Zone1 Regarding the attempted assassination of Trump.

Lisa558,the difference between a registered Democrat and myself aren't of great consequences. I was a registered Democrat voter for almost my entire adult life, and I remain in agreement with them regarding most issues. Essentially the differences among people aren't usually of any great consequences unless we make it so.

This facet of our discussion brings to mind “Gulliver's Travels” Lilliputens, a race of tiny men who went to war over the issue of which end of an egg should be cracked open before eating the egg. Some fool's reason for murdering Trump may have been to defend some unknown pregnant woman's right to choose if she did or didn't wish to be a mother that year. We people haven't sufficient our own problems? Why do we have a need to tell others how they should live and think? Respectfully, Supposn
You’re making an excuse for the person who tried to murder Trump?

What part of "Violence is inexcusable" don't you understand? BTW, the Dems had nothing to do with the attempt so far as I know.
You then equated nonviolence with democrats rolling over and playing dead.

Why do you Stalinists always engage in this sort of double talk, anyway?
Or 90 straight days in Portland Summer 2020 which included assault, murder, attacks on police, arson on a populated federal building not to mention six weeks of BLM anarchy in Seattle when citizens were denied the free use of their neighborhood and property and the shutting down of a police precinct.
The violence in Portland was not solely on BLM. Google the right-wing group Patriot Prayer.

Then we have the incendiary riot near the WH in which your ilk disparaged Trump for holding a bible. Maybe you should inform yourself.
Trump did nothing to calm the situation and instead used it as a photo op, it had nothing to do with the bible. Maybe you should inform yourself.

WTF did you get that BS 12% number--Linkie, LMAO.
You then equated nonviolence with democrats rolling over and playing dead.

Why do you Stalinists always engage in this sort of double talk, anyway?
I have no idea what your point is. I said the Dems will use every legal maneuver available, an American tradition, that gets them to their goal. In that the Dems are no different than the GOP.
I have no idea what your point is. I said the Dems will use every legal maneuver available, an American tradition, that gets them to their goal. In that the Dems are no different than the GOP.
The weaponization of government is NOT an American tradition, Stalinist.

Assassinating a former president is NOT an example of simply refusing to roll over and play dead.

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