Republican Agenda 2024

It's not about repealing environmental protections. It's about limiting the creation of new regulations to the legislature. The executive branch isn't supposed to create new regulations, because those are effectively laws. Every law should be passed by Congress, not by unelected bureaucrats.

Congress does not have environmental scientists or subject matter experts to determine long term impacts on our environment
Our Environment will be hostage to partisan politics

Republicans want to repeal environmental protections
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
No one is listening anymore. You are talking to yourself.
Whatever the agenda is, the United States is stuck with the democrat agenda for the rest of 2024 and it don't look good when the president calls in sick during a crisis.
Congress does not have environmental scientists or subject matter experts to determine long term impacts on our environment
Our Environment will be hostage to partisan politics

Republicans want to repeal environmental protections
A large portion of the leadership in things like the EPA are people with connections to the energy industry. That's true regardless of the party in power. Also, the ones that aren't energy industry people are often radical activists, which aren't any better.

The problem is that most environmental science, particularly climate science, is heavily politicized. Congress is as well, but at least those people are elected.
You almost gotta laugh that left forgets who the hell is in power in 2024. It's Biden/Harris and the Country is going down the tubes.
1. Ban Abortion
2. Halt military aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to win
3. Repeal Environmental Protections
4. End Gay Marriage
5. Cut taxes on the wealthy
6 Withdraw from NATO and the UN
7. Stop Immigration of non-whites
I wouldn't condemn any of that, considering that none of it can be pushed on my country without a change to conservatism.

#6 deserve considering if it has merit? I really don't know yet of any enemies to Canada, except certain Nato countries themselves?
  • The Democrats don’t like this country. They think its founding and early years were an abomination and that America still today largely embodies these sins.
  • They want to transform the country to move left toward collectivism, one-world government, and worse.
  • They support open borders to either weaken the country or bring in new Democrat voters.
  • They support higher taxes and regulation.
  • They champion grossly inefficient green scam policies, either because of soft-headed idealism or as a means of further controlling the population.
  • They are just fine using the power of the state and its enforcement agencies to oppress their enemies.
  • They are anti-human, supporting abortion up until (or after) birth, euthanasia, weakening traditional families, and transing the kids.
There is very little deviation among serious Democrats from this orthodoxy. It doesn’t really matter to them who the Democrat president is as long as he is in line with the agenda or is easily controlled to get with the program.

  • Democrats like the country just fine the way it is. What they don't like or want is an authoritatian dictatorship, which Trump is threatening
  • No they don't
  • No one before Donald Trump has ever said the Democrats want "open borders". In fact, Democrats deported more illegals than Trump. Illegal entries were at a 50 year low when Obama left office.
  • Everyone with any sanity wants the rich to pay higher taxes and corporations to be regulated.
  • Your notions of green technology demonstrate how woefully ignorant you are.
  • You're also crazy and paranoid.
  • Shove your phony morals up your ass and stop killing women and newborns.
  • Democrats like the country just fine the way it is. What they don't like or want is an authoritatian dictatorship, which Trump is threatening
  • No they don't
  • No one before Donald Trump has ever said the Democrats want "open borders". In fact, Democrats deported more illegals than Trump. Illegal entries were at a 50 year low when Obama left office.
  • Everyone with any sanity wants the rich to pay higher taxes and corporations to be regulated.
  • Your notions of green technology demonstrate how woefully ignorant you are.
  • You're also crazy and paranoid.
  • Shove your phony morals up your ass and stop killing women and newborns.
Wow, an argument of insults. We got us a winner!


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