Trump says the authors of Project 2025 are extremists, compares to far left

Exactly!l All these libs are condemning it without having a clue as to what is in it, and abolishing the Dept of Ed is one of their good goals. It’s run by a bunch of left-wing radicals pushing all that “woke” education.

Each state sets their own curriculum.

- If state leaders have as an objective that their high school graduates are prepared for either college or jobs, they will have a mix of academic subjects and vocational subjects.

- If state leaders have as their objective that their graduates should finish high school hating whites (and America), thinking that there are 54 genders, and that 10-year-olds needucateiddad to learn about oral sex, they will have a mix of America is Racist and Girls Have Penises Too class, and Kamala can be the guest lecturer on the last.

Let’s do it!
At one time we had the best educational programs in the world. Then came Carter and his idiocy. Our standards have gone down every year.
I'm making fun of the latest manufactured attack on Donald Trump, the "Project 2025" nonsense. All of the Democrat's attempts to indict and smear Trump have failed. Real Americans should reject the Democrat Regime.
Again, they are counting on the ignorance of their voters. Trump has nothing to do with Project 2925.
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At one time we had the best educational programs in the world. Then came Carter and his idiocy. Our standards have gone down every year.
I have my grandmother’s elementary school “primer,” as they called those things back then. She was mastering content in 6th grade (1918) that high school graduates never even are exposed to.
Project 2025 prioritizes energy over environmentalism.

It wants socially to return America back to the 1950s.

That's enough for me.
You mean when the smartest, most capable people were rewarded for their ability and outcomes? And we were the most advanced country in the world?

As far as “environmentalism” over energy, that won’t be helpful when gas is so high that people can’t get to work, can’t make their rent payments, and have to eat bugs.
LOL None of them have asked their cult masters "This is the best be can do? Criticizing a think tank's policy paper? Really?"
No, they happily believe what they’re told to believe. “You Vill Question Notink!” and be happy about it.

Trump says the authors of Project 2025 are extremists, compares to far left

Trump claims not to know who is behind Project 2025. A CNN review found at least 140 people who worked for him are involved

So you're saying trump hired extremists and now he's trying to disavow them? Or.........he didn't know they were extremists when he hired them? Or.........someone else hired them without him knowing? I can't decide which is worse.

What I do know is trump is an inveterate liar.

Project 2025: The myths and the facts

It is not a pie-in-the-sky policy agenda full of bold but empty promises. It is crafted to be a list of things the next president’s appointees really can do, put together by many people who served in top posts under Trump last time and could well do so again. (Project 2025 is also collecting a database of names of conservatives who could take jobs in Trump’s second term.)
But what does it say? Are its proposals as terrifying and extreme as progressives are claiming? And are they really what Trump would end up doing?
The answers are a bit complicated because Project 2025 encompasses a lot of different things (and there are some claims about what’s in it that are simply false). I think of its agenda as falling into three buckets:
1) Concentrating power in the presidency:
2) Achieving longtime conservative priorities:
3) Taking a hardline religious-right agenda:

Heritage does this partly by crafting and advocating for policy proposals. They also try to be a sort of “administration-in-waiting” when the GOP is out of power, with experts on their payroll who can join a newly elected administration. In some ways, Project 2025 is not new: The Heritage Foundation has been releasing extremely long (and extreme) plans for what the next conservative president should do since 1980.
Yet the dynamics this time around are different, in part due to Heritage’s close ties to Trump and in part due to the unusual situation where a former president is trying to regain office.
Ordinarily, there’d be a fair amount of ambiguity about who the next president would appoint to his administration if elected. But Trump has been president before, and when he was, he heavily relied on Heritage appointees. (After his unexpected 2016 win, he needed to quickly staff an administration and come up with policies, and Heritage was ready and waiting.)


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