GOP files articles of impeachment against Kamala Harris

In my opinion she didn't do a damn thing on the border, but as I said, only the opinion of the president counts. Also there is no constitutional duty to preside over a joint session of congress, except to tally electoral votes. It's more of a tradition. That said, I fully agree, she can't do the job.

what do you mean only the opinion of the President counts? The American people have a voice in this democracy.
False Equivalency - as a matter of fact Trump abused his office and well deserved all the impeachments he got.

How did that work out? Nothing happened. That's my point. The Democrats knew nothing was going to come of it.

Now the Republicans are going to do the same.
To think, a man who has been proven to be a sexual offender, who has been charged with multiple felons, has numerous federal indictments pending, and abused his own charitable foundation is the contender for the presidency for the MAGA party....AMAZING.
Did you forget that Trump was impeached TWICE?
How did that work out? Nothing happened. That's my point. The Democrats knew nothing was going to come of it.

Worked out just fine by me.

Trump got twice impeached, facts of charges against him were well established, he got a permanent historical stain on his presidency and voters did exactly what Republicans said they ought to do - hold Trump responsible for his abuses, kicked him the f out of office.
Nonsense. MAGA has just convinced themselves that Trump’s behavior is acceptable when they would never have felt that way under any other circumstances.
Remember Gary Hart. A photo of a woman sitting on his lap killed his political career. Now we have a guy with multiple federal indictment, 34 felony convictions, and the morals of a clod of dirt as the MAGA nominee for our leader. The former GOP, now MAGA, is no longer the party of morals. It is populous, star worshipping, cult.
To disqualify
Yes. But it seems you are trying paint both as victims. Biden was going to be left off Ohio's ballot because his party consciously chose to ignore the law. In CO and ME and ... Democrats filed lawsuits to, once again, fuck Trump up the ass.

Quite different circumstances.
For the record I am on record taking this very same position towards Trump.

Doing something like this knowing it's going nowhere is a waste of taxpayers money.

Now some will argue tit for tat. That just goes to show where neither party has a shred of responsibility between them.
Except Harris, is absolutely guilty of what is being charged
Worked out just fine by me.

Trump got twice impeached, facts of charges against him were well established, he got a permanent historical stain on his presidency and voters did exactly what Republicans said they ought to do - hold Trump responsible for his abuses, kicked him the f out of office.

I'm pretty sure the first one has been shown to be a fraud.

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