Zone1 Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist

Oh goody, am I about to hear a magical threat?

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And I am clearly saying it's absurd to say a soul exists that is anything more than that collection of physical processes.

You and I keep talking about 2 different things. I made one specific point. I'm not here to argue about the soul. I merely said (for the third time) that IN THE HERE AND NOW the soul is simply the mind, will and emotions. Which we OBVIOUSLY have.

But in response to what you said,
yes, I do think it is absurd (to put it nicely) to say that the mind is a physical thing. But you go ahead and believe that if you want. I have zero interest in arguing with you.
Let us=YHVH(Jehovah= the creator) and his master worker=Jesus( Prov 8:30= the one beside God during creation.
Gen 1:27= HE created---not we
Prov 8:27-28= HE created--- not we
Isaiah 40:26= HE created--- not we.
You and I keep talking about 2 different things
Not really. My responses were to the other guy and his idea of a soul.

The idea of simply labeling a set of Physical processes, "a soul" --that you presented to me -- is pretty much what I was already saying.

But in response to what you said, yes, I do think it is absurd (to put it nicely) to say that the mind is a physical thing.
Yes that's your faith. And it's your round about way of admitting that you believe a soul is the magical idea the other poster was describing. Which I already knew.
Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist
SPONSORED·Mar 17, 2021 ·

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We all know there's no way God can exist-- because bad things happen sometimes. If God existed, those bad things obviously wouldn't happen. Here are 10 examples. Remember these next time you're tempted to believe in God.

#1. One of the evilest men to ever live, Donald Trump, got elected president: Would a good God have allowed the presidency to be torn away from Hillary? I don't think so.

#2. My phone is dead and I can't find my charger: I even bought a new one just last week. I can't go on like this... I may be dying.

#3. George R.R. Martin hasn't finished his next book: If God exists, why isn't The Winds of Winter out yet? Checkmate.

#4. We have too many fast-food choices. It's disgusting: There's just too much abundance. Why would God allow that? I'm getting fat. It's not fair.

#5. The Last Jedi exists: 30 minutes into that movie, I realized life was meaningless and there was no hope.

#6. My shower ran out of hot water this morning: It was horrible.

#7. Good things happen, which makes the existence of bad things seem even worse: Why do so many good things happen? It just makes the bad things look bad. That's not really fair to the bad things. If God cared, it wouldn't be like that.

#8 The Mueller Report was a dud: Remember that disaster? 2 years of my life spent anxiously awaiting the results, down the drain. I could have learned to knit. Or ride a unicycle. Why would God let that happen? Oh yeah-- because he doesn't exist.

#9 My car makes a funny noise when I put it in 3rd gear: Slight imperfections in machines prove there was never a designer. I'm starting to think Chevy doesn't exist either.

#10 My post got zero likes this morning: If you don't think that's concrete evidence for God's non-existence, consider that fact that it happened yesterday too! My life is hard.

I hope you enjoyed reading this list of 10 bad things that prove God isn't real. If you still believe in God after reading this, I guess you're a sheep.
Hope you find your charger, Votto.

I believe in God, and he is alive in my mind, heart, and soul.
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The same Hebrew word used for humans, in Genesis 2:7, translated as soul, is also used for animals, in Genesis 1:30 and other places. But there are other examples as well.

Here's a whole talk on it, if you are sincerely interested in this topic:

So, what would the difference be?

He spoke animals into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostrils.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
There is a difference between faith and fact.

That is not to say, those things in which I have faith cannot be facts. But, if I believe them without understanding them, it remains faith to me, not a fact.

For example, I might believe The Earth is round ... I have been taught that and it conforms to my world view (literally). But, without understanding the math behind the proof, it remains a belief for you, not a fact.

Yes, we were made in the image and likeness of God, but that is a separate matter from having souls. The bible is clear that animals have both souls and spirits.

This actually could be a really good topic for a thread of its own, but there are different ideas about what being made in the image of God actually means. Most Christians define it a certain way....but my view on it is a little different than most Christians. If anyone is interested, let me know, and maybe I can start a thread on it.
You and I keep talking about 2 different things
Not really. My responses were to the other guy and his idea of a soul.

The idea of simply labeling a set of Physical processes, "a soul" --that you presented to me -- is pretty much what I was already saying.

But in response to what you said, yes, I do think it is absurd (to put it nicely) to say that the mind is a physical thing.

There is a difference between faith and fact.

That is not to say, those things in which I have faith cannot be facts. But, if I believe them without understanding them, it remains faith to me, not a fact.

For example, I might believe The Earth is round ... I have been taught that and it conforms to my world view (literally). But, without understanding the math behind the proof, it remains a belief for you, not a fact.
But you have ignored the difference between faith and trust.

Faith is belief without good evidence.

Trust is an evidence based determination.

I would say the amazing success of modern Science and mathematics represent pretty good evidence for trusting overwhelming scientific consensus.
Yes, we were made in the image and likeness of God, but that is a separate matter from having souls. The bible is clear that animals have both souls and spirits.

This actually could be a really good topic for a thread of its own, but there are different ideas about what being made in the image of God actually means. Most Christians define it a certain way....but my view on it is a little different than most Christians. If anyone is interested, let me know, and maybe I can start a thread on it.

I'm not going to criticize you on your beliefs, I just disagree with this point.

The main thing is you believe and have faith in God.
I'm not going to criticize you on your beliefs, I just disagree with this point.

The main thing is you believe and have faith in God.

What do you disagree with? We talked about a couple different things.... whether or not animals have souls, and what it means to be made in the image of God.

I hope you realize that animals are going to be in the New Heaven and Earth.

The wolf and the lamb will feed together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox​
Isaiah 65:25​

Also, that God made covenants with animals too, not just humans.

Do you really think soulless beings would be recipients of God's sacred covenants and also be in heaven?
What do you disagree with? We talked about a couple different things.... whether or not animals have souls, and what it means to be made in the image of God.

I hope you realize that animals are going to be in the New Heaven and Earth.

The wolf and the lamb will feed together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox​
Isaiah 65:25​

Also, that God made covenants with animals too, not just humans.

Do you really think soulless beings would be recipients of God's sacred covenants and also be in heaven?

Do animals have to repent of sin to save their soul from Hell?

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