Project 2025

These two cretins seem to love it

Trump and his people want nothing to do with it… publicly

It's a conservative agenda, so most conservatives will agree with it. 🤡

And Trump is distancing himself from it because, as usual, the left is lying out their asses and attacking it all over the place as demonstrated by all of your little links. And stupid little lemmings like you will eat up every lie as you usually do. Same shit, different day.
It's a conservative agenda, so most conservatives will agree with it. 🤡

And Trump is distancing himself from it because, as usual, the left is lying out their asses and attacking it all over the place as demonstrated by all of your little links. And stupid little lemmings like you will eat up every lie as you usually do. Same shit, different day.
“All my little links” expose it for the crazy that it is

And THAT is what Rrump is running away from
“All my little links” expose it for the crazy that it is

And THAT is what Rrump is running away from

Your links lie, and you would label anything conservative as 'crazy', so not much of an endorsement. :dunno:
A superb ruling -- free speech!
No one likes it. Only right wingers who are anti union. Unions don't have the same power as corporations.

You fool. Don't cry that America is corrupt and then celebrate Citizens United. You advocate for the super rich to take over our democacy.

Not surprised. You're voting/hoping for a king. Most of you Republicans want a dictator like Putin. No liberals. No freedom. Just your way. Very unamerican. Boy the rich own your ass.
Your links are all dishonest characterizations of the actual text of the project.

This is a lie.
You're trying to distance yourself from Project 2025 just like you did PNAC in the 2000's.

You played dumb then, look what happened. Everything PNAC wanted, Bush pushed.

Trump will suck Project 2025's cock. If the Supreme's help him steal this one. That's really his only chance. with the help of the corporate media of course.
Unsurprisingly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm right.

It goes right along with this right wing Supreme Court being the least trusted/liked Supreme Court in our nations history. It was a very unpopular thing they passed like Roe V Wade.

New poll shows majority of Americans believe Supreme Court justices put ideology over impartiality​

Fox News Poll: Supreme Court approval rating drops to record low

45% think the court is too conservative, a new high​

Lets' see if we can bring some sanity back to your batshit crazy.

1: You hate Project 2025
2: Project 2025 is not Trump's agenda

So... what?
Oh yes it is. Trump serves the Heritage Foundation and they support him. They got him elected.

The one time the justices let Trump down was 2020. They couldn't go along with the steal. It was too many swing states to steal. But if it's closer this time they'll go along. Clarence and Alito's wives are election deniers so you know so are they. Vergogna!

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