Strikes me as highly illegal

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Everything the democrats are doing in ousting Biden is all illegal. However, some of it is Biden reaping what he has sown.

Biden's (B d n) name in Hebrew means; to create contention in laws being passed; grief, pity, concern, warning. All of which he inflicted on Trump, and the American people through weaponizing the justice system, executive orders, and deadly COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
Cry those tears fuckup
Since when the immoral Left cares about legality?:rolleyes:

Since never.

There is proof democrats knew for 2 years that Biden was in decline. They knew damn good and well he wasn't running again, they weren't going to let him.

Can you quote the portion of the article that lays out any crime? Or any foreknowledge that Biden wouldn't be running?
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