Nigel Farage: West provoked Ukraine war

No, the shit started to really hit the fan after the elected Government in Ukraine was overthrown by a US backed Coup in 2014, the Regime at the time in Ukraine were talking about joining Nato as far back as 2008, by the way the usual media scumbags are going Ape shit over what Farage said, he said it back in 2014 in the EU Parliament, if the Warsaw pact had rocked up in Mexico and installed a rabid anti US Regime what would the US do, i think we know, also i am listening to the radio talkshow on this, with the usual bollocks about Nato being a defensive organisation, they have never been used for defence they have done nothing but attack other Countries, so we need to put that nonsense to bed.
And? For how long this dead horse will be punched over and over again? Your country is one of the main hawks in this story. Change the policy of your country.
And? For how long this dead horse will be punched over and over again? Your country is one of the main hawks in this story. Change the policy of your country.
I know it is, if you had read my many posts on the subject you would know i call out the criminals in the UK Government all the time, i can't stop them acting like criminals.

Nigel Farage: West provoked Ukraine war​

Today, an interview with British politician Nigel Farage has been published on the BBC website.
In 2019, Nigel Farage was listed by the Financial Times among Fifty people who shaped the decade.

You can find the full text of this material under the spoiler below.

But I would like to remind you that there already are the following threads on the forum:

10 years of Ukrainian coup d’état. Did the West provoke it?
Does the West provoke escalation of the Ukrainian crisis?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage says

By Becky Morton,
Political reporter

Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards.
The Reform UK leader told the BBC that "of course" the war was President Vladimir Putin's fault.
But he added that the expansion of the EU and Nato gave him a "reason" to tell the Russian people "they're coming for us again".
In an interview with the BBC's Nick Robinson, Mr Farage was challenged over his judgement and past statements, including when he named Russian President Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admired in 2014.
"I said I disliked him as a person, but admired him as a political operator because he's managed to take control of running Russia," Mr Farage said.
He was then pressed over a social media post in February 2022, when he claimed the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "a consequence of EU and Nato expansion".
Mr Farage said he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the Nato military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to [give to] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war".
He added: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's [President Putin's] fault."
Responding to the interview, Conservative Home Secretary James Cleverly said Mr Farage was “echoing Putin’s vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine".
Labour defence spokesman John Healey said Mr Farage's comments made him "unfit for any political office in our country, let alone leading a serious party in Parliament."
Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It followed the occupation of the Crimea and Donbas regions in 2014.
Ukraine is not a member of the EU or Nato, which is made up of 32 countries across Europe and North America.
However, the country applied to join both blocs following the Russian invasion.
Nato was formed in 1949 by 12 countries, including the US, UK, Canada and France.
After the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, many Eastern European countries joined including Hungary, Poland and Estonia.
The EU has also expanded since the 1990s, with a number of eastern European countries joining in 2004.
In the interview, Mr Farage also accused the Conservatives of failing to deliver on Brexit.
As the leader of UKIP, he was a key figure in the campaign to leave the EU.
