Zone1 Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist

Do you have a mind? A will? Emotions? A personality? That's what the soul is, in essence.
Those are all physical processes.

Maybe you think "soul" is just a label we give to this collection of physical processes (and i would agree), but I dont think that's what he means by "soul".

You DO believe in souls, you just don't believe they continue after death.
No, see above. I definitely do not believe in a "soul", as he means it.
Those are all physical processes.

Maybe you think "soul" is just a label we give to this collection of physical processes (and i would agree), but I dont think that's what he means by "soul".

No, see above. I definitely do not believe in a "soul", as he means it.

I don't know who you're talking about, but the bottom line is, it is absurd to say that there is no soul, when a soul is simply one's mind / will / emotions.

Yes, it is often defined as something that exists beyond death, but if we're just talking about the here and now, that's what the soul is.
Haha, a simple question always separates the bad faith trolls from honest inquiries.

Works every time. Especially on you.

Why do you have such a hard time making your own points? Are they that terrible?

Trying to convince you would involve rational argument focusing on not just the utter lack evidence but also the idea that every shred of evidence ever collected shows humans are physical systems operating under the deterministic laws.of the universe.

Laws don't make themselves.

There has to be a law maker.
I don't know who you're talking about, but the bottom line is, it is absurd to say that there is no soul, when a soul is simply one's mind / will / emotions.
And I am clearly saying it's absurd to say a soul exists that is anything more than that collection of physical processes.
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