The new talking point.

Never denied that either, sparkles. Perhaps you should actually read what others write before you start your BUT TRUMP chant.

Biden said he'd debate Trump anytime. Trump proposed a time. They agreed on a time.

Where's the conspiracy, sweetie?
Well, dumping 14,000,000 votes in the trash because you are getting you ass kicked in the polls certainly doesn't see like PROTECTING DEMOCRACY to us.

But go ahead, make your argument.
No votes were dumped. But that's what you dunce caps will keep repeating.
Never denied that either, sparkles. Perhaps you should actually read what others write before you start your BUT TRUMP chant.

You said they debated very early because of Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, etc., pushing Biden for early debates; when the facts reveal it was because of Trump pushing Biden for very early debates.

Despite knowing this, your only defense is crying, "BUT TRUMP!" As though that magically desolves the blame away from Trump for calling for very early debates, and shifts it onto Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, as you hallucinate.

That would be the world's shittiest lawyer denying they held very early debates because of Trump.
You said they debated very early because of Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, etc., pushing Biden for early debates; when the facts reveal it was because of Trump pushing Biden for very early debates.

Despite knowing this, your only defense is crying, "BUT TRUMP!" As though that magically desolves the blame away from Trump for calling for very early debates, and shifts it onto Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, as you hallucinate.

Rawley is so easy. He's crippled by the MAGA mentality that whatever they imagine is evidence. With his arguments collapsing around him the instant we don't accept whatever he makes up as fact.

Biden said he'd debate Trump anytime. Trump proposed times. The campaigns negotiated the times.

And scene. No batshit necessary.
You said they debated very early because of Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, etc., pushing Biden for early debates; when the facts reveal it was because of Trump pushing Biden for very early debates.

Despite knowing this, your only defense is crying, "BUT TRUMP!" As though that magically desolves the blame away from Trump for calling for very early debates, and shifts it onto Obama, Pelosi, the Clinton's, as you hallucinate
And in your magical world it makes more sense that Biden proposed an unprecedented debate that could potentially end his candidacy because Trump asked him to, not the leaders in his party did so. That makes sense in your world.
And in your magical world it makes more sense that Biden proposed an unprecedented debate that could potentially end his candidacy because Trump asked him to, not the leaders in his party did so. That makes sense in your world.

Its 'magic' that Trump and Biden negotiated debate dates?

Oh, sweetie. You're so far off in your own little delusional world, that you don't get how any of this actually works. And are still bizarrely trying to pin it all on 'Obama'.

Biden said he'd debate Trump anytime. Trump proposed times. The campaigns negotiated the times.

Where is the conspiracy?
And in your magical world it makes more sense that Biden proposed an unprecedented debate that could potentially end his candidacy because Trump asked him to, not the leaders in his party did so. That makes sense in your world.

No, it makes sense that Biden accepted an early date because Trump challenged him to debate early.

And again, just for fun... the only evidence you have that Obama, the Clinton's, Pelosi, Schumer, the Cookie Monster, whoever you accuse of pushing Biden to meet Trump's challenge... exists nowhere outside your deformed brain.
Its 'magic' that Trump and Biden negotiated debate dates?

Oh, sweetie. You're so far off in your own little delusional world, that you don't get how any of this actually works. And are still bizarrely trying to pin it all on 'Obama'.

Biden said he'd debate Trump anytime. Trump proposed times. The campaigns negotiated the times.

Where is the conspiracy?

I notice no matter how many times you ask that, the world's shittiest lawyer refuses to answer.
I notice no matter how many times you ask that, the world's shittiest lawyer refuses to answer.

Oh, he tried to blame Obama and Pelosi....somehow. It came off as the insane ramblings of a mental patient.

Now he doesn't even try to explain what the conspiracy is.

Biden said he'd debate Trump anytime. Trump offered a time. The campaigns negotiated a time.

No batshit required.
The actual new talking point will be anyone who is against kamala is racist, and misogynistic, and many will bleat like sheep that it's true
I take each case from board posters individually. Though there is ample evidence to show a lot of trumpers here harbor ill will towards her based on her gender and race.
No, it makes sense that Biden accepted an early date because Trump challenged him to debate early.
And that makes sense in your magical world. LOL
And again, just for fun... the only evidence you have that Obama, the Clinton's, Pelosi, Schumer, the Cookie Monster, whoever you accuse of pushing Biden to meet Trump's challenge... exists nowhere outside your deformed brain.
You can choose to ignore reality, but then you'll have a singularly unqualified candidate shoved down your throat, and told that you will like it and support her. Oh, that's right ...
Your cult masters
Obviously one of the talking points latched on to by The Following in view of their cult-like obedience to Don's dictums is, "no, you." If ever there was a better example of mindless adoration than folks at the convention wearing a pretend bandage on an ear I have yet to see it.
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It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

As is the case with quite a few talking points it is meant to be a counter narrative to some Repub vulnerability. You know, there's the talking point about how it's Joe and the Dem's fault trump was indicted four times cuz they weaponized something or other. It must be Joe's fault, it can't be Don's fault for committing crimes.

There's the Joe is a criminal talking point, wholly lacking credible evidence, as a counter to trump being indicted by four grand juries and convicted of a crime. Not to mention the civil sexual abuse (rape according to the federal, not NY standard) and tax fraud cases.

They are well practiced at muddying the waters. During trump's trials they put the focus on false accusations of judicial bias to obscure from the evidence of Don's guilt. Jan. 6 wasn't a failed coup, it was a FBI, false flag operation. The rioter's actions weren't those of traitors, they're patriots. trump isn't a convicted felon, he's a victim. The SC isn't reversing decades long precedents, they're obeying the Constitution.

You get the picture. trump has 26 credible complaints against him for various forms of sexual assault so Biden is accused of pedophilia. JD is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so Kamala is....well....all they really need to do is say she's a black woman. That'll do the trick.
did the people vote for harris for president? Just curious why you think implanting a person is democracy exactly? Here's old Jen P. to explain it to you.

Obviously one of the talking points latched on to by The Following in view of their cult-like obedience to Don's dictums is, "no you." If ever there was a better example of mindless adoration than folks at the convention wearing a pretend bandage on an ear I have yet to see it.
And that makes sense in your magical world. LOL

You can choose to ignore reality, but then you'll have a singularly unqualified candidate shoved down your throat, and told that you will like it and support her. Oh, that's right ...

By "reality," you mean I supported my position with a link to a news article describing Trump's campaign challenging Biden to a debate in April; while the only proof you offer to support your position is to make it up from your world's shittiest lawyer imagination.

Obviously one of the talking points latched on to by The Following in view of their cult-like obedience to Don's dictums is, "no you." If ever there was a better example of mindless adoration than folks at the convention wearing a pretend bandage on an ear I have yet to see it.
Really? We like, support and are loyal to our candidate and his policies while your cult backstabs and throws the "greatest President in our lifetime" under the bus. And we're the bad guys?
I've answered you seven times Sparkles. But all you can response with is "BUT TRUMP"


Did I say you ignored my posts, world's shittiest lawyer?

The answer is no.

Now you appear to be as senile as Biden.


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