Should VP Kamala Harris Return the Thousands of Dollars the Trump's Have Donated to Her Campaigns?

Trump did not offer up the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the TSA. And all sides made them stronger over th years. With the Progs destroying people using them and the laws enacted against hose they deemed as enemies of the glorious Soviet style state. Ask Merrick Garland. Thats right he won't say it.
Riots all over America...
Should VP Kamala Harris Return the Thousands of Dollars the Trump's Have Donated to Her Campaigns? Should she do it at a press conference or on a debate stage (if the old man would agree to debate her)?

It's amazing what a waffler the Trump's are when it comes to politics. With Democrats one day, not another. And donating to California state campaigns had nothing to do with NY state politics.

Let's be clear: Kamala Harris LOVES Donald Trump's money.


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