These are heady times for a certain type of Republican.

GFY Berg. Your hit jobs aren't witty and most Americans are well aware of how corrupt your party is and how polluted they've made our justice system. But your day, it's coming...
Very old school...

In paid private speeches, the long-retired 43rd president has been known to joke that both Trump and President Joe Biden are too old for the demands of the office.

"I'm younger than both of the candidates, and I'm too old," Bush has said in at least one speech, according to a witness who requested anonymity.

Just don't expect Bush, who turned 78 earlier this month, to say this kind of thing out loud - not even about Trump, the volatile businessman who built his political career in part by trashing the legacy of the Bush dynasty

While people often call on Bush to speak out against Trump and the Republican Party he has remade in his own image, friends and associates said he is standing by his pledge not to critique other presidents and political leaders.

"The job of the president is very hard to begin with," Ari Fleischer, former White House press secretary for Bush, told USA TODAY. "He doesn't want to make it harder for anyone, friend or foe."

"It's very old school," Fleischer added. "It's very gracious. It's very Bush."

It also has public benefits for the former president - his approval ratings have more than doubled since he left office more than 15 years ago.
Apparently the Secret Service head will refuse to honor a congressional subpoena and there is no outrage. The democrat party and the Biden administration have the system rigged so that only republicans go to jail for ignoring subpoenas.
Regardless of the aesthetics, the GQP is understandably giddy right now. Have you ever seen a series of events that so favored a party towards the end of a campaign? Amazing.

The question remains, how many of these people really understand what it is they're asking for.
First and foremost they want their grievances to be satisfied. They want their guy to have power so they can "own the libs." They want to believe someone at the top has their interests in mind. They are all in on the idea a trump victory means their deluded wishes will come true.

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