Where Is Joe Biden?

Laughing....you demanded to hear it from Joe. I give you the recording so you can hear it from Joe.

You've ignored the recording, just like you did the signed letter, just like you did confirmation from his staff, just like you did confirmation from his VP. Now you demand to see him. Demonstrating elegantly that you'll ignore anything, even the very evidence you ask for.

You just blinked, tinfoil.
I demanded to see the President make the statement. There is no recording of him doing it. Not a document scanned and put on a social media account by someone in his administration -- NOT BY HIM.

AI has been cloning peoples voices and then using them to read scripts on youtube shorts for two years.

You refuse to acknowledge that you have no direct affirmation from the President that he has done these things.

They refuse to provide any evidence that Biden is even alive, let alone evidence that he has actually made the decision to step away from the campaign.

I didn't blink. What I am doing is seeing you work five times as hard as any normal person to say that the President made these decisions.

I also see that you wan't provide any proof that the President has done these things, because no such proof exists.
I demanded to see the President make the statement. There is no recording of him doing it. Not a document scanned and put on a social media account by someone in his administration -- NOT BY HIM.

AI has been cloning peoples voices and then using them to read scripts on youtube shorts for two years.

You refuse to acknowledge that you have no direct affirmation from the President that he has done these things.

They refuse to provide any evidence that Biden is even alive, let alone evidence that he has actually made the decision to step away from the campaign.

I didn't blink. What I am doing is seeing you work five times as hard as any normal person to say that the President made these decisions.

I also see that you wan't provide any proof that the President has done these things, because no such proof exists.

Oh, I believe you, tinfoil. But this guy? He says you're a liar.


You asked why no one had heard him say that. Why NO ONE has heard it directly from Biden.

I gave you Biden calling in, so you can hear him directly talking about dropping out.

And predictably, just like you did the signed letter, just like you did the confirmation from Biden's staff, just like you did confirmation from his VP.....

....you ignored it. And clung hopelessly to your little pile of batshit.

Good luck with that.
Oh, I believe you, tinfoil. But this guy? He says you're a liar.

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You asked why no one had heard him say that. Why NO ONE has heard it directly from Biden.

I gave you Biden calling in, so you can hear him directly talking about dropping out.

And predictably, just like you did the signed letter, just like you did the confirmation from Biden's staff, just like you did confirmation from his VP.....

....you ignored it. And clung hopelessly to your little pile of batshit.

Good luck with that.
You do realize that a recording is not hearing directly from someone, right? Are you that stupid?

When I say directly from Joe Biden, everyone in the known universe understands that a live feed of Biden making these statements is required.

Good bye low IQ.
You do realize that a recording is not hearing directly from someone, right? Are you that stupid?

When I say directly from Joe Biden, everyone in the known universe understands that a live feed of Biden making these statements is required.

Good bye low IQ.

Run along, tinfoil. You were given EXACTLY what you demanded: A chance to hear it direct from Biden. And you ignored that too.

You'll be happier back in the echo chamber. Outside of it, you're just another hapless conspiracy theorist folding any contradiction into your baseless conspiracy batshit.
Biden wasn't 'deposed'. He dropped out of his RE-election bid.

He's still president of the United States.
Biden himself called in, tinfoil, and discussed dropping out.

"I know yesterday's news was surprising. Its hard for you to hear. But its the right thing to do....

....I'm hoping you'll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to Kamala. And I want you to know, I won't be on the ticket but I'm still going to be fully engaged. I've got six months left in my presidency. I'm determined to get the most done that I possibly can. Both foreign policy and domestic policy....

...I'll be doing whatever Kamala wants me or needs me to do in addition."

Yeah, I'm gonna go with the signed letter, confirmation from Biden's staff, confirmation from the VP, and Biden himself discussing his dropping out in a call over some tinfoil clad rando on the internet who insists he knows better.
How do you know that it's not a Deep Fake?

You...you understand that Biden is still president, yes? That he will be for 6 more months?
How do you know that it's not a Deep Fake?

What evidence do you have that it was a Deep Fake?

Again, we have a signed letter from Biden, confirmation from Biden's office, confirmation from the VP, and a call in from Biden talking about him dropping out.

The burden of proof that its all fake is entirely on you.
What evidence do you have that it was a Deep Fake?

Again, we have a signed letter from Biden, confirmation from Biden's office, confirmation from the VP, and a call in from Biden talking about him dropping out.

The burden of proof that its all fake is entirely on you.
We don't have a signed letter from Biden. A digital signature can be made by copying a digital signature. Deep Fake can fake his voice. Harris can lie (I'm told that it's what she does best, if you know what I mean). He's supposed to do a livestream, so watch out for evidence of Deep Fake.
We don't have a signed letter from Biden.

Says you. Prove that the signature is fake.

The burden of proof that its fake is entirely on you, tinfoil.
A digital signature can be made by copying a digital signature. Deep Fake can fake his voice.

Prove its a deep fake.

The burden of proof that its fake is entirely on you, tinfoil.
Harris can lie (I'm told that it's what she does best, if you know what I mean).

Prove Harris is lying about Joe Biden dropping out.

The burden of proof that she's lying is entirely on you, tinfoil.

Random conspiracies backed by jackshit may be evidence on Truth Social. But off that festering conspiracy shithole, your imagination means nothing.

Show us the evidence its all faked.
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