While the issue dominated the 2019 general election, with Boris Johnson campaigning on the slogan "Get Brexit Done", it has not featured prominently in the current campaign.
Asked if he stood by his previous claim that Brexit had failed, Mr Farage said: "No, it's not a failure but we failed to deliver.
"It can't be a failure. We've left the European Union. We're now self-governing."
But he added: "Brexit has failed those who voted for it, believing that immigration numbers would be reduced.”
Net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - has risen sharply since 2021, when the UK left the EU.
This has been driven by non-EU nationals coming to the UK.
Net migration reached record levels in 2022 before reducing slightly the following year.
Reform UK has said it backs a freeze on non-essential immigration to relieve pressure on housing and public services, increase wages and "protect our culture identity and values".
Mr Farage also criticised the Conservatives for "binning" their promise to scrap 4,000 EU laws.
Pressed over whether he was just blaming others, Mr Farage said: "If you put me in charge, it would be very, very different. Of course they didn't do that.
"The Conservative Party never believed in Brexit... They picked it up as a political opportunity, and they failed to deliver."
Mr Farage also faced questions over his stance on climate change and whether he believed it is not really a "crisis".
"I do think ever since the late 1980s that perhaps there's been a bit of hype around this, and I think that perhaps is wrong," he said.
"All we ever talk about is fear rather than solutions."
He added: "We spend too much time hyperventilating about the problem rather than thinking practically and logically what we can do.”
Mr Farage branded the Labour and Tory net zero policies "nonsense", claiming £30bn a year could be saved by dropping their climate pledges.
He was also challenged over Reform’s vetting procedures after the party dropped a number of potential parliamentary candidates over inappropriate or offensive comments.
The party has blamed a company it hired to conduct background checks on would-be candidates, claiming it failed to carry out vetting before the election was called.
Asked why some people with extreme views appeared to rally to his cause, Mr Farage said: “They’re not there because of me.”
Despite co-founding the party and being its honorary president, he insisted: “I have had no involvement with the day-to-day running of the party for over three years.
“These candidates were recruited before I said I was going to play an active role in the party.”
Mr Farage took over as Reform leader from Richard Tice only in the second full week of the election campaign.
At the same time he announced he would run as a candidate himself in Clacton after previously saying he would not stand in July's election.
The BBC is interviewing major party leaders in the run-up to the election in The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson. You can watch the interview with Nigel Farage at 19:00 on BBC One or BBC iPlayer.
You can find a full list of candidates standing in the Clacton constituency here.
Long overdue for someone over there to voice what has been obvious from the beginning.
I know it is, if you had read my many posts on the subject you would know i call out the criminals in the UK Government all the time, i can't stop them acting like criminals.
So, what country is the big part of a problem? Mine or yours?
Yours but as usual we have allowed our Country to serve America rather than this Country like most EU Countries, the Germans have trashed their own economy for America.
My country isn't America. The Europeans are too divided to come up with some reasonable alternative.
The alternative is minding their own business and stop causing problems in other Countries.
That is a good idea, really. But your country won't be able to do so as long as it thinks in a post-imperial paradigm and follows 'Global Britain' stuff. Though, maybe that is the very things that still prevent it from falling apart.

