Trump classified documents case dismissed. Jack Smith loses again.

Smith is not prosecuting in the courts and trials either....( Not that it matters as you claim)
there are federal prosecutors in his investigation that do that... So stop with this NONSENSE!I

Mr. Smith appears to be somewhat more involved than Mr. Mueller in the granular details of his investigations. Even so, he seldom sits in personally on witness interviews — and spoke only sparingly during two meetings with Mr. Trump’s defense lawyers, delegating the discussions to subordinates, according to people familiar with the situation.

He has been more public-facing than Mr. Mueller in one critical respect — delivering short, sober statements to the news media after each grand jury indictment.

“The prosecutors in my office are among the most talented and experienced in the Department of Justice,” he said. “They have investigated this case hewing to the highest ethical standards.”

While much attention has centered on Mr. Smith, most of the day-to-day work on critical elements of the case has been done by several prosecutors known for their aggressive approaches.

One of them is J.P. Cooney, the former leader of the public corruption division of the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington. Mr. Cooney has worked on several politically fraught trials and investigations that drew the ire of Republicans and Democrats alike.
A second key player is Thomas P. Windom, who was brought in nearly a year before Mr. Smith’s appointment to coordinate the complicated Jan. 6 investigation that had once been seated in the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington.
During Mr. Trump’s arraignment in Miami in June, Mr. Smith sat in the gallery, closely watching the proceedings. Some in the courtroom suggested he stared at Mr. Trump for much of the hearing, sizing him up.

But that was not really the case. He listened intently to the lawyers on both sides, at times leaning in toward a colleague to make a whispered comment or ask a question.
Yes Smith is, the court literally said he was
Yes Smith is, the court literally said he was
he wasn't prosecuting in the courts either...he was an independent Special Counsel coordinator in the investigations that initiated the investigations that previously already existed initially in the D.C. District of the doj in Washington DC.

Just as Mueller as an independent Special Counsel took over the Russian Interference investigations and prosecutions that already existed in the DOJ, after Deputy Attorney General ROSENSTEIN appointed him.
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In the entire history of Special Counsels, not one has ever been nominated by a president and confirmed by the Senate.
The whole purpose of these cases needing separation from appointed positions like AG Garland, is because Garland was appointed by Biden and it could have the appearance his two already existing investigations in to trump, could be politically charged once both Trump and Biden entered the presidential race, as opponents...

If Biden had to appoint the independent Special Councel over his own political opponent's investigations and indictments,

then it would defeat the purpose of an independent special councel with no allegiance to the President, and no fear of being pink slipped and replaced by a new appointment by the President as A.G. And those type of things....that Struth is ignoring.
he wasn't prosecuting in the courts either...he was an independent Special Counsel coordinator in the investigations that initiated the investigations that previously already existed initially in the D.C. District of the doj in Washington DC.

Just as Mueller as an independent Special Counsel took over the Russian Interference investigations and prosecutions that already existed in the DOJ, after Deputy Attorney General Eisenstein appointed him.
he was special cousel, not an independent counsel, yes, cases that US Attorneys had started.

Thanks for proving my point
he was special cousel, not an independent counsel, yes, cases that US Attorneys had started.

Thanks for proving my point


Mueller was a Special Counsel.

Hur was a Special Counsel.

Danforth was a Special Counsel.

There have been dozens of Special Counsels. You can't name even one who was appointed by a president and confirmed by the Senate to be a Special Counsel.

Because that never has been a requirement.

Mueller was a Special Counsel.

Hur was a Special Counsel.

Danforth was a Special Counsel.

There have been dozens of Special Counsels. You can't name even one who was appointed by a president and confirmed by the Senate to be a Special Counsel.

Because that never has been a requirement.
Mueller didn't act like a US Attorney, he was merely leading an investigation, not prosecuting any cases

Xiden didn't challege Hur's appointment

Dansforth was also just leading an investigation into the handling of Wac, he was not a prosecutor like a US Attorney. Try again
Under an order signed today by the Attorney General, the Senator will have the authority to investigate whether any government employee or agent: directly caused the loss of life at the Mt. Carmel compound, at Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993, or withheld or suppressed evidence or information or made fraudulent statements regarding the events at the Mt. Carmel compound, at Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993. He is also authorized to examine whether there was an illegal use of the armed forces in the events leading up to the loss of life on April 19, 1993.
They were confirmed to be U.S. attorneys, not Special Counsels. And you're ignoring others who were either no longer a U.S. attorney or never were one to begin with, who were also never confirmed by the Senate to be Special Counsel.
They didn't need confirmation to at as Special Prosecutors, since they were already confirmed to be prosecutors when they were confirmed as US Attorneys

Try again.

Or maybe try actually reading the Order by the Judge that explains all this
Mueller didn't act like a US Attorney, he was merely leading an investigation, not prosecuting any cases

You're lying again. Mueller prosecuted several people. Here's one...

For instance, in 2019, DOJ Special Counsel Robert Mueller prosecuted Roger Stone for obstruction of a proceeding and making false statements to the United States House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.²⁰
They didn't need confirmation to at as Special Prosecutors, since they were already confirmed to be prosecutors when they were confirmed as US Attorneys

Try again.

Or maybe try actually reading the Order by the Judge that explains all this

That's beyond stupid to think Senate confirmation is for life even after the individual leaves the office for which they were initially confirmed. :cuckoo:
he was special cousel, not an independent counsel, yes, cases that US Attorneys had started.

Thanks for proving my point
Again, APPOINTED U.S. Attorney who could be pink slipped by the president and with a new appointment by the President....any time the President could have been if a President didn't believe the U.S.Attorney over the case was being aggressive or hard enough on his political rival.

By taking it away from an appointed by the President principle officer and putting the case in the hands of an independent Special Counsel, not appointed by the president, which is an inferior said the SC previously.
When you show Smith's...
I didn't say Smith went to trial yet....but yes he was actively arging in Court. The Court even addressed that in the Order, allowing him to argue

". For purposes of this Order, the Court accepts the Special Counsel’s contested view that he qualifies as an “inferior Officer,” not a “principal” one, although the Court expresses reservations about that proposition and addresses those arguments below."

Again, APPOINTED U.S. Attorney who could be pink slipped by the president and with a new appointment by the President....any time the President could have been if a President didn't believe the U.S.Attorney over the case was being aggressive or hard enough on his political rival.

By taking it away from an appointed by the President principle officer and putting the case in the hands of an independent Special Counsel, not appointed by the president, which is an inferior said the SC previously.
Yes, US Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President...same with the AG....the Speical Cousnel is appointed by the they can be fired at will to.

As Cannon addressed in her Order, Congress could, and maybe should create a Independent Counsel Stat, like they did after Watergate, and the Dems let expire in 1999
I didn't say Smith went to trial yet....but yes he was actively arging in Court. The Court even addressed that in the Order, allowing him to argue

". For purposes of this Order, the Court accepts the Special Counsel’s contested view that he qualifies as an “inferior Officer,” not a “principal” one, although the Court expresses reservations about that proposition and addresses those arguments below."


Mueller literally got indictments on people and obtained guilty pleas. That's prosecution.


1: the act or process of prosecuting
specifically : the institution and continuance of a criminal suit involving the process of pursuing formal charges against an offender to final judgment

2: the party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted or conducted

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