Question for those retired already

As you said, to each their own. I have an innate wanderlust, I think it comes from moving so much growing up. From the time I was born till the time I retired from the Marine Corps I never lived in any one location for more than 5 years, and most of the time less than that.

I grew up in Iran, from 3rd grade to the end of 7th grade. Each summer we came back home and stopped somewhere along the way. By the time I was in High School I had seen more of the world that most people will in their lifetime.

I have lived in my current location for 15 years and it is driving me stir crazy. But we are too close to retiring and our jobs are too good to move so we try to make up for it with travel, but that is limited due to work constraints.

I agree with you in that the people are more interesting than the monuments and such. Plus the food in new places, that is one of our favorite parts of any trip.
Waanderlust here. Was called lovingly (The Gypsy) since far back as I can remember.

great comments btw
Yeah, they do.

That's what happens when you live in far away countries, as I have. It is very easy to discern what people do in life. They wear their jobs like they wear clothes.

It's only in first world countries where those questions are asked because we change clothes all the time.

Poor people don't have that luxury.
Most immigrants (poor working) I worked with love uniforms. It seems to identify them as having accomplished a status. Wealthier immigrants I've known and met -- have their own word.
Waanderlust here. Was called lovingly (The Gypsy) since far back as I can remember.

great comments btw

My "dream" retirement would be to move every few years to try something new out.

We plan to start in Panama, right now the thinking is to spend a year in Panama City getting to know the country better. Then 3 or so years by the beach and then moving to the higher elevations and getting away from the heat.

After that...who knows...
My "dream" retirement would be to move every few years to try something new out.

We plan to start in Panama, right now the thinking is to spend a year in Panama City getting to know the country better. Then 3 or so years by the beach and then moving to the higher elevations and getting away from the heat.

After that...who knows...
I still love this part (USA) of the North American continent. Wanted to experience much more. Then there is the Canada of my family roots after the 1700s. Mexico? Friend has lived there for decades. Still haven't visited and I've been very close for a few years.

Overseas? British roots would have me wanting to see, feel, experience the prejudices and shit of the old homes. LOL
He is full of shit, I am pretty sure he has never left his home state.
Awwww poor harpy. The simple fact is that in the third world people live their jobs. They don't have the luxury of leaving their job at the office and going home to a nice luxury time. It doesn't happen that way.

Had you any experience in the third world you would know that.
I still love this part (USA) of the North American continent. Wanted to experience much more. Then there is the Canada of my family roots after the 1700s. Mexico? Friend has lived there for decades. Still haven't visited and I've been very close for a few years.

Overseas? British roots would have me wanting to see, feel, experience the prejudices and shit of the old homes. LOL

I have no roots, which has its positives and negatives.
We all have roots as in Where we come from. I deal with my roots coming out of England and British lands in the 1600s.

I have no idea where I came from. My mom's side came from Ireland a few generations ago, no idea about my dad's side.

My wife's side came from Germany and Scotland...a few generations ago.

Neither of us really consider ourselves any of those. I have never cared to do the DNA thing or ancestors thing, just does not really matter to me.

I was thinking more along the line of current roots. Our next door neighbors who we have become friends with have lived in within a 30 mile radius their entire lives. They have friends going back to kindergarten.

I have nothing like that, and while at times it seems cool i would not trade how I live my last 60 years for theirs.
Thus the joy of Govt provided pensions with COLA increases. Impossible to live beyond your money.
If the US Govt cannot pays it retired military members their pensions then shit has gotten so bad that it will not matter how much money anyone has saved.

Interesting item, I calculated the impact of a 25% reduction in Social Security on our projected retirement income.

When you have multiple revenue streams, it lessens the impact of a shift in one.

So a 25% projected reduction in SS benefits results in a 7.5% actual change in total revenues.

(And ya, that is a good place to be.)

If the US Govt cannot pays it retired military members their pensions then shit has gotten so bad that it will not matter how much money anyone has saved.
who is not receiving their pensions?

i grew up moving..don't care for it...I have lived in this house 41 years...hubby hit me with moving to Vermont...I told him to go vacation there and leave me be..I will stay in this house till I is modest but well many of my pets are buried have you looked at house prices in Vermont? and property taxes?
who is not receiving their pensions?

i grew up moving..don't care for it...I have lived in this house 41 years...hubby hit me with moving to Vermont...I told him to go vacation there and leave me be..I will stay in this house till I is modest but well many of my pets are buried have you looked at house prices in Vermont? and property taxes?

I know how you feel. They’ll be carrying me out of my place feet first.
I have no idea where I came from. My mom's side came from Ireland a few generations ago, no idea about my dad's side.

My wife's side came from Germany and Scotland...a few generations ago.

Neither of us really consider ourselves any of those. I have never cared to do the DNA thing or ancestors thing, just does not really matter to me.

I was thinking more along the line of current roots. Our next door neighbors who we have become friends with have lived in within a 30 mile radius their entire lives. They have friends going back to kindergarten.

I have nothing like that, and while at times it seems cool i would not trade how I live my last 60 years for theirs.
I get it. My immediate family grew up with little contact to the others. We grew up in an ethnic enclave without belonging to an identifiable group.

I did the genealogy thing out of curiosity, and then because it intersected with a hobby in colonial American history I went all in. I finally did a few dna things, but not like others have done. I was not and am not looking for dna relations to...

I have a few friends from childhood and we were neighbors who played with each other before we went to kindergarten LOL -- ethnic, blue collar working class neighborhood that became ... ugh. But some of us stayed in touch and we are not the ones who intermarried with neighbors. Our connections go deep with memories etc.

Lives lived are special in themselves. Even as I've roamed I'd tell people that places and experiences are neither better or worse. They're just different, and it is the differences that have fed and informed my life -- given it meaning.

I see it as healthy that you do not view other experiences as a loss. Your own experiences inform your life. Comparing is silly. It's reminds me of an adage "Identify don't compare" that has been used in programs, counseling, wisdom in books...
who is not receiving their pensions?

i grew up moving..don't care for it...I have lived in this house 41 years...hubby hit me with moving to Vermont...I told him to go vacation there and leave me be..I will stay in this house till I is modest but well many of my pets are buried have you looked at house prices in Vermont? and property taxes?

Everyone is, but the post I responded to indicated that it was foolish to have faith they would keep doing so

My bother is that way, he like me moved a lot but now he has some land in GA and is happy to never leave it again. I think it sounds awful, but he loves it.

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