The new talking point.

Who says that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi pushed Biden into earlier debates?
Who else could have convince him to offer a debate three full months prior to any Presidential debate in history?
Is it you, making shit up backed by nothing? Its you citing your imagination, isn't it?
Going with the "I dunno, it's a mystery" explanation too?
Again, Trump wanted early debates. Biden agreed to them.

Where's the conspiracy, tinfoil?

Trump asked him to resign too. Do you even realize how utterly stupid you sound what you offer up shit like this? "Trump asked him to" LOL
LOL He's mocking your party's shitting on the Democratic process and shitting on your voters. It's a hoot.

Be ready to have your bullshit "PROTECTING DEMOCRACY" bullshit down your throats, assuming the kneepadder's campaign even has the balls to trot that bullshit out.

He's shitting his pants. Just like Trump going on all caps screeds. Just like your conspiracy spinning ilk, calling biden dropping out an 'insurrection'. it a 'good news' insurrection, buddy?
We'll see what happens.

I haven't really paid all that much attention to her, but I keep hearing that she's not good at playing defense and can get rattled in a debate. It sure does seem, though, that the excitement in the party is pretty sincere, including people I've spoken with personally. And I'd guess she'll grab some of the "I don't like either old guy" independents.

This is actually one debate I might even watch, if it happens.
I'm interested in hearing what she has to say.
He's shitting his pants. Just like Trump going on all caps screeds. Just like your conspiracy spinning ilk, calling biden dropping out an 'insurrection'. it a 'good news' insurrection, buddy?
It's fucking awesome Biden publicly stabbed in the back by some lifelong friends and force to drop out in disgrace. And your party anointing the only other potential candidate with approval ratings lower than Dementia Joe.
Who else could have convince him to offer a debate three full months prior to any Presidential debate in history?

Who said he had to be convinced? Trump wanted the earlier debates and Biden agreed.

All the babble about Obama somehow being involved is your own personal delusion, backed by jackshit.

Going with the "I dunno, it's a mystery" explanation too?

Laughing.....are you even reading what you're replying to? Biden agreed to the earlier dates that Trump wanted. The times were negotiated between the campaigns.

It was TRUMP that wanted the earlier debates. There's zero evidence Obama, Pelosi or anyone else had a thing to do with it. You're literally citing the voices in your head.

You poor MAGA souls have been conditioned to believe that your imagination is evidence. But for rational people, you citing your imagination backed by jackshit doesn't mean a thing.
It's fucking awesome Biden publicly stabbed in the back by some lifelong friends and force to drop out in disgrace. And your party anointing the only other potential candidate with approval ratings lower than Dementia Joe.

Is this really all you've got? You just making random shit up, backed by nothing, and then demanding we provide explanations for your imagination?

You've got nothing that Obama pressured Biden for an earlier debate. You hallucinated it.

You've got nothing that Pelosi pressured Biden into an earlier debate. You're listening to the voices in your head.

Back in reality, TRUMP was the one that wanted the earlier debates. And it was the Trump campaign and the Biden campaign that negotiated them.

You're so easy, Rawley.
It's fucking awesome Biden publicly stabbed in the back by some lifelong friends and force to drop out in disgrace. And your party anointing the only other potential candidate with approval ratings lower than Dementia Joe.
As soon as Biden caused the donor money to dry up, he was discarded like an old pair of worn out sneakers.
Who said he had to be convinced? Trump wanted the earlier debates and Biden agreed.

All the babble about Obama somehow being involved is your own personal delusion, backed by jackshit.

Laughing.....are you even reading what you're replying to? Biden agreed to the earlier dates that Trump wanted. The times were negotiated between the campaigns.

It was TRUMP that wanted the earlier debates. There's zero evidence Obama, Pelosi or anyone else had a thing to do with it. You're literally citing the voices in your head.

You poor MAGA souls have been conditioned to believe that your imagination is evidence. But for rational people, you citing your imagination backed by jackshit doesn't mean a thing.
Damn. After four responses of 'Because Trump' I give up. Your shield is impenetrable.

Have a blessed day.
As soon as Biden caused the donor money to dry up, he was discarded like an old pair of worn out sneakers.

The utter denial is here is fascinating. Granted, we're dealing with some of the most hardcore. But it's fascinating what they will defend and the denial they will put up.
Damn. After four responses of 'Because Trump' I give up. Your shield is impenetrable.

Have a blessed day.
And when faced with the fact that it was Trump that wanted the earlier date and the dates were negotiated by both campaigns - your entire little conspiracy collapses into nothing.

And was, of course, backed by jackshit to begin with.

Run along, kiddo....the echo chamber is where you're be happiest. Outside it, you're just another tinfoil conspiracy theorist citing the voices in your head as evidence.
The utter denial is here is fascinating. Granted, we're dealing with some of the most hardcore. But it's fascinating what they will defend and the denial they will put up.

Oh, that Biden was facing pressure to drop out after his absymal debate performance is hardly a secret.

That this was all some grand conspiracy by Obama is where you just cover yourselves in delusion and batshit.
Under threats of being removed via the 25th amendment so say the Biden inner circle. Dems are nasty ruthless bastards!

I just followed a live interview with a former D - governor who knows the D inside machine very well and he said this was 100% Obumma and his Chicago mob politics. They threatened Biden not only with releasing dirt they have on his family as well as telling him they'd create a democrat wave of support to oust him under the 25th getting backing from the Rs to kick him out in shame and disgrace--- his call, or he could "resign" voluntarily now and they would tout him as a "great leader" who sacrificed for "the good of the country." :icon_rolleyes:
And when faced with the fact that it was Trump that wanted the earlier date and the dates were negotiated by both campaigns - your entire little conspiracy collapses into nothing.

And was, of course, backed by jackshit to begin with.

Run along, kiddo....the echo chamber is where you're be happiest. Outside it, you're just another tinfoil conspiracy theorist citing the voices in your head as evidence.
Let me amend that, Have a blessed life.
Sadly, you're now backtracking. You're upset over your own emotive response. Calm down and take a short coma.


Now your dementia thinks I'm backtracking. No, your hypocrisy remains on full display.
I just followed a live interview with a former D - governor who knows the D inside machine very well and he said this was 100% Obumma and his Chicago mob politics.

Uh-huh. And what's the EVIDENCE that it was Obama.

I know MAGA has lost the ability to discern the difference between any accusation and actual evidence.

But rational folks still remember.

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