DOJ won't prosecute AG Garland for contempt for refusal to turn over audio from Biden, Hur interview

And Garland has not refuted that. so, please allow us all to know your arguments.

Arguments for what? Them giving the audio tapes over to Congress? The first one would be why does the DOJ think it gets to dictate to Congress how Congress will conduct it's oversight of the DOJ because that's not how this works. 2, The information Congress is requiring having some sort of possible political ramifications for the President or any political candidate are irrelevant and not a legal argument for not turning them over. 3. There's no executive privilege to assert as the transcripts have already been released to Congress so if those are accurate the audio tapes wouldn't have anything privileged that wasn't already exposed.

What's the argument for not turning over the audio files?
That's compelling. Got a link for that?

So you think all these people who are rating the economy as not good are all doing fantastic but are polling that way because they heard on Foxnews that the economy was bad?
When Dems are in charge, Republicans think the economy is terrible. When Republicans are in charge, Dems think the economy is terrible.

Now, are we to believe that Dems suddenly and predictably suffer changes to their personal economic situations just as a Republican takes office and vice versa? Or do other factors cloud our judgement?
When Dems are in charge, Republicans think the economy is terrible. When Republicans are in charge, Dems think the economy is terrible.

Now, are we to believe that Dems suddenly and predictably suffer changes to their personal economic situations just as a Republican takes office and vice versa? Or do other factors cloud our judgement?
Biden is 18 points under water on the economy. 27 on inflation.
I didn't say more transparent. I said more in line in what the separation of powers should mean in practice.

Look this is the main argument I'm getting from you, Berg, and John Edgar. "We know the Republicans are making a demand of the Democrats in bad faith. We also know if the situation would be reversed, they wouldn't think of doing it themselves. Therefor Democrats shouldn't do it either."

And I agree with all of you in all it's particulars. Except that last sentence. I'm not naive. But to me it's simply doubling down on a bad argument. One that encourages behavior that WILL lead to 2 parties not interested in governing but simply retaliating against one another. Something I wouldn't even mind IF there's a principled stance behind it. "The other side are assholes" is not a policy position I recognize.

I don't think they should do it because Republicans are going to manipulate the footage and lie about his mental accuity, just like they're doing with the "pauses". Democrats keep laying down and giving Republicans everything they ask for and it's NEVER ENOUGH for Republicans because there's nothing they can USE in the materials given.

Eric Holder turned over more than 10,000 pages of documents for Fast and Furious and they still found him in contempt of Congress, because there was nothing in the documents he turned over they could use against him. The House and Senate went all the way to the Supreme Court and found Holder in contempt and he turned over 80,000 more pages of documents, but they still couldn't find anything that Holder, Obama or the DOJ did that was illegal, improper or wrong.

The bad decisions relating to that the operation were all made at the local level and not ordered from on high. The report found NOTHING. NO ONE was ever charged. It was just another Republican rumour of Democrats acting badly that wasn't based on reality.
That's compelling. Got a link for that?

So you think all these people who are rating the economy as not good are all doing fantastic but are polling that way because they heard on Foxnews that the economy was bad?

Not all of them but yes. People are telling pollsters, they're doing fine but the country isn't.

Of course right wing media tells them daily that things are awful, so how you feel may well be tied to who you're listening to.
When Dems are in charge, Republicans think the economy is terrible. When Republicans are in charge, Dems think the economy is terrible.

Now, are we to believe that Dems suddenly and predictably suffer changes to their personal economic situations just as a Republican takes office and vice versa? Or do other factors cloud our judgement?
Political parties can interfere with the percentage of growth.
Arguments for what? Them giving the audio tapes over to Congress? The first one would be why does the DOJ think it gets to dictate to Congress how Congress will conduct it's oversight of the DOJ because that's not how this works. 2, The information Congress is requiring having some sort of possible political ramifications for the President or any political candidate are irrelevant and not a legal argument for not turning them over. 3. There's no executive privilege to assert as the transcripts have already been released to Congress so if those are accurate the audio tapes wouldn't have anything privileged that wasn't already exposed.

