Zone1 Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist

A subject not worth speaking about then. It would go nowhere.
That's because you have a double mind and refuse to ask God with real intent. Instead, you listen to only your cult. That's what cultist do, They get people to not receive testimony and witness from God through the Holy Ghost. Only from them...
Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist
SPONSORED·Mar 17, 2021 ·

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We all know there's no way God can exist-- because bad things happen sometimes. If God existed, those bad things obviously wouldn't happen. Here are 10 examples. Remember these next time you're tempted to believe in God.

#1. One of the evilest men to ever live, Donald Trump, got elected president: Would a good God have allowed the presidency to be torn away from Hillary? I don't think so.

#2. My phone is dead and I can't find my charger: I even bought a new one just last week. I can't go on like this... I may be dying.

#3. George R.R. Martin hasn't finished his next book: If God exists, why isn't The Winds of Winter out yet? Checkmate.

#4. We have too many fast-food choices. It's disgusting: There's just too much abundance. Why would God allow that? I'm getting fat. It's not fair.

#5. The Last Jedi exists: 30 minutes into that movie, I realized life was meaningless and there was no hope.

#6. My shower ran out of hot water this morning: It was horrible.

#7. Good things happen, which makes the existence of bad things seem even worse: Why do so many good things happen? It just makes the bad things look bad. That's not really fair to the bad things. If God cared, it wouldn't be like that.

#8 The Mueller Report was a dud: Remember that disaster? 2 years of my life spent anxiously awaiting the results, down the drain. I could have learned to knit. Or ride a unicycle. Why would God let that happen? Oh yeah-- because he doesn't exist.

#9 My car makes a funny noise when I put it in 3rd gear: Slight imperfections in machines prove there was never a designer. I'm starting to think Chevy doesn't exist either.

#10 My post got zero likes this morning: If you don't think that's concrete evidence for God's non-existence, consider that fact that it happened yesterday too! My life is hard.

I hope you enjoyed reading this list of 10 bad things that prove God isn't real. If you still believe in God after reading this, I guess you're a sheep.
One of our company secretaries told me one time that she didn't go to church because she just didn't feel like she was good enough to go to church. I assured her that Jesus died for us because NONE of us were good enough to go to church that was designed and created for all us sinners. She said she would think about it.

The next time the subject came up she told me that she didn't go to church because of all the hypocrites that were there. I started to do my little 'sinner' speech again but let it go as a probable exercise in futility.

But for people who need an excuse to not believe in God, your list is as good as any. :)
So then babies and young children don't need a soul either, because they also go to Heaven (if they die before the age of accountability) without being saved.

Our soul is the immaterial part of us, our mind, will and emotions.

If you think animals do not have a mind or will or emotions, then you clearly have never had a dog, or cat, or have seen videos of intelligent animals who can figure things out like how to unlock a closed pen, or turn on a faucet, etc.

Or do a puzzle:

Yes, of course we have dominion, but you seem to have the typical - but completely wrong - idea about what dominion means. It does NOT mean we can treat the animals any way we want, or selfishly exploit them, or be like dictators.

If you want a quick example of what TRUE dominion looks like? Go to a farm animal sanctuary, where they take care of the animals with LOVE, kindness, respect, dignity and a genuine care for their well-being.... just like God's dominion over us.

And btw, you are arguing against the Bible when you say we have an advantage over the animals:

Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity. - Ecclesiastes 3:19

I disagree.

Before jumping to other topics, let's stick with dominion for the moment.

Are you familiar with the the law of first mention? It basically means that to understand a particular word or doctrine, we need to find the first place in scripture where it's mentioned, and typically that is true definition.

So, when it comes to dominion, we were given dominion in the very beginning, soon after God created everything.

How do we know that true dominion doesn't mean license to eat animals? Because when we go back to the beginning, when we were given dominion, IN THE VERY NEXT VERSE it clearly states that God gave mankind a 100% plantbased diet.

So clearly, if "dominion" meant "do whatever the hell you want I don't care" then God would have given us the animals to eat in HIS ideal, in the pre-fall world, but He did not. He gave all of us a plantbased diet. (Genesis 1:29-30)

Secondly, you're not addressing pretty much anything I've been saying.

And I don't have time right now to keep leap-frogging to other things, especially if you're not going to address the things I've brought up.... like the scripture I posted in my previous post that clearly says we have no advantage over the animals. When it comes to salvation anyway.
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Secondly, you're not addressing pretty much anything I've been saying.

Speaking of which.

You never answered my question from earlier.

Why did God speak animals into existence and form man from the dust and breathe life into his nostrils?
This is what I was feeling and why I'm done with this tonight. Interesting topic but I feel like I'm chasing balls (great analogy)
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Are you familiar with the the law of first mention? It basically means that to understand a particular word or doctrine, we need to find the first place in scripture where it's mentioned, and typically that is true definition.

Are you familiar with how things have changed since man was first created?

And are you saying that God didn't tell people to eat animals?


Chapter 9​

3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Speaking of which.

You never answered my question from earlier.

Why did God speak animals into existence and form man from the dust and breathe life into his nostrils?

There are 2 different creation accounts. They are written in different styles. That's a whole topic in and of itself.

But the bottom line is, the "breath of life" that God breathed into us is the SAME as the animals. As I said before, the same Hebrew word is used (Nephesh) for both humans and animals!

Plus, that verse I posted a few posts back ALSO says that we have the same breath!

But here I am, answering your questions when I said I wasn't going to do that because you haven't been addressing the things I'm saying.

I really do have to go right now though. I have to eat.
This is what I was feeling and why I'm done with this tonight. Interesting topic but I feel like I'm chasing balls (great analogy)

Haha... I went back and edited that, because I re-read it and felt that it was too blunt. I don't want to be snarky like that...

but I am hungry and I do have to go now. I'm glad I wasn't totally alone on this thread, btw! Thanks!
Animals definitely have souls.

The very word animal, when you look at the etymology, comes from the Latin word "anima" which means soul.
4 Jul 2024
Borrowed from Latin anima ("a current of air, wind, air, breath, the vital principle, life, soul"), sometimes equivalent to animus ("mind"), both from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁- ("to breathe, blow"); see animus. Cognate with Ancient Greek ἄνεμος (ánemos, "wind"), Old English anda
Are you familiar with how things have changed since man was first created?

And are you saying that God didn't tell people to eat animals?



Chapter 9​

3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

There you go again! I see this is a pattern with you.

You're not addressing anything I'm saying. And you keep bringing up other things and expecting me to answer you when you don't address my posts.

If that's the way you post, I don't want to continue with you. It's not an honest fair way of debating.
4 Jul 2024
Borrowed from Latin anima ("a current of air, wind, air, breath, the vital principle, life, soul"), sometimes equivalent to animus ("mind"), both from Proto-Indo-European *h₂enh₁- ("to breathe, blow"); see animus. Cognate with Ancient Greek ἄνεμος (ánemos, "wind"), Old English anda

Right? I mean the very word itself means soul!!!!


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