Elon Musk is winning

At least you didn't create a homoerotic meme by sticking his head on top of a shirtless muscular body like you guys do with Very Old Man Trump.
Something smalls. Oh yeah.....Toro excrement .
You've absolutely got to be kidding.

Ok, fair play to Elon Musk. He was given a big chunk of cash by his father and turned it into one of the biggest fortunes on the planet. But you cannot possibly believe any of that about Trump. You have absolutely no clue about this man if you believe this.

Donald Trump inherited $400 million in today's dollars by the time he was 18. He was a millionaire when he was three. His father gifted him this money for tax purposes. Forbes estimated that pre-DJT stock, he was worth $2.5 billion. That means throughout his lifetime, Trump compounded his inheritance at 3% per year.

Three percent per year.

You would have made more in a bank account or buying government Treasury bonds.

In that time, he managed to go bankrupt six times. He totally fucked over his bondholders who were almost entirely Moms and Pops because Wall Street wouldn't touch his bonds because they knew he is a conman. He screws his contractors. His company has been adjudicated as a fraud. He is not allowed to operate a charity in New York because he was stealing money from it. His university was fined because he lied to its students. His executives have gone to prison. And so on, and so on, and so on.

His biggest success has been convincing millions of people to send him money and to buy his merchandise because they think he is being persecuted. Even his DJT stock, which is worth $6 billion, has $3 million in revenue, a number that anyone on Wall Street finds insane. It's a frickin' meme stock that the alt-right Zero Hedge reddit crowd is keeping afloat for reasons other than anything remotely economic.

It absolutely blows my mind that anyone - let alone an intelligent person such as yourself - can buy this nonsense.

But like they say - it's easier to con a person than convince a person they've been conned.
Trump did start out with $1 million and probably received some additional over the years but even Politifact couldn't come up with any evidence of how Fred Trump's estate of an estimated $413 million was divvied up after he died in 1999. There were four children, numerous grandchildren and brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews who were beneficiaries. Trump had built his initial nest egg to at least $1 billion by 1988.

Elon says he started out with nothing. No inheritance. Nothing.

You need sources other than anti-Trump hate rags I think. And really should get your facts straight before putting out false information about anybody.

The fact is both were/are brilliant businessmen and I say power to them for their life accomplishments so far.
I read a Wall Street Journal article that made that claim, but maybe it's not true.
Come on. Who makes a donation to a politician for 462 years? The media no longer has journalists that actually check facts and honestly report them. They just regurgitate whatever propaganda they are given to report.
Looks like X is here to stay, and in addition, despite Musk publicly taking sides, going from the left's darling, to now being their enemy, he's once again the richest person in the world.
Long live King Elon!

View attachment 982700

  • Elon Musk's net worth soared to $274 billion after Tesla stock's 10-day stock win streak.
  • Tesla shares have risen 44% since late June, driven by better-than-expected second-quarter deliveries.
  • Musk is once again the world's richest person, and his net worth exceeds Jeff Bezos's by $53 billion.
Elon Musk's net worth soared by $67 billion amid a long winning streak for Tesla stock through Tuesday's trading session, once again making him the world's richest person.

Shares of Tesla closed higher on Tuesday to notch a 10-day win streak, rising 44% since late June.

The 10-day surge propelled Musk's net worth to $274 billion, according to data from Bloomberg.

^Bernie Sanders doesn't like this!^ :laugh:

Twitter Won’t Die​

The platform has always been in the doomscrolling business, and business is booming.

X is just getting started....
She has already pulled ahead of Trump in polling.

Right. Right on cue. Perhaps at the federal level.

Let's see her get the Rustbelt.

Ultimately though, if she wins, I am predicting that Taiwan is attacked before 2028. Book this prediction. The ONLY way they do not, would be if China is basically bribed into not doing it through U.S dollars, jobs and other benefits. Think about that for a moment. Xi would only be happy because he knows he's going to have four years of China winning at the Wests expense.
Right. Right on cue. Perhaps at the federal level.

Let's see her get the Rustbelt.

Ultimately though, if she wins, I am predicting that Taiwan is attacked before 2028. Book this prediction. The ONLY way they do not, would be if China is basically bribed into not doing it through U.S dollars, jobs and other benefits. Think about that for a moment.
Polls are nothing but over calculated bullshit.
Polls are nothing but over calculated bullshit.

Well Trump could have avoided all of this risk by choosing Rubio or Scott. Instead they got through Don Jr and they went with the "Hillbilly" author.

He seems energetic and he is definitely competent. His primary goal must be to win the Rustbelt states. Vivek would be an asset if he ran with the guy during this process and he draws a crowd and understands what is at stake more than most Americans who just see a D or an R.

Well played by the Establishment I suppose to get to Don J.. Unfortunately the joke will be on all of us if she wins. Not because of her policies per se, but because of what Americans enemies will do.

I would happily challenge anyone to this debate. As it were, the Wests intel on China is grossly underwhelming so they may assume that an approach of "let's get an old controllable Establishment candidate to go for the Dems". It is wrong headed and really has me surprised. Even four more years of Joe is probably better than the alternative, and he had record low approval (so did she).

Most military experts predict Taiwan will be attacked by 2027. All of Chinas navy expansion has been for this objective and to counter American carriers in the region (which would take days to even arrive). This is apparently predicted to begin with a blockade and they have been testing some of this by boarding NAVY vessels of the Philippines and staring down a Japanese vessel.

China and Xi keep repeating that "Taiwan is a Chinese province!" because he wants to force the world to accept this narrative when he attacks. He is going to eventually attack and blood will be on all of our hands.
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