What's the argument for not turning over the audio files?

1. Because Congress does not have an unfettered right to anything it asks for. Where is the "legislative requirement" for this ask? Why aren't they asking for the audio of Trump's FBI Interview to judge his mental accuity? Because there is no FBI internview of Donald Trump.

2. The purpose of "oversight" is not political, it's legal. It's to determine if the laws need to be changed to facilitate the proper operation of a program. They really didn't require the transcript of the interview either, but the Biden Administration isn't fighting oversight or transparency.

3. What part of Congress doesn't have a legitimate legislative need for the audio, and there is no purpose to their having it are you not understanding. Get back to us when Trump agrees to testify to anyone about anything.
1. Because Congress does not have an unfettered right to anything it asks for. Where is the "legislative requirement" for this ask? Why aren't they asking for the audio of Trump's FBI Interview to judge his mental accuity? Because there is no FBI internview of Donald Trump.

Where are you getting the "legislative requirement" for Congressional oversight? It's a check on the executive. If they are entitled to the transcripts how is it logical that they arent to audio files?
2. The purpose of "oversight" is not political, it's legal. It's to determine if the laws need to be changed to facilitate the proper operation of a program. They really didn't require the transcript of the interview either, but the Biden Administration isn't fighting oversight or transparency.

Yes, which is why the argument that the Republicans are going to use it as a political tool so the DOJ doesn't have to listen to Congress is so fucking stupid. If that stands every admin going forward can just claim that whatever Congress is asking for is going to be used for political means and so they don't have to comply with any Congressional oversight requirements.

3. What part of Congress doesn't have a legitimate legislative need for the audio, and there is no purpose to their having it are you not understanding. Get back to us when Trump agrees to testify to anyone about anything.

Again where are you getting that the Congress has to have some "legislative need" in order to exercise their oversight of the executive? But if you want one, Congress passed the laws that the DOJ was interviewing Biden about, they need those audio tapes in order to ensure the transcripts are accurate (it's already been established they were edited) and to establish whether or not the laws surrounding classified documents need to be amended in some way.
When Dems are in charge, Republicans think the economy is terrible. When Republicans are in charge, Dems think the economy is terrible.

Now, are we to believe that Dems suddenly and predictably suffer changes to their personal economic situations just as a Republican takes office and vice versa? Or do other factors cloud our judgement?

When Republicans are in charge of the economy, they crash it. Trump, W, Reagan. Bush 41 is the only Republican since Nixon who DIDN'T crash the economy.

And it wasn't so great for Bush 41 either. Clinton's campaign ran on the slogan "It's the economy, Stupid".

Republicans crash the economy, Democrats get it patched up and back on track and Republicans come in, cut taxes, and crash the economy - again.

I don't understand why Americans think the economy is better under Republicans. Better for whom?????
dude, it seems you don't have working brain cells either!!!! There's a transcript already out that is supposedly from the audio!!! Refusing to turn over the audio implies only one thing? do you know what that is? Are you intelligent enough to understand that message?

I highly doubt it, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt at this moment. Let's see.

Well if there were any possibility of that the Trump Cult Special Prosecutor who investigated Biden and conducted the FBI Interview with Biden would have said so now wouldn't he?????
You only have one right, and that is to lick the boots of the DNC.

The White House doesn't want the audio of the Biden-Hur interviews because they know it would confirm the transcripts. The transcripts show, incredibly, that Biden could not remember when he was vice president, among other troubling memory lapses.

The White House has claimed that the transcripts are inaccurate. Okay, then why not release the audio to prove this claim??? We all know why.
LOL like the Republicans have created "cheap fakes" "deep fakes" of the President's numerous brain freezes?
/----/ Prove it by showing the unedited videos. You won't, because you can't.
The videos weren't edited. You're listening to propaganda.
/----/ "LOL like the Republicans have created "cheap fakes" "deep fakes" of the President's numerous brain freezes?"
Why are you playing stupid? Then show both the real videos and the so called cheap fakes.

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