Today, an interview with British politician Nigel Farage has been published on the BBC website.
In 2019, Nigel Farage was listed by the Financial Times among Fifty people who shaped the decade.

You can find the full text of this material under the spoiler below.

But I would like to remind you that there already are the following threads on the forum:

10 years of Ukrainian coup d’état. Did the West provoke it?
Does the West provoke escalation of the Ukrainian crisis?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage says

By Becky Morton,
Political reporter

Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards.
The Reform UK leader told the BBC that "of course" the war was President Vladimir Putin's fault.
But he added that the expansion of the EU and Nato gave him a "reason" to tell the Russian people "they're coming for us again".
In an interview with the BBC's Nick Robinson, Mr Farage was challenged over his judgement and past statements, including when he named Russian President Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admired in 2014.
"I said I disliked him as a person, but admired him as a political operator because he's managed to take control of running Russia," Mr Farage said.
He was then pressed over a social media post in February 2022, when he claimed the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "a consequence of EU and Nato expansion".
Mr Farage said he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the Nato military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to [give to] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war".
He added: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's [President Putin's] fault."
Responding to the interview, Conservative Home Secretary James Cleverly said Mr Farage was “echoing Putin’s vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine".
Labour defence spokesman John Healey said Mr Farage's comments made him "unfit for any political office in our country, let alone leading a serious party in Parliament."
Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It followed the occupation of the Crimea and Donbas regions in 2014.
Ukraine is not a member of the EU or Nato, which is made up of 32 countries across Europe and North America.
However, the country applied to join both blocs following the Russian invasion.
Nato was formed in 1949 by 12 countries, including the US, UK, Canada and France.
After the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, many Eastern European countries joined including Hungary, Poland and Estonia.
The EU has also expanded since the 1990s, with a number of eastern European countries joining in 2004.
In the interview, Mr Farage also accused the Conservatives of failing to deliver on Brexit.
As the leader of UKIP, he was a key figure in the campaign to leave the EU.
While the issue dominated the 2019 general election, with Boris Johnson campaigning on the slogan "Get Brexit Done", it has not featured prominently in the current campaign.
Asked if he stood by his previous claim that Brexit had failed, Mr Farage said: "No, it's not a failure but we failed to deliver.
"It can't be a failure. We've left the European Union. We're now self-governing."
But he added: "Brexit has failed those who voted for it, believing that immigration numbers would be reduced.”
Net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - has risen sharply since 2021, when the UK left the EU.
This has been driven by non-EU nationals coming to the UK.
Net migration reached record levels in 2022 before reducing slightly the following year.
Reform UK has said it backs a freeze on non-essential immigration to relieve pressure on housing and public services, increase wages and "protect our culture identity and values".
Mr Farage also criticised the Conservatives for "binning" their promise to scrap 4,000 EU laws.
Pressed over whether he was just blaming others, Mr Farage said: "If you put me in charge, it would be very, very different. Of course they didn't do that.
"The Conservative Party never believed in Brexit... They picked it up as a political opportunity, and they failed to deliver."
Mr Farage also faced questions over his stance on climate change and whether he believed it is not really a "crisis".
"I do think ever since the late 1980s that perhaps there's been a bit of hype around this, and I think that perhaps is wrong," he said.
"All we ever talk about is fear rather than solutions."
He added: "We spend too much time hyperventilating about the problem rather than thinking practically and logically what we can do.”
Mr Farage branded the Labour and Tory net zero policies "nonsense", claiming £30bn a year could be saved by dropping their climate pledges.
He was also challenged over Reform’s vetting procedures after the party dropped a number of potential parliamentary candidates over inappropriate or offensive comments.
The party has blamed a company it hired to conduct background checks on would-be candidates, claiming it failed to carry out vetting before the election was called.
Asked why some people with extreme views appeared to rally to his cause, Mr Farage said: “They’re not there because of me.”
Despite co-founding the party and being its honorary president, he insisted: “I have had no involvement with the day-to-day running of the party for over three years.
“These candidates were recruited before I said I was going to play an active role in the party.”
Mr Farage took over as Reform leader from Richard Tice only in the second full week of the election campaign.
At the same time he announced he would run as a candidate himself in Clacton after previously saying he would not stand in July's election.
The BBC is interviewing major party leaders in the run-up to the election in The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson. You can watch the interview with Nigel Farage at 19:00 on BBC One or BBC iPlayer.
You can find a full list of candidates standing in the Clacton constituency here.
tonnes of RT 🇷🇺 CRAP IVAN

According to Nigel Farage, the gang raping of Ukrainian mothers in front of their terrified children was "provoked by the West."


Today, an interview with British politician Nigel Farage has been published on the BBC website.
In 2019, Nigel Farage was listed by the Financial Times among Fifty people who shaped the decade.

You can find the full text of this material under the spoiler below.

But I would like to remind you that there already are the following threads on the forum:

10 years of Ukrainian coup d’état. Did the West provoke it?
Does the West provoke escalation of the Ukrainian crisis?
Has the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine been provoked?

