The new talking point.

"They" meaning to people who voted for him.
Nope. "They" being your cult masters. The ones that FORCED Biden to bow out. The ones that have anointed Kamala you nominee even though, for the first time history she's never won a single vote in a primary or Presidential election.
Now he's decided to drop out for the good of the country. He's endorsed his VP. My biggest regret is not being able to see Harris mop the floor with the hillbilly extremist.
Why is it "for the good of the country?" Have they explained that talking point to you?
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Only in the Orwellian world in which you exist is seeking out a debate a "basement campaign." You seem to entertain contradictory thoughts quite often. Like trump being a convicted felon who tried to install himself as the un-elected prez being fit for the presidency.
There has been no sentencing, and likely won't be, and even then his so called conviction will be overturned on appeal! The actual new talking point will be anyone who is against kamala is racist, and misogynistic, and many will bleat like sheep that it's true
Why free blowjobs, she is completely unqualified to be on the ticket, and shame on you, and your progressive liberal asshat party for even putting her one heartbeat away as VP, from the nuclear codes
She is a two-time elected AG of CA, a senator who served 4 years and a VP who has served almost served 4. JD's one qualification is being someone willing to lick trump's scrotum on command.
Only in the Orwellian world in which you exist is seeking out a debate a "basement campaign."
Uh. He was, once again, conducting a basement campaign. Which made his offering a debate three months prior to their normal scheduling that much more inexplicable.
She is a two-time elected AG of CA, a senator who served 4 years and a VP who has served almost served 4. JD's one qualification is being someone willing to lick trump's scrotum on command.
She is a mattressed back political whore, who got where she is by sleeping with a married man, ole slick willy brown. Her tenure as VP has been disastrous, as her only accomplishment has been completely screwing up as border czar
She is a two-time elected AG of CA, a senator who served 4 years and a VP who has served almost served 4. JD's one qualification is being someone willing to lick trump's scrotum on command.
And she sucks cock for political advancement. Is that the level of "debate" you'd like to engage in"?
She is a mattressed back political whore, who got where she is by sleeping with a married man, ole slick willy brown. Her tenure as VP has been disastrous, as her only accomplishment has been completely screwing up as border czar

Y'all are really going to try the 'whore' card? When your candidate is a rapist who fucked pornstars while his wife was home with their child? A serial adulterer who bragged about how he could just grab women by the pussy and get away with it?

Good luck with that.
I don’t know, but since it was the Biden campaign negotiating it with the Trump campaign, it doesn’t fit the conspiracy theory that it was all orchestrated by the DNC.
Sure it does. But you refuse to ask uncomfortable questions of your party.
You didn’t answer my question. You answered a different question. Even though you didn’t respond to my questions, I responded to it like an adult. Unfortunately you edited out much of the content and did not respond to it.

So what is the party supposed to do with votes for a candidate that is no longer running?
Have a mini primary, rather than dumping 14,000,000 vote in the trash and telling you Kamala is your nominee, like it or not, and giving her a $100,000,000 war chest.
THird time. Why did Biden (not the DNC, God forbid we question the DNC) schedule the first debate literally three months prior to a Presidential debate ever being scheduled?

Isn't an earlier debate what Trump's team demanded?

LOL That's your answer? Biden offered it because Trump demanded it? Too funny

Trump wanted earlier debates. Biden agreed to them. What's the conspiracy, exactly?

If its MAGA, there's got to be a conspiracy. Your ilk HAVE to be a victim somehow, even when y'all get exactly what you asked for.

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