The new talking point.

Trump wanted earlier debates. Biden agreed to them. What's the conspiracy, exactly?

If its MAGA, there's got to be a conspiracy. Your ilk HAVE to be a victim somehow, even when y'all get exactly what you asked for.

WTF are you ranting about victims?

Your cult masters knew he was going to crash and burn, which is why they pushed him into proposing a debate in June, rather than after Labor day, which would have made it literally impossible to substitute in Kamala.
Harris is a pariah.

The exact number of Trump!

President Trump's “A Team” turnover is 92% as of January 20, 2021. The following chart and table reflect turnover among the most influential positions within the executive office of the president.

It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

As is the case with quite a few talking points it is meant to be a counter narrative to some Repub vulnerability. You know, there's the talking point about how it's Joe and the Dem's fault trump was indicted four times cuz they weaponized something or other. It must be Joe's fault, it can't be Don's fault for committing crimes.

There's the Joe is a criminal talking point, wholly lacking credible evidence, as a counter to trump being indicted by four grand juries and convicted of a crime. Not to mention the civil sexual abuse (rape according to the federal, not NY standard) and tax fraud cases.

They are well practiced at muddying the waters. During trump's trials they put the focus on false accusations of judicial bias to obscure from the evidence of Don's guilt. Jan. 6 wasn't a failed coup, it was a FBI, false flag operation. The rioter's actions weren't those of traitors, they're patriots. trump isn't a convicted felon, he's a victim. The SC isn't reversing decades long precedents, they're obeying the Constitution.

You get the picture. trump has 26 credible complaints against him for various forms of sexual assault so Biden is accused of pedophilia. JD is a xenophobic, isolationist with an authoritarian bent so Kamala is....well....all they really need to do is say she's a black woman. That'll do the trick.
It's something along the lines of how Biden withdrawing is anti-democratic because the candidate Dem primary voters voted for won't be on the ballot. Oh....wait....because as the talking point goes the scoundrels pulling the strings are the evil DNC, the evil elites, and the evil big donors who are usurping the will of the people. No, seriously.

That is ALL True. When was the last time the dems didn't rig their primaries? 2004? You commies like to talk democracy, but you don't do democracy.

The democrats will do anything to run a campaign without campaigning. Hide in their basement all campaign season or pull the old switch a roo......and "democracy" fans like this moron OP cheer them on....SMH.
THird time. Why did Biden (not the DNC, God forbid we question the DNC) schedule the first debate literally three months prior to a Presidential debate ever being scheduled?
I already said I don't know. Please consider reading my replies before asking the same question again. Please explain how the fact that the debate was pushed up by the Biden campaign is part of your theory that the party orchestrated all of this.
I listened to the interview, he seems to be discussing the delegate process for choosing a candidate if Biden were to drop out. That's exactly what the DNC suggested doing but didn't occur because Harris was so quick in attracting support from the delegates and no realistic opponents challenged her.

So having the "mini primary" still "dumps" the 140,000,000 votes and indeed was the method by which Harris will become the nominee.

Turns out we agree on something.
WTF are you ranting about victims?

Your cult masters knew he was going to crash and burn, which is why they pushed him into proposing a debate in June, rather than after Labor day, which would have made it literally impossible to substitute in Kamala.

Your ilk have been squealing like stuck pigs since Biden dropped out, screaming into mics, rage tweeting in all caps, and spinning hapless conspiracy after hapless conspiracy.

All backed by jackshit of course.

Even now, you're trying to spin Biden agreeing to the earlier debates that Trump wanted into yet another dipshit conspiracy theory.

All backed by jackshit of course.

The MAGA desperation is palpable.
I already said I don't know. Please consider reading my replies before asking the same question again. Please explain how the fact that the debate was pushed up by the Biden campaign is part of your theory that the party orchestrated all of this.

Which part did you not understand? They all knew, intimately, of his mental decline. They knew he was going to crash and burn, which is why they pushed him into proposing a debate in June, rather than after Labor day, which would have made it literally impossible to substitute in Kamala.
I listened to the interview, he seems to be discussing the delegate process for choosing a candidate if Biden were to drop out. That's exactly what the DNC suggested doing but didn't occur because Harris was so quick in attracting support from the delegates and no realistic opponents challenged her.

So having the "mini primary" still "dumps" the 140,000,000 votes and indeed was the method by which Harris will become the nominee.

Turns out we agree on something.
Nope, You're happy being told by your cult leaders who they chose to be your nominee, someone that has not earned a single primary or Presidential vote in her life.

Repub voters would be open revolt if ever treated with such open disdain and disrespect by their party.
Fascists don't trust the voters. It's no more complicated than that.

View attachment 982440

Trump, 2024...

Your ilk have been squealing like stuck pigs since Biden dropped out, screaming into mics, rage tweeting in all caps, and spinning hapless conspiracy after hapless conspiracy.

Again ??? we're happy as pigs in shit seeing your party in such disarray and discord since your party leaders stabbed him in the back and forced Biden man out.
All backed by jackshit of course.

Even now, you're trying to spin Biden agreeing to the earlier debates that Trump wanted into yet another dipshit conspiracy theory.

All backed by jackshit of course.

The MAGA desperation is palpable.
Keep whistling past that graveyard. It keep getting longer and longer
Which part did you not understand? They all knew, intimately, of his mental decline. They knew he was going to crash and burn, which is why they pushed him into proposing a debate in June, rather than after Labor day, which would have made it literally impossible to substitute in Kamala.
Who is "they" and where is the evidence that "they" had "pushed" him into proposing a debate in June?
Nope, You're happy being told by your cult leaders who they chose to be your nominee, someone that has not earned a single primary or Presidential vote in her life.

