Elon Musk Backs down from $45 million dollar per month pledge to Trump.

Everyone grifts you retard. All political parties are owned. Did your mom drop on your head when you were a baby.
AHole has nothing to contribute to any thread. Probably some leech living in a basement.
When I hear it from Musk himself I will believe it... until then its fake news...
Once again confirmed you have never been married and you have no kids. Enjoy renting a scooter or a bike or urbanism climate change cult stupid chit.
Lol..sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about AHole. Trying to be clever is not your forte. You are just a natural born idiot.
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It's all facts. Something you know zilch about.

Speaking of needing facts!
I mean really, what a stupid thing for you to say! He's a "tard"! :laugh:

The man is the richest person in the world.
He has controlling interest of Space X.
He is the largest stockholder of Tesla.
He owns 79% of Twitter stock.
He either owns or partially owns The Boring Company, Neuralink, Open AI, and Starlink

So, yeah, those are the facts pal! Now if you want to be juvenile and stupid, be my guest!
Speaking of needing facts!
I mean really, what a stupid thing for you to say! He's a "tard"! :laugh:

The man is the richest person in the world.
He has controlling interest of Space X.
He is the largest stockholder of Tesla.
He owns 79% of Twitter stock.
He either owns or partially owns The Boring Company, Neuralink, Open AI, and Starlink

So, yeah, those are the facts pal! Now if you want to be juvenile and stupid, be my guest!
Yet what he said were indeed facts.

You act like he insulted your mother.
Speaking of needing facts!
I mean really, what a stupid thing for you to say! He's a "tard"! :laugh:

The man is the richest person in the world.
He has controlling interest of Space X.
He is the largest stockholder of Tesla.
He owns 79% of Twitter stock.
He either owns or partially owns The Boring Company, Neuralink, Open AI, and Starlink

So, yeah, those are the facts pal! Now if you want to be juvenile and stupid, be my guest!
And Tesla is dying because the idiot can't keep customers due to his politics. Understand that.
And Tesla is dying because the idiot can't keep customers due to his politics. Understand that.

I've said ever since he became PUBLICLY political, you are going to drive customers away, REGARDLESS of which side of the aisle you're on.

However, the bottom line is, as of right now despite his public stance, he's the richest person in the world.
Just imagine how wealthy he would be right now had he never publicly taken a side?!!
I've said ever since he became PUBLICLY political, you are going to drive customers away, REGARDLESS of which side of the aisle you're on.

However, the bottom line is, as of right now despite his public stance, he's the richest person in the world.
Just imagine how wealthy he would be right now had he never publicly taken a side?!!
Give him a kiss and tell him you love him.
Tesla sales are in the dumps. Down 48%. Didn't fair to well at the end of today's trading either... down 2 points.

Musk has a habit of screwing the pooch. You would think he would learn, but he's a tard.
Nobody likes EV’s.
And Newsom is forcing everyone in California to buy one in a couple of years.
The value has dropped and it's pissed off owners who wanted to buy again, but the trade value sucks.
Because he came out and personally decimated the value with his blabbermouth.

Imagine buying a $70000 car, and the idiot CEO comes out and says they only cost $50,000, as of today.

Loans are being written to cover the negative equity of people bailing out to cut their losses.

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