Kamala Harris Is NOT Black

Look at these terrified, hateful dumbasses trying to convince themselves Harris isn't black.


I can smell their flop sweat from here.
She's not obama. Not even African descent. But the pandering democrats want to fool you about it.

The closest Kamalalalala ever came to being "black" was when her slave-owning ancestors took one of them behind the barn for a roll in the hay.
Um...retard? You think pasty white racist Trump will get the black vote?

The only black woman Trump could find to speak for him at the Trump convention was a porn star.

Which is appropriate, actually.

The Trump party sets new lows every day.

Trump will get about 8 percent of the black vote. Book it.
That's all you think of African Americans is percentage points to get any advantage, you racist. You're the real one hidden behind the curtain for the sake of beating the ones who are going to vote Trump.
This is a good point actually. So why do people on the left feel like it would be racist not to vote for her?

You must be fairly young, the following will explain why, according to the white supremacist society from which we descended, our Vice President is indeed a "person of African descent" aka a Black person:

"One-Drop Rule

AKA: Act 320 of 1911
AKA: House Bill 79 of 1911

In 1911, Arkansas passed Act 320 (House Bill 79), also known as the “one-drop rule.” This law had two goals: it made interracial “cohabitation” a felony, and it defined as “Negro” anyone “who has…any negro blood whatever,” thus relegating to second-class citizenship anyone accused of having any African ancestry. Although the law had features unique to Arkansas, it largely reflected nationwide trends.

Laws against interracial sex were not new. Virginia declared extramarital sex a crime during Oliver Cromwell’s era and increased the penalty for sex across the color line in 1662. In 1691, Virginia criminalized matrimony when celebrated by an interracial couple. Maryland did so the following year, and others followed. By 1776, twelve of the thirteen colonies that declared independence forbade intermarriage.

Though the intermarriage ban widened, extramarital interracial sex—at least between white men and Black women—was tolerated. By 1910, twenty-nine of the forty-six states, including Arkansas, prosecuted intermarriage but not such instances of interracial sex. Public rhetoric justified such laws as preserving “racial purity.” Nevertheless, tolerance of white male/Black female liaisons versus punishment of Black male/white female relationships showed this to be a rationalization. Scholars suggest that marriage was punished because it implied social equality—an alliance between families that was not tolerated across the color line. Mere sex lacked such implication.

Until Reconstruction, states found ways to accommodate interracial families. However, tolerance faded during the Jim Crow era. House Bill 79 outlawed interracial families altogether, declaring the mere existence of a biracial child evidence of parental crime.

The law also defined “Negro” as having “any negro blood whatever.” Dichotomous “racial” classification was also invented in colonial times, with blood-fraction laws defining a “Negro” as having more than a given fraction of African ancestry. North America’s first blood-fraction law, in 1705, used a one-eighth rule (a person was Black if one great-grandparent was entirely of African ancestry). By 1910, twenty states classified citizens by blood-fraction, most using one-fourth or one-eighth. However, appearance also played a role in racial definition in pre-1911 Arkansas, as exemplified by the case of the 1861 freedom case of Guy v. Daniel, in which slave Abby Guy was awarded her freedom largely because of her appearance and behavior. Before 1911, Arkansas’s railroad segregation law defined “Negro” as “one in whom there is a visible and distinct admixture of African blood.” However, the emergence of scientific racism gave rise to the notion that a person could look and self-identify as white but still somehow be Black.

A neighboring state outlawed interracial sex three years earlier. Louisiana’s Act 87 of 1908 declared “concubinage between a person of the Caucasian or white race and a person of the negro or black race” a felony. The law was tested in 1910 when the Louisiana Supreme Court overturned the conviction of Octave Treadaway of New Orleans and his mistress. Chief Justice Provosty ruled that the woman was neither “Negro” nor “Black”; rather, she was “Coloured,” an intermediate caste based upon dual ancestry, as defined in Louisiana caselaw. Within a month of Provosty’s ruling, lawmakers reconvened, amending the statute to define “Negro” via a one-thirty-second blood fraction—in effect, a one-drop rule.

When Arkansas’s legislature met the following year, it left no wiggle-room for a recalcitrant judge. They adopted the wording of Louisiana’s statute while adding the one-drop clause. The felony for interracial sex was “punishable by one month to one year in penitentiary at hard labor.”

House Bill 79 was introduced in the Arkansas General Assembly on January 16, 1911, by Representative Napoleon B. Kersh of Lincoln County. According to the next day’s Arkansas Gazette, an amendment was offered that would limit the bill’s provisions only to Lincoln County, but the amendment was defeated. The bill was read in the state Senate on February 3 and was referred to committee, where it waited until the special session called by Governor George Washington Donaghey to deal with other unfinished legislative business. The bill was quietly approved on May 30, with little notice or fanfare.

