Kamala Harris Is NOT Black

Come on people, stop the sissy fight over Kamala’s race. This is why liberals just call them all “people of color”. Liberals just want to know if someone is white or not.
Neither are people from India. Double dreeerppp
I was being sarcastic lol. Jamaicans are very much black, for the most part. Most of Jamaicas population a couple hundred years ago was slaves. In fact, blacks almost took over the entire island but the British came in and civilized it. And now we have Jamaica as everyone knows it today.
A huge majority of Jamaicans heritage goes back to sub sahara Africa to this day.
And if you look at her dad, you can tell he is black. Well, about as black as obama.
I was being sarcastic lol. Jamaicans are very much black, for the most part. Most of Jamaicas population a couple hundred years ago was slaves. In fact, blacks almost took over the entire island but the British came in and civilized it. And now we have Jamaica as everyone knows it today.
A huge majority of Jamaicans heritage goes back to sub sahara Africa to this day.
And if you look at her dad, you can tell he is black. Well, about as black as obama.

I've never seen her dad but her mother is definitely Indian and for some reason I'll never understand they're called Asian. I suppose due to location.

Kamel Toe is probably about as black as Ears. 50% at most

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