Repub voters would be open revolt if ever treated with such open disdain and disrespect by their party.
The nominee will be chosen by the delegates in a "mini primary" just like you proposed. Not sure why you are upset about this given you supported it in your previous post.

What "disdain"? We are mature enough to know that there is no possibility for having an actual primary and so after Biden dropped out. We are also mature enough to know that just because we voted for someone, it doesn't mean they can't drop out. That's not disdain, that's just the reality of the situation.
She is a two-time elected AG of CA, a senator who served 4 years and a VP who has served almost served 4. JD's one qualification is being someone willing to lick trump's scrotum on command.
We'll see what happens.

I haven't really paid all that much attention to her, but I keep hearing that she's not good at playing defense and can get rattled in a debate. It sure does seem, though, that the excitement in the party is pretty sincere, including people I've spoken with personally. And I'd guess she'll grab some of the "I don't like either old guy" independents.

This is actually one debate I might even watch, if it happens.
Again ??? we're happy as pigs in shit seeing your party in such disarray and discord since your party leaders stabbed him in the back and forced Biden man out.

Keep whistling past that graveyard. It keep getting longer and longer

Oh, of course you are. That's why Stephen Miller was screaming into the mic, ranting about it. Because its such good news.

Those must be hysteric rants of joy!

And of course Trump is thrilled. That's why he's giving us all caps screeds denouncing it.....and of course, making up more batshit conspiracies that Biden is somehow going to take back the nomination.

"They stole the race from Biden after he won it in the primaries — A First! These people are the real THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”

-Donald Trump

Sounds like he's thrilled, dunnit?

But keep spinning your little conspiracy about Joe Biden agreeing to the earlier debates that Trump asked for. So we can all point and laugh.
We'll see what happens.

I haven't really paid all that much attention to her, but I keep hearing that she's not good at playing defense and can get rattled in a debate. It sure does seem, though, that the excitement in the party is pretty sincere, including people I've spoken with personally. And I'd guess she'll grab some of the "I don't like either old guy" independents.

This is actually one debate I might even watch, if it happens.

And when she looks awful, she blames her staff. An unpleasant person all around.
Who is "they" and where is the evidence that "they" had "pushed" him into proposing a debate in June?
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeemn Jeffries, the Clintons, Katzenberg ....

There was a reason he offered a debate three months earlier than ever offered before. Three months! Your repeated answer of "I dunno" has worn thin.
The nominee will be chosen by the delegates in a "mini primary" just like you proposed. Not sure why you are upset about this given you supported it in your previous post.

LOL who is running in this mini-primary against the candidate your cult masters have already annointed your nominee? Let me guess "anyone who wants to"
What "disdain"? We are mature enough to know that there is no possibility for having an actual primary and so after Biden dropped out. We are also mature enough to know that just because we voted for someone, it doesn't mean they can't drop out. That's not disdain, that's just the reality of the situation.
The reality is that your party has made a mockery of the Democratic process. But you are completely comfortable with it. So we're done. Have a blessed day.
Oh, of course you are. That's why Stephen Miller was screaming into the mic, ranting about it. Because its such good news.
These weirdos have it so backwards.

The party is in total disarray, despite the fact that they rapidly coalesced around Harris.

They're trying to convince us that we should feel so angry that Biden isn't the nominee despite widespread relief that he won't appear on the ballot.

Then again, their narrative never really had that much to do with reality.
Oh, of course you are. That's why Stephen Miller was screaming into the mic, ranting about it. Because its such good news.

Those must be hysteric rants of joy!

And of course Trump is thrilled. That's why he's giving us all caps screeds denouncing it.....and of course, making up more batshit conspiracies that Biden is somehow going to take back the nomination.

"They stole the race from Biden after he won it in the primaries — A First! These people are the real THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”

-Donald Trump

Sounds like he's thrilled, dunnit?

But keep spinning your little conspiracy about Joe Biden agreeing to the earlier debates that Trump asked for. So we can all point and laugh.

LOL He's mocking your party's shitting on the Democratic process and shitting on your voters. It's a hoot.

Be ready to have your bullshit "PROTECTING DEMOCRACY" bullshit down your throats, assuming the kneepadder's campaign even has the balls to trot that bullshit out.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeemn Jeffries, the Clintons, Katzenberg ....

There was a reason he offered a debate three months earlier than ever offered before. Three months! Your repeated answer of "I dunno" has worn thin.
You think that Obama was the one that convinced Biden to debate early? I would like to see your source for this claim.
LOL who is running in this mini-primary against the candidate your cult masters have already annointed your nominee? Let me guess "anyone who wants to"
No one is running in the "mini-primary" (which I think is a dumb name for it but whatever) because no one else really wanted to.
The reality is that your party has made a mockery of the Democratic process. But you are completely comfortable with it. So we're done. Have a blessed day.
Yeah, we are pretty comfortable with Biden dropping out. The actual election is in November.
Perhaps you should listen to some. He says Biden's policies suck. And he's giving us hope that he'll return to his succusssful polices that Biden took at shit on, simply becasue they were associated with Trump

Nope. THey will drive you to the polls by hate and fear. No one is going to get excited by Kamala . She could not garner a single Democrat vote in the 2020 primaries. Not one. FIrst time in history that a major party's candidate has never won a single primary/election vote for President.
She got record donations in 24 hours.
Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeemn Jeffries, the Clintons, Katzenberg ....

Who says that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi pushed Biden into earlier debates?

Is it you, making shit up backed by nothing? Its you citing your imagination, isn't it?
There was a reason he offered a debate three months earlier than ever offered before. Three months! Your repeated answer of "I dunno" has worn thin.

Again, Trump wanted early debates. Biden agreed to them.

Where's the conspiracy, tinfoil?

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