Vance-Project 2025 Not Popular

If you start shit the army will end you internet tough guy.
What army? The one that has 80% of its members saying they won't fight? And we start nothing. We aren't violent, like you. Mr. "Fuck you. Make a move and you are dead. Your family is dead.rveryone you knew is dead. Bring bitch and quit talking on a chatboard, you fucking pussies. You are not men. You are fat babies."
There are these things called BAROMETERS. I know, science instruments hurt your head, but here's the deal, smart people, like us, can read those instruments, so we really don't need a government telling us what is coming. We can already figure it out.

Morons, like you though, you need the nanny state to tell you what to do.
You really are an idiot. A barometer won't save you from a Cat 5 you slack jawed yokel.
What army? The one that has 80% of its members saying they won't fight? And we start nothing. We aren't violent, like you. Mr. "Fuck you. Make a move and you are dead. Your family is dead.rveryone you knew is dead. Bring bitch and quit talking on a chatboard, you fucking pussies. You are not men. You are fat babies."
Your Depends called. You need to change them, Boomer.
You really are an idiot. A barometer won't save you from a Cat 5 you slack jawed yokel.
No, nothing will you pinhead. But we at least have enough sense to not build in low areas.

The idea of scrapping the civil service rules bothers most people.

The idea being that an Administration could now fire any of them for almost any reason is the antithesis of what used to be a non political part of government
Well FDR argued that unions were antithetical to the notion of government service in the Federal Gvt. My how far the Dem party has changed.
Like Florida you fuckwad yokel? Isn't it almost supper time for you blue hairs? When is Matlock on?
I don't live in florida you blithering moron. Try and keep up. I don't know. I don't watch TV, that's for braindead drones, like you. Now, go pleasure yourself, INCEL.

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