Criticism of Israel

Huh? The point is that YOU, driven by your antisemitism, are bitching that Jews have stolen land from Arabs, when 99.5% of the Middle East is Arabs who have stolen land from Jews.

So now your deflection is that hey….all those Arabs merely stole the Jews’ land and then drove them out, so it’s not as bad as what Hitler did?!

Don’t deflect. You’re not talking to a gullible leftist. You are talking to an intelligent Jewish woman who won’t be fooled by your moving the goalposts once I point out your hypocrisy.
YOU are antisemitic madam, I stand with these persecuted people, why don't you? because YOU are the true antisemite.


Now please answer my question, why do you not stand with these Jews? don't run away, don't name call, don't act like an entitled teenager - ANSWER THE QUESTION


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YOU are antisemitic madam, I stand with these persecuted people, why don't you? because YOU are the true antisemite.

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Now please answer my question, why do you not stand with these Jews? don't run away, don't name call, don't act like an entitled teenager - ANSWER THE QUESTION
And you are the antisemitic G poster. Posting a few pics of the extreme 1% of Jews proves nothing.
YOU are antisemitic madam, I stand with these persecuted people, why don't you? because YOU are the true antisemite.

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Now please answer my question, why do you not stand with these Jews? don't run away, don't name call, don't act like an entitled teenager - ANSWER THE QUESTION
See those guys in the photo? They are awesome -- incredibly committed Zionists. Ardent believers in the Jewish supremacy in the land of Israel. They pray for it and sing for it. They cry for it. They are Zionists. If you think they aren't then maybe you don't know what you are talking about.
why do you not stand with these Jews? don't run away, don't name call, don't act like an entitled teenager - ANSWER THE QUESTION.
Why would I stand with the 1% of Jews who are misguided? Why don’t YOU stand with the majority of Jews who stand with Israel - and against Jew-haters like you?
See those guys in the photo? They are awesome -- incredibly committed Zionists. Ardent believers in the Jewish supremacy in the land of Israel. They pray for it and sing for it. They cry for it. They are Zionists. If you think they aren't then maybe you don't know what you are talking about.

Why are they protesting and holding up signs that condemn Zionism? and Zionist Terrorism? and demanding that all Palestine be under Palestinian Sovereignty?
Why would I stand with the 1% of Jews who are misguided? Why don’t YOU stand with the majority of Jews who stand with Israel - and against Jew-haters like you?

Again no answer from you, only an evasive claim of them being "misguided". They are not misguided, they are Jews and use the Torah as their guide, that's what most Jews did for thousands of years, for a Jew you sure have huge gaps in your knowledge of Jews.

What are they objecting to? why do they want Palestine to be under Palestinian sovereignty?

You have no idea, do you, you just don't have a clue what this is all about.
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See folks, see how the Zionist xenophobes respond when the truth is presented to them? They get angry, post slurs, condemn and evade.

Attempting to discus the thousands of Jews who support the Palestinian cause and denounce Zionism and Zionist Israel is their Achilles heel.

They wish these people would just go away, it destroys their narrative, a narrative built on decades of lies and racial supremacist ideology:

Why are they protesting and holding up signs that condemn Zionism? and Zionist Terrorism? and demanding that all Palestine be under Palestinian Sovereignty?
ahh, a very good question and it hearkens back to a question someone asked earlier, about why we need a definition of the word -- it is because the word "Zionism" has many different meanings and many of them overlap at least partially, but some diverge in many ways. Those guys are Zionists and they know it. If you ask them, they won't deny it, but will explain the word differently.
Why would I stand with the 1% of Jews who are misguided?
I have no idea where you found the 1%, I suppose you just plucked it out of thin air.


So, how a non-Jew who shares views with at least 25% of all Jews, can be accused of being antisemitic, escapes me, it is a terrible thing to say to me, it is in fact repugnant to speak to me in that way, but it is typical of xenophobes be they gentile or Jewish.
ahh, a very good question and it hearkens back to a question someone asked earlier, about why we need a definition of the word -- it is because the word "Zionism" has many different meanings and many of them overlap at least partially, but some diverge in many ways. Those guys are Zionists and they know it. If you ask them, they won't deny it, but will explain the word differently.
I already know what Zionism means, I asked a Jew, Zionism is to Zionist what Nazism is to Nazi:


You skipped over this part of the question "why are they demanding that all Palestine be under Palestinian Sovereignty?" So do you want to stay really human? then wake up.
See folks, see how the Zionist xenophobes respond when the truth is presented to them? They get angry, post slurs, condemn and evade.

Attempting to discus the thousands of Jews who support the Palestinian cause and denounce Zionism and Zionist Israel is their Achilles heel.

They wish these people would just go away, it destroys their narrative, a narrative built on decades of lies and racial supremacist ideology:

View attachment 982528

Maybe they’ll get called up for the army.
Maybe they’ll get called up for the army.
They likely will be if they live in antisemitic Israel. But they likely won't accept that, they do not recognize state authority over how they live, how they conduct their lives, they recognize God first and foremost, that conviction is what bonded them across vast continents and over vast stretches of time.
They likely will be if they live in antisemitic Israel. But they likely won't accept that, they do not recognize human authority over how they live, how they conduct their lives, they recognize God first and foremost, that conviction is what bonded them across vast continents and over vast stretches of time.

I don’t know what you’re hoping to achieve.

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