Kamala Harris Is NOT Black

All Democrats are colorism...it's why they love to race bait, at every chance they get - including blacks. They have been detected from reality since the Obama Administration. And the race baiters - including Joy Reid and others - just don't know when to stop with it. It has become an obsession for them. Like a cynical hobby of their's.
It's their ticket, Race. It's all they have and it will appeal to uneducated liberals and other racists.
She like one of them High Yella Bitches on the View

Kaperdic & Obammy are not black either. Raised fatherless in the suburbs by white women? ne grow please.

Dr. Laura Shitslinger (her bodyguards) has more black in her (on a daily basis) then kaperdic or the muslim.
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If ghetto Blacks won't agree to acceptance of her royal Blackness? (or the 1/2 1/2 muslim) why should we be forced to agree? As soon as she goes into CHI or ATL they look at her with lack of trust sideways......like this Beeatch ain't even know what black is.

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