You will Learn About Calling Harris Cackles

The hard way. This woman is exceptional, and all your dumb racist tropes are going to insure a Republican loss. Fiction is the foundation on which racist beliefs have been built. And it is fiction to believe that a former California Attorney General, the first black woman to do so, or the second black woman in history to be VOTED into the Senate is somehow unqualified to be president as opposed to a 78 year old spoiled brat still living on what he inherited from daddy.

Wtf…how is calling her “cackles” racist? Geez…it literally describes her. She cackles a lot…

Why does EVERYTHING have to be about race with you…EVERYTHING….
Actually, Kamala's accomplishments are quite impressive. Elected DA, then California AG then Senator and VP.

I mean what are your credentials: Bag Man at the local Walmart?
Being elected is hardly an accomplishment.
apparently you care a great deal since you are the one bent out of shape about what people call her.
As usual, you are wrong again. Yes, it's childish, but trump convinced MAGAs that childish names are cool.

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