Elon Musk is winning

Come on. Who makes a donation to a politician for 462 years? The media no longer has journalists that actually check facts and honestly report them. They just regurgitate whatever propaganda they are given to report.

No, that wasn't it.

The article I have no reason to question. As for the 462 year thing, I think that was just some Reddit user calculating how, with Musk's wealth, he could do give Trump $45 million a month for 462 years.

I just assumed that the $45 million a month would go until the election, and then that would be it.
Well Trump could have avoided all of this risk by choosing Rubio or Scott.

Instead they got through Don Jr and they went with the "Hillbilly" author.

Well played by the Establishment I suppose. Unfortunately the joke will be on all of us if she wins.

I would happily challenge anyone to this debate. As it were, the Wests intel on China is grossly underwhelming so they assume "let's get an old controllable Establishment candidate to go for the Dems".

Most military experts predict China will be attacked by 2027. All of their navy expansion has been for this objective and to counter American carriers in the region (which would take days to even arrive). This is apparently predicted to begin with a blockade and they have been testing some of this by boarding NAVY vessels of the Philippines and staring down a Japanese vessel.
Yep that's how it will begin Taiwan will be blockaded
You are just pissed because the truth manages to come on X.
Why would I be pissed? If fact, I feel sorry for the racist asshole. He has estranged kids he has totally fucked up. i wouldn’t trade his hundreds of billions if it comes with being despised by my kids. No thanks.
Well Trump could have avoided all of this risk by choosing Rubio or Scott. Instead they got through Don Jr and they went with the "Hillbilly" author.

He seems energetic and he is definitely competent. His primary goal must be to win the Rustbelt states. Vivek would be an asset if he ran with the guy during this process and he draws a crowd and understands what is at stake more than most Americans who just see a D or an R.

Well played by the Establishment I suppose to get to Don J.. Unfortunately the joke will be on all of us if she wins. Not because of her policies per se, but because of what Americans enemies will do.

I would happily challenge anyone to this debate. As it were, the Wests intel on China is grossly underwhelming so they may assume that an approach of "let's get an old controllable Establishment candidate to go for the Dems". It is wrong headed and really has me surprised. Even four more years of Joe is probably better than the alternative, and he had record low approval (so did she).

Most military experts predict Taiwan will be attacked by 2027. All of Chinas navy expansion has been for this objective and to counter American carriers in the region (which would take days to even arrive). This is apparently predicted to begin with a blockade and they have been testing some of this by boarding NAVY vessels of the Philippines and staring down a Japanese vessel.

China and Xi keep repeating that "Taiwan is a Chinese province!" because he wants to force the world to accept this narrative when he attacks. He is going to eventually attack and blood will be on all of our hands.
Vivek is far and away smarter than the rest of them freaking combined....
She has already pulled ahead of Trump in polling.

Which specific polls?

She will definitely get a honeymoon bump, but at some point, it will start sinking in that she will be worse than Joe on pretty much everything, and her #'s will likely even out.

Keep in mind, her polling as VP has always been worse than Joe's.
Why would I be pissed? If fact, I feel sorry for the racist asshole. He has estranged kids he has totally fucked up. i wouldn’t trade his hundreds of billions if it comes with being despised by my kids. No thanks.
At least he has not molested them.
Which specific polls?

She will definitely get a honeymoon bump, but at some point, it will start sinking in that she will be worse than Joe on pretty much everything, and her #'s will likely even out.

Keep in mind, her polling as VP has always been worse than Joe's.
The American voting culture is highly misogynistic. It doesn't matter the half of the voters are women, misogyny is there also.
Right. Right on cue. Perhaps at the federal level.

Let's see her get the Rustbelt.

Ultimately though, if she wins, I am predicting that Taiwan is attacked before 2028. Book this prediction. The ONLY way they do not, would be if China is basically bribed into not doing it through U.S dollars, jobs and other benefits. Think about that for a moment. Xi would only be happy because he knows he's going to have four years of China winning at the Wests expense.

If China takes over Taiwan, that will be the end to our semiconductor industry. It would not only spell doom for us, but it would likely create a global economic disaster.
If China takes over Taiwan, that will be the end to our semiconductor industry. It would not only spell doom for us, but it would likely create a global economic disaster.

Hence why they will be bribed, but they know Trump won't play ball with such a method.

I am trying to "war game", more like "political game" what would happen if Harris won. I mean for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, the U.S dollar after inflated debt, BRICS, the rest of Europe which is also now left-wing sympathetic to China. On and on.

This is only pulling from out of my a** because intel from China is not that voluminous and certainly not well distributed online. I am certain that Taiwan is Ground Zero for the West. Even Biden seemed to understand that to his and/or his handlers credit. America needs Japan most. They will stand by America and fight if Taiwan is attacked. A hearty, honourable people the Japanese.

The collapse of the U.S economy in particular if Taiwan is taken over would be a massive vacuum in the world. What would the West do? Ask for the release of TMSC executives and experts so that many in the West can restart chip manufacturing over 3-4 years?
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Are we not building those manufacturing plants here now?

Only around 12% of semiconductor manufacturing are currently produced here. TSMC in Taiwan is the world's biggest manufacturer, and if China took it over, we would be hurting bigtime!
We would likely have to destroy all the factories in Taiwan, in order to keep them from falling in the Chinese hands. If that happened, the world would be hurting really bad!

Yes, $45 million a month, but not for 462 years. Again, I think the 462 years was just someone on Reddit.
It wasn't $45 million period. I imagine it was a routine contribution if one was made at all. These things get started on the internet and gain legs and an irresponsible media doesn't fact check anything. Elon says that $45 million was just a figure somebody made up and that he didn't pledge any specific amount.

And now the headlines are saying he backed off the pledge and says 'he doesn't contribute to a cult of personality" or something to that effect which he didn't say either.

They have no shame.
It wasn't $45 million period. I imagine it was a routine contribution if one was made at all. These things get started on the internet and gain legs and an irresponsible media doesn't fact check anything. Elon says that $45 million was just a figure somebody made up and that he didn't pledge any specific amount.

And now the headlines are saying he backed off the pledge and says 'he doesn't contribute to a cult of personality" or something to that effect which he didn't say either.

They have no shame.

Yes I see that. I was just saying it was reported he was going to pledge $45 million a month. The 462 years was from somewhere else.

But yes, the whole thing now is being debunked.
Hence why they will be bribed, but they know Trump won't play ball with such a method.

I am trying to "war game", more like "political game" what would happen if Harris won. I mean for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, the U.S dollar after inflated debt, BRICS, the rest of Europe which is also now left-wing sympathetic to China. On and on.

This is only pulling from out of my a** because intel from China is not that voluminous and certainly not well distributed online. I am certain that Taiwan is Ground Zero for the West. Even Biden seemed to understand that to his and/or his handlers credit. America needs Japan most. They will stand by America and fight if Taiwan is attacked. A hearty, honourable people the Japanese.

The collapse of the U.S economy in particular if Taiwan is taken over would be a massive vacuum in the world. What would the West do? Ask for the release of TMSC executives and experts so that many in the West can restart chip manufacturing over 3-4 years?

The milk toast of Europe will no doubt favor Harris over Trump by a wide margin. They will do so at their own peril. I for one cannot envision that woman will have even a clue on how to proceed with the likes of the Russian/Ukraine war, and the Israeli/Islamic war. As for Taiwan, they'll likely be praying for a hardliner leader of Japan, because I doubt they will see Harris as anything that could deter China. God help them!

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