Zone1 Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist

There's no good evidence of God the creator?
Not a shred.

And no, I don't want to hear someone mangle the concept of "evidence" for several pages. So don't start.

Instead I ask: Does the idea of your belief being faith embarrass you? I run into plenty of people who are proud of their faith. Sometimes its at Thanksgiving Dinnet, in fact. Yet you bristle at the idea of calling your beliefs, "faith". Why?
Also not one person who can prove rainbow unicorns don't exist.

Now what? We all know rainbow unicorns are fanciful nonsense, that's what.
What do you do when there is no empirical evidence upon which to demonstrate truth.............there is such a thing as PRIMA FACIE truth based upon reason and logic.

This type of truth is primarily based upon EYEWITNESS EVIDENCE of at least 3 people who witnessed certain things that can't be objectively proven to be true. This type of terstimonial evidence stands as truth until someone can introduce the objective, testable, reproducible facts that prove the prima facie testimony wrong.

The Holy Bible contains countless examples of Prima Facie truths........truths based upon the eyewitness accounting of certain events that can't be reproduced today.

Example: 2 Peter 1:16, "For we (the apostles of Christ) did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, BUT WE WERE EYEWITNESS TO HIS MAJESTY."

The record of the miracles contained in the Holy Bible can no more be proven a fact through empirical evidence than the same miracles can be disproved or rebutted by empirical evidences. The miracles recorded are openly called Super (superior) Natural (superior to nature) events. prima facie witnessing can be disproven by attempting to apply Natural Laws to a Supernatural the supernatural, by definition is superior to the natural laws of nature.

No one carries a Supernatural-0-meter in their hip pocket......they just pretend they are smarter than nature. If you can't see it......its not truth. You can't see the wind, love, gravity....etc., but we know they are truths based upon the potential that can be quantified/measured through effects based upon empirical experimentation.
Do animals have to repent of sin to save their soul from Hell?

No, I don't believe that at all. My view on it is that animals are like babies or small children....innocent. And not capable of understanding things like the Gospel. So they don't need to be saved. So it's similar to how babies or young children who die before the age of accountability go to Heaven, because our God is a God of LOVE, justice, goodness and mercy.

Many humans arrogantly believe that we have an advantage over the animals. But it's actually the other way around. And I'm pretty sure there's a bible verse that says just that, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
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What do you do when there is no empirical evidence upon which to demonstrate truth...
I sometimes adopt a belief. Sure. Everyone does this.

We have to make decisions. We have to get to the ends of our sentences and of our plans.

But I would not out these types of decisions on the same shelf as insisting on the existence of a god or gods. Would you?

So I think any comparison falls apart, there.

Your claims are not just extraordinary, but as extraordinary as they get. Scant, bad evidence just doesn't really cut it.

To help you understand, imagine someone trying to convince you of the truth of Zotoastrianism. They would obviously have no good evidence. About how would that turn out?

And I definitely think that, had you not been exposed to your faith until you were a fully formed adult, you would have rejected it, as well.
He spoke animals into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils
You keep repeating that, but He didn't give you everything you need to know about the creation of animals.

Their life is in the breath and the blood -- same as humans
Not a shred.

And no, I don't want to hear someone mangle the concept of "evidence" for several pages. So don't start.

Instead I ask: Does the idea of your belief being faith embarrass you? I run into plenty of people who are proud of their faith. Sometimes its at Thanksgiving Dinnet, in fact. Yet you bristle at the idea of calling your beliefs, "faith". Why?

Clearly you have misread me somehow.

Not a shred? Laughable.

Many scientists are bailing on your worldview.

1,000 Scientists Publicly Sign ‘Dissent From Darwinism’ Statement
Do you have a mind? A will? Emotions? A personality? That's what the soul is, in essence.

You DO believe in souls, you just don't believe they continue after death.

The problem is, many people use the words "soul" and "spirit" interchangeably. But they're actually 2 different things.
Soul is nephesh. It simply means "living being." All animals ar a LIVING BEING. They also were all given a SPIRIT.

If it has a SPIRIT from God, they BELONG TO GOD, and we would do well to TREAT THEM KINDLY
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Ok. I'm not sure if I have enough time to start it now... because I have to make dinner soon. But MAYBE late tonight, or tomorrow.

I'm not sure if that topic has been done before (it probably has, but I don't think recently) but it IS an interesting topic imo, so I'm glad someone else would like a thread on it.
No, I don't believe that at all. My view on it is that animals are like babies or small children....innocent. And not capable of understanding things like the Gospel. So they don't need to be saved. So it's similar to how babies or young children who die before the age of accountability go to Heaven, because our God is a God of LOVE, justice, goodness and mercy.

Many humans arrogantly believe that we have an advantage over the animals. But it's actually the other way around. And I'm pretty sure there's a bible verse that says just that, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.

Then there would be no reason for an animal to have a soul.

As far as humans having an advantage, we not only have an advantage, we have dominion over all of the animals.

Chapter 1​

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
And I'm pretty sure there's a bible verse that says just that, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
Is this what you were thinking of?

For the fates of both men and beasts are the same: As one dies, so dies the other—they all have the same breath. Man has no advantage over the animals, since everything is futile.
We've been over this a thousand times but you insist on ignoring the BIBLICAL RESPONSIBILITY that comes with dominion/stewardship.

Does God have dominion over Man?
Do you treat animals with the respect and kindness that God shows you?
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Then there would be no reason for an animal to have a soul.

So then babies and young children don't need a soul either, because they also go to Heaven (if they die before the age of accountability) without being saved.

Our soul is the immaterial part of us, our mind, will and emotions.

If you think animals do not have a mind or will or emotions, then you clearly have never had a dog, or cat, or have seen videos of intelligent animals who can figure things out like how to unlock a closed pen, or turn on a faucet, etc.

Or do a puzzle:

Yes, of course we have dominion, but you seem to have the typical - but completely wrong - idea about what dominion means. It does NOT mean we can treat the animals any way we want, or selfishly exploit them, or be like dictators.

If you want a quick example of what TRUE dominion looks like? Go to a farm animal sanctuary, where they take care of the animals with LOVE, kindness, respect, dignity and a genuine care for their well-being.... just like God's dominion over us.

And btw, you are arguing against the Bible when you say we have an advantage over the animals:

Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity. - Ecclesiastes 3:19

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