West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage says

By Becky Morton,
Political reporter

Nigel Farage has said the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine by expanding the European Union and Nato military alliance eastwards.
The Reform UK leader told the BBC that "of course" the war was President Vladimir Putin's fault.
But he added that the expansion of the EU and Nato gave him a "reason" to tell the Russian people "they're coming for us again".
In an interview with the BBC's Nick Robinson, Mr Farage was challenged over his judgement and past statements, including when he named Russian President Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admired in 2014.
"I said I disliked him as a person, but admired him as a political operator because he's managed to take control of running Russia," Mr Farage said.
He was then pressed over a social media post in February 2022, when he claimed the Russian invasion of Ukraine was "a consequence of EU and Nato expansion".
Mr Farage said he had been arguing since the 1990s that "the ever eastward expansion" of the Nato military alliance and the EU was giving President Putin "a reason to [give to] his Russian people to say they're coming for us again and to go to war".
He added: "We provoked this war. Of course, it's [President Putin's] fault."
Responding to the interview, Conservative Home Secretary James Cleverly said Mr Farage was “echoing Putin’s vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine".
Labour defence spokesman John Healey said Mr Farage's comments made him "unfit for any political office in our country, let alone leading a serious party in Parliament."
Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. It followed the occupation of the Crimea and Donbas regions in 2014.
Ukraine is not a member of the EU or Nato, which is made up of 32 countries across Europe and North America.
However, the country applied to join both blocs following the Russian invasion.
Nato was formed in 1949 by 12 countries, including the US, UK, Canada and France.
After the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991, many Eastern European countries joined including Hungary, Poland and Estonia.
The EU has also expanded since the 1990s, with a number of eastern European countries joining in 2004.
In the interview, Mr Farage also accused the Conservatives of failing to deliver on Brexit.
As the leader of UKIP, he was a key figure in the campaign to leave the EU.
While the issue dominated the 2019 general election, with Boris Johnson campaigning on the slogan "Get Brexit Done", it has not featured prominently in the current campaign.
Asked if he stood by his previous claim that Brexit had failed, Mr Farage said: "No, it's not a failure but we failed to deliver.
"It can't be a failure. We've left the European Union. We're now self-governing."
But he added: "Brexit has failed those who voted for it, believing that immigration numbers would be reduced.”
Net migration - the difference between the number of people coming to live in the UK and those leaving - has risen sharply since 2021, when the UK left the EU.
This has been driven by non-EU nationals coming to the UK.
Net migration reached record levels in 2022 before reducing slightly the following year.
Reform UK has said it backs a freeze on non-essential immigration to relieve pressure on housing and public services, increase wages and "protect our culture identity and values".
Mr Farage also criticised the Conservatives for "binning" their promise to scrap 4,000 EU laws.
Pressed over whether he was just blaming others, Mr Farage said: "If you put me in charge, it would be very, very different. Of course they didn't do that.
"The Conservative Party never believed in Brexit... They picked it up as a political opportunity, and they failed to deliver."
Mr Farage also faced questions over his stance on climate change and whether he believed it is not really a "crisis".
"I do think ever since the late 1980s that perhaps there's been a bit of hype around this, and I think that perhaps is wrong," he said.
"All we ever talk about is fear rather than solutions."
He added: "We spend too much time hyperventilating about the problem rather than thinking practically and logically what we can do.”
Mr Farage branded the Labour and Tory net zero policies "nonsense", claiming £30bn a year could be saved by dropping their climate pledges.
He was also challenged over Reform’s vetting procedures after the party dropped a number of potential parliamentary candidates over inappropriate or offensive comments.
The party has blamed a company it hired to conduct background checks on would-be candidates, claiming it failed to carry out vetting before the election was called.
Asked why some people with extreme views appeared to rally to his cause, Mr Farage said: “They’re not there because of me.”
Despite co-founding the party and being its honorary president, he insisted: “I have had no involvement with the day-to-day running of the party for over three years.
“These candidates were recruited before I said I was going to play an active role in the party.”
Mr Farage took over as Reform leader from Richard Tice only in the second full week of the election campaign.
At the same time he announced he would run as a candidate himself in Clacton after previously saying he would not stand in July's election.
The BBC is interviewing major party leaders in the run-up to the election in The Panorama Interviews with Nick Robinson. You can watch the interview with Nigel Farage at 19:00 on BBC One or BBC iPlayer.
You can find a full list of candidates standing in the Clacton constituency here.
I see he hasn't gotten any smarter. Another right wing puppet of authoritarians.


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