Oddly, the first case appealed to the Arkansas Supreme Court based on the 1911 statute was a dispute over school segregation, not sex. In 1921, three great-grandchildren of Maria Gocio, who were by all physical appearances white, were expelled from Public School 16 in Montgomery County because Maria admitted to a trace of Cherokee ancestry. The school felt that Cherokee had “Negro” blood. The children’s parents sought a mandamus order based on the railroad-segregation law (“visible and distinct admixture”). They lost in State v. School District (1922) when Arkansas Supreme Court Justice T. H. Humphreys ruled that the 1911 law applied (“any trace of negro blood”). The children and their future descendants were ruled to be Black because of a great-grandmother’s Cherokee ancestry.

The language of Act 320 continued to be published in the statutes of Arkansas through the 1960s, although repeal of various laws demanding separation of whites and African Americans (and a general failure to enforce laws forbidding extramarital sexual relations) made its provisions obsolete. Act 320 essentially disappeared from the books with the passage of Act 280 of 1975, which rewrote the criminal code of Arkansas’s statutes, no longer addressing extramarital sex and no longer defining race in terms of ancestry.

For additional information:
Murray, Pauli, ed. States’ Laws on Race and Color. Athens: University of Georgia, 1997.

Sweet, Frank W. Legal History of the Color Line: The Rise and Triumph of the One-Drop Rule. Palm Coast, FL: Backintyme, 2005.

Frank W. Sweet
Backintyme Publishing
The masks are slipping off the racists' faces again.

Kamala has them running scared.

Fear and hate is all they know. And whining.

That's all the felon does, is whine and whine and whine. And sow nothing but fear and hate.
That's all you think of African Americans is percentage points to get any advantage, you racist. You're the real one hidden behind the curtain for the sake of beating the ones who are going to vote Trump.
Here we see the usual projection by the parroting tards.
Look at these terrified, hateful dumbasses trying to convince themselves Harris isn't black.


I can smell their flop sweat from here.

It’s a cultural thing, not just about colour.

I doubt someone like Nelson Mandela would have felt comfortable in a Chicago ghetto.
She's black enough for the racists in the Trump party to hate her. And for Birther Trump to be terrified of her.

You don't have a fucking clue why I hate her. If the truth be known, I hate you just as much, and you're not "black."
The closest Kamalalalala ever came to being "black" was when her slave-owning ancestors took one of them behind the barn for a roll in the hay.

Yep. Crooked joe and his crony democrat party are the true racists. They know what they are doing. Coincidence that crooked joe is Irish descent too?

The closest Kamalalalala ever came to being "black" was when her slave-owning ancestors took one of them behind the barn for a roll in the hay.

Notice how they play the race card when it’s expedient.

Meghan Markle played that game in the Oprah interview, and when she visited Africa, saying she was Nigerian. :blsmile:

Up to that point, none of us even realised she was bi-racial. She never touted the fact prior to her entry into the Royal Family.
Personally, I believe Kamalalalala is half Indian and half black.

But I also don’t care.

Opposition to Cackles isn’t race based. Nor should it be.

Opposition to HeelsUp is premised on who she is as a person and what she says and how she says it.

She may not be as retarded as AOC. But she is still a monumental disgrace.

Her legacy involves climbing to power ON HER KNEES.
So why do people on the left feel like it would be racist not to vote for her?

Because they are idiots. She LOOKS black. Meantime, I saw one young (20-something) woman in Utah interviewed and she conceded that like Joe Biden, Harris' policies DID NOT comport with hers! Yet she supports her, is excited about her BECAUSE SHE FEELS THAT ELECTING A WOMAN TO THE OFFICE, a BLACK WOMAN, is MORE IMPORTANT than electing someone whose policies are good for America.

This is what you are up against with progressives.

It isn't about WHAT they do, but HOW they do it, and whatever happens with their vote, they want to see a minority woman put into the office more than anything.

That is "progress."

These people learned nothing from electing Obumma or Biden, because all they see is what the leftist media tells them to see.
Never mind whatever race she identifies. That stupid gash is just another nutcase leftist who has no business being in a position of power.

Of course Kamasutra Harris is not black!

everybody knows that!

but yet.....the Rats need their race card to play, without that they have nothing!

Ignoramus that they are.
Never mind whatever race she identifies. That stupid gash is just another nutcase leftist who has no business being in a position of power.

She wants to make all school buses in America electric.

Can you imagine them all lined up on the car park charging up their batteries? The strain on the power system. :eek:


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