Donald Trump is a billion dollars richer today than he was yesterday.

The 2016 vote in was 304 to 227.

Almost the same.

How was 2020 "historical" again ????
According to your blob, 304 EVs was historic and landslide.

306 is a mega landslide...a complete utter ass kicking of your blob.

Sucks to lose, doesn't it?
According to your blob, 304 EVs was historic and landslide.
I don't listen to him much, but this sounds like him. Then you repeated his words. I guess that makes you a blob too.

306 is a mega landslide...a complete utter ass kicking of your blob.

I suppose. He didn't get 270. That's for sure. So he lost.

Sucks to lose, doesn't it?

Is that supposed to be profound ?

Of course, it's no fun to lose.

Or were you just sharing your experience from 2016.

Want to take a crack at explaining why the DC Mayor or the Capital Police didn't take Trump up on his offer to send National Guard troops to keep the peace? Oh wait...that doesn't fit your narrative that Trump "incited" an insurrection...does it? I've always thought that Nancy Pelosi wanted a riot that day. I think the Capital Police Chief thought that as well. It's obvious that Trump didn't want violence...his offer to send National Guard troops and his speech where he told people to protest peacefully...made that quite clear. But that doesn't fit your narrative either...does it, Magnus?
Poor typical trumptard. Blames the Dems for its crimes. No wonder you adore the orange loser. :itsok:
Poor typical trumptard. Blames the Dems for its crimes. No wonder you adore the orange loser. :itsok:
Who WOULD you blame for that protest turning into a riot? You try and blame Trump but he offered the National Guard and told people to protest peacefully. Are you going to sit here and claim that the people in charge of security at the Capital did a good job? Really?
Who WOULD you blame for that protest turning into a riot? You try and blame Trump but he offered the National Guard and told people to protest peacefully. Are you going to sit here and claim that the people in charge of security at the Capital did a good job? Really?
You deny he said "fight like hell"?
Who WOULD you blame for that protest turning into a riot? You try and blame Trump but he offered the National Guard and told people to protest peacefully. Are you going to sit here and claim that the people in charge of security at the Capital did a good job? Really?
Who do I blame for you retards going ape-shit? Your orange loser and the rest of the trumptards. Who else?

You really had to ask that question? Do you now know why I call you a retard or are you still confused?
So why the heck is the orange douchebag hawking Bibles and sneakers in between his court appearances, not to mention begging for donations, if he is making so much money?

I guess a grifter will grift, amIright?
That's how you become a multi-billionaire: you work hard and seldom stop working at all. Knowing that I have never worked as hard as him, certainly not more than a week or two at a time, I understand that the reason I'm not that rich is myself. Therefore, I'm not caught up in self-pity and blaming Trump for having more than me. You should really quit whining and start working and you can get rich, too.
Who do I blame for you retards going ape-shit? Your orange loser and the rest of the trumptards. Who else?

You really had to ask that question? Do you now know why I call you a retard or are you still confused?
Of course you do, Magnus! I bet you ate up the Jan. 6th "Committee" show trial's bullshit with a spoon and asked for seconds! You did...didn't you? :)
This post will NOT age well.

Please Don't invest in this stock if you LOVE your hard earned Money.
You have been warned.
Donald Trump, a true Man Of The People™, thanks you for your love and undying support, as he thinks of you today!

d6a3fdfe818d3d430b1c270d52bdcb23.jpg's wonderful.

Guys like you drive Trump off of Twitter and celebrate...and he turns it into Billions!

Every time you swing, you hit yourselves...full force...right in the back of your own heads.


Don't stop. Keep swingin'.

You'll get him next time...😂🤣😂

View attachment 934338
I haven't drove the Orange fool anywhere, but it damn sure sounds like you want him to drive you. Do you have your cheerleading skirt and pom poms on.
I haven't drove the Orange fool anywhere, but it damn sure sounds like you want him to drive you. Do you have your cheerleading skirt and pom poms on.
You know how I can tell it chaps your ass?

You're still posting insults. ;)

Thanks for bumping my thread. :thup:
Yep. You heard it here first.

Donald Trump negotiated a 36 million share bonus if DJT stock stayed above $17.50 a share for 20 days out of any 30 day period.

DJT started trading on March 26th.

Today DJT closed at $26.50...never even close to dipping below $17.50.

36 million shares at $26.50 is...


$954,000,000...and that's just the bonus shares.

It does not include his original 75,750,000 shares now alone worth over two billion dollars.

All thanks to Democrats "win" of getting President Trump kicked off Twitter.

They not only lost their strangle hold on Twitter to Elon Musk...

...they have now succeeded in doubling Donald Trump's net worth.

Thanks Democrats for helping President Trump self fund his campaign.

You're the best.
Are you surprised? Hasn't Money and Power been his Only goal all along?
Are you surprised? Hasn't Money and Power been his Only goal all along?
Appearantly not. Truth Social wasn't a business was a retaliation.

Trump is the only modern president to lose net worth... Until now.

If the goal was monetary, all Trump had to do was go along with the Establishment like the rest.
Knew it was going to tank?

This detail of the negotiations that President Trump would receive bonus shares for a sustained price of $12.50, $15 and a maximum bonus of $17.50 has been public since day one!

This is from March 26th...the day the DJT stock went public.

"His 60% stake in Truth Social’s parent company, which now trades under the ticker DJT, is worth about $4.5 billion on paper. And, if the stock price stays above $17.50 per share for an extended period, tens of millions of additional shares would be issued, most of them to Trump."

That's USA Today...not some market-centric trade paper.

It was no secret to anyone.

Obviously your TDS knows no bounds.
So he knew it was gonna tank and hedged his bet, like I just said.

Screw the little people, AmIright?

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