Project 2025

You're trying to distance yourself from Project 2025 just like you did PNAC in the 2000's.

You played dumb then, look what happened. Everything PNAC wanted, Bush pushed.

Trump will suck Project 2025's cock. If the Supreme's help him steal this one. That's really his only chance. with the help of the corporate media of course.

You idiots are certainly trying to paint it as something bad so conservatives feel like they have to distance themselves from it, your typical MO on anything conservatives do. Frankly, most of what's in there does not need any defense and represents conservative thought fairly well. No one is going to agree with 100% of something, but you're not going to turn it into the boogie man that you always try to do. It's out there in black and white for everyone to read on their own, you don't need the 'media' to interpret it for you unless you're trying to outright lie about it or you just don't have the IQ to understand it to begin with, which is where you are at.
You could have said this entire post in a few simple sentences.
The United States was initially settled primarily by anglo, Christian Europeans but was mostly built by immigrants from all around the world whose descendants now compose it's diverse ethnic, cultural, and religious melting pot.
And I think you missed the point of the post entirely.
You idiots are certainly trying to paint it as something bad so conservatives feel like they have to distance themselves from it, your typical MO on anything conservatives do. Frankly, most of what's in there does not need any defense and represents conservative thought fairly well. No one is going to agree with 100% of something, but you're not going to turn it into the boogie man that you always try to do. It's out there in black and white for everyone to read on their own, you don't need the 'media' to interpret it for you unless you're trying to outright lie about it or you just don't have the IQ to understand it to begin with, which is where you are at.
Ya know who feels like he has to distance himself from it?


Because it’s extreme and horrific to democracy
You idiots throw that “lie” word around loosely

Prove it

Read the fucking document for yourself, why do you need 'media' links, and someone else to inform you about what it says, you're too stupid to understand it on your own.
Yea, and you guys aren't hoping to have control of the White House, Senate and House of Reps so you can pass a law that abortion is murder on a federal level. SUUUUREEE liar.
Your incessant ignorance, dishonesty and hyper-partisan bigotry has progressed to the point where I cannot possibly care less about anything you have to say.
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Your perpetual ignorance, dishonesty and hyper-partisan bigotry has progressed to the point where I cannot possibly care less about anything you have to say.

That's okay because you guys also lie about Biden's domestic record. He's done such a great job and he doesn't brag about it like Trump would

Remember Biden increased the salary threshold for workers to receive overtime pay, effectively giving a raise to 4 million Americans? Nah, you don't remember that. Remember forgiving middle class people's student loans? Not millionaires, middle class people. Remember Biden stood with the unions in 2023 and they won big?

His team also issued a rule that protects the wages, jobs, and self-advocacy of farm workers nationwide. These advances serve as a reminder that Joe from Scranton has been a good friend of labor, and certainly better than the guy who opposed any uptick in the federal minimum wage and failed to pay his own driver thousands of hours in overtime.
You have no idea whatsoever if this is true -- you only believe this because you were told to.

Don't forget Republicans taught us it doesn't have to be true. It just has to seem true. The economy is great but it doesn't "feel" great.

Well, it FEELS like Republicans are going to impose Project 2025 on us Federally if we elect them. Why would we think they are any different than the Republicans on the state level putting 10 commandments in the classroom, banning even the morning after pill, no abortion not even for Rape (JD Vance), Mike Johnson. You don't think Trump will go along? OF course he will.

It really FEELS like Republicans are going to do what they've promised for years and make huge cuts to social security. It FEELS like that's what they're going to do.

It feels like Trump still hires illegals. Does he? I know he used to and half way through his presidency got in front of the story and fired them before the story broke.

It feels like Trump wants to fuck his own daughter.

It feels like Melania hates him as much as we do.

It feels like Baron is retarded.
Every day, they realize just a little bit more than Trump is likely to win - and they know there's nothing they can do about it.
The batshit crazy just builds on itself from there.

Why today suddenly is oldflame so upset he's putting people on ignore? Doesn't SEEM like a guy who thinks his guys going to win. In fact yesterday Trump was crying foul that Biden dropped out. He spent a lot of money on commercials lying about Biden. Wasted money. LOL
If you really believed abortion was murder, and knew I was pro abortion, it's funny that it took me being pro Kamala to get put on your ignore list. Not me being pro murder. LOL
Whenever I defeat one of these MAGAt cultroaches and they finally put me on ignore I feel like I'm blessed.
Another idiot decisively vanquished....
One down....
It's like the garbage took itself out.
Whenever I defeat one of these MAGAt cultroaches and they finally put me on ignore I feel like I'm blessed.
Another idiot decisively vanquished....
One down....
It's like the garbage took itself out.

They don't want freedom. If you want freedom, then you want people to be free to be gay, non christian, liberal. They want to secede and have 100% Republican government. God I wish we could give them a couple states and let them fail on their own. As soon as they realize how much they rely on the federal government, they'll come crawling back. Or they'll be happy poor people like the folks in Mississippi or Louisiana.

I actually believe we are a great country because we have Liberals and Conservatives to fight with each other. If we go too far right, eventually the pendulum swings back the other way.

Republicans don't understand we aren't anti corporation. We're just pro labor too. Can't be pro labor without the corporations. But they are anti labor. Labor is worth whatever the corporation says. Unions and government should not interfere. Unregulated Free Market Capitalism.

But then how much do these idiots think they'd be making right now if it were that way? They don't realize they'd be working poor. If it weren't for liberals.

Republicans believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.

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