". It wasn't like he was in Syria because Obama got us into a quagmire. That was Bush who did that to us. So Obama bombed some middle east shit holes and so did Trump. What's the difference?
Trump did cross the Red Line though. Something the pussy Obama said but didn't. You call that a war....lolololol
No I don't ram boy does.
You just said Trump got sucked in a war.
I'm making fun of Ram Fag. He keeps saying "Obama's wars". What wars right? He's nuts.

Start with overthrowing the government in Egypt for his radical Muslim friends. Then moved on to murder the leader in Libya.
Obama said one of his biggest regrets. Easy to armchair qb
Obama said one of his biggest regrets. Easy to armchair qb

Really? Obama's Muslim Brotherhood advisors were so radical that they were forbidden to hold office in Egypt. Egypt had to overthrow Obama's violent extremists after the damage Obama did to their country...
A normal person, with no agenda, would have taken a word from the wise. But Obama DID have an agenda. Iran, his JV team, the Muslim brotherhood...
Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.

Keep in mind....with all of the great things President Trump managed to achieve, he will be a man leaving public office with less than he had going into public office.....he actually sacrificed in order to make America better..........

1. Selflessness
Despite knowing the booming economy would be his lasting legacy – with a 33.1% growth rate in Q-3 of 2020, why wouldn’t it be? – Trump was forced to ride the brakes to save his countrymen from the Chinese coronavirus. The White House, under his direction, created a machine to respond to the virus, ramped up the creation of tools necessary to fight it, and then the “autocrat” devolved most of its implementation to the states where elected governors, who are closer to the people, could oversee it.

Then he and VP Mike Pence incentivized Big Pharma to get busy on a vaccine. The first one was created in nine months. Nobody’s ever done that before. Trump did that.

That “selfish” billionaire gave up time spent in his cushy New York and Palm Beach mansions to work for free in the White House.

2. God and Babies
Trump likes babies. He is the most pro-life president ever. Not only did he show up to the March for Life in person, becoming the first president to do that, but he restored the Mexico City accord that halts funding for abortions in other countries. He cut federal funding for abortion in the US. He did more than any president to stop abortions. He cut funding for the UN Commission on Population Control because it was funding “coercive abortions and forced sterilizations.” He protected religious adoption agencies from religious discrimination by government.

He gave pastors more freedom to speak on political issues from the pulpit by signing an Executive Order forbidding the Treasury Department to go after religious entities during his presidency for using their First Amendment rights on political speech, under the so-called Johnson Amendment. Trump fought for freedom of conscience exemptions for doctors and other medical professionals as well as for religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor.

3. Trump Loves America
After Critical-Race Theorist-in-Chief Obama it was a breath of fresh air to have a president who actually liked America and wanted to see it succeed and its people thrive.

Trump fought for American workers by renegotiating trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada and pulled out of Davos-inspired agreements that were gigantic money sucks on the U.S. taxpayers.

He reduced regulations that kick-started business activity and propelled the American economy to its best performance in years. He took 25,000 pages off the Federal Register, saving Americans $3,100 per year.

America saw its lowest unemployment rate in 50 years before COVID flatlined the economy. This included record-low unemployment rates for blacks and Hispanics. Labor participation was the highest in years.

Trump gave people a second chance with the “First Step Act,” a criminal-justice reform program that sprung prisoners from unreasonably long sentences written, by the way, by his successor, Joe Biden.

Remember the horror stories of vets dying while on fake waiting lists to see doctors? Trump’s VA reorganization got rid of the liars and let Veterans pick their own doctors if they weren’t close to the VA.

4. Energy
Trump moved America to a net exporter of energy and by so doing made the country energy independent for the first time in 75 years.

He signed deals for energy pipelines, opened ANWR, and saved Americans money on energy. That made everything in everyday life cheaper.

5. Making Peace and Kicking Ass
Trump started no wars, for a change.

Trump and his team, especially Attorney General Bill Barr, stopped the Chinese from winning the crucial British 5-G technology that would have been a national security risk for the U.S. and the rest of the West. It was a move that put the nation on a technological war footing to prevent Chinese monitoring and surveillance by the Chinese Communist Party.

Trump began withdrawing troops and disengaging from both Syria and Afghanistan.

He took out the ISIS chief and reduced the terror group’s physical caliphate to roughly the size of your dad’s garage. OK, maybe a little larger.

President Trump put the Iranians on their heels when he took out the number one terrorist in the world’s number one terror state.

Trump’s “entitled” and “dumb” son-in-law did more to make peace in the Middle East than anyone since Jimmy Carter.

The Abraham Accords were the brokered peace deals between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries, including the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and Sudan. Jared Kushner, Mike Pompeo and their teams brokered a “normalization” deal between Morocco and Israel. Saudi Arabia and Mauritania are expected to follow on in the coming months. Let me repeat, Saudi Arabia is expected to follow on. Let’s hope it happens.

He will be remembered as the second worst president in our history.
thank you President Biden

Great news for America Bad for republicans​

Futures just shot up with some volume​

All times CET

Markets Embrace Russian Media Report on Troops (9:25 a.m.)

European stocks gained after Russia’s Defense Ministry said that Moscow is returning some troops to bases following drills. The Stoxx Europe 600 Index was up 0.7% by 9:18 a.m., while European gas and oil prices fell.

Units of the Russian Western and Southern military districts will start returning to permanent bases on Tuesday after completing drills, the Interfax news service reports, citing the ministry. It’s unclear where these forces are currently positioned.

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