GOP files articles of impeachment against Kamala Harris

1. Support and defend the Constitution [borders]
2. against all enemies, foreign [Iran] and domestic [rioters]
3. that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same [concealing Biden disability]
4. and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office [see above]

You do understand that the Constitutional duties of the VP are largely ceremonial, right? Her only Constitutional responsibility is to break ties in the senate. Any other responsibilities assigned to them by the president and the determination as to their performance is completely left to the president.

Old enough to remember when Republicans were actually good at politics.

reps dems blood.jpg
You do understand that the Constitutional duties of the VP are largely ceremonial, right? Her only Constitutional responsibility is to break ties in the senate. Any other responsibilities assigned to them by the president and the determination as to their performance is completely left to the president.

Like when Xiden put her in charge of the border? How'd she do with that?

and speaking of ceremonial, like being the President of the Senate? and her she is skipping out on a day when the leader of one of our closest allies has come to speak...she failed at that too

Thanks for the reminder, she can't do her job.
because he's unfit, and was forced out by the Dems We know. I feel bad that he feels he has to speak on it again tonight...but, I know it's difficult for a leftist to try and let go of power
Ms. McMorrow is a state senator in Michigan

Mallory McMorrow: The last few days have felt like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I have teachers texting and calling me from out of state who have never donated to a political candidate asking how to do it the right way to ensure it gets to the Harris campaign. Thousands of new volunteers have signed up. A staggering amount of content has been produced, all organically. The memes! It feels very “hopey changey.” I tuned in (along with hundreds of thousands of others) to watch Harris speak to the staff at campaign headquarters and walked away inspired. We’re going to win.


McMorrow: So, 2024 is no 2020. I attended the Democratic presidential primary debates when they were in Detroit in 2019 — two nights, too many candidates. Then, Harris had a hard time finding a lane. But now, with three years on the job as vice president, she is polished, prepared and ready. And there is no better lane right now than a prosecutor against the first convicted-felon ex-president. I can tell you from where I sit in Michigan that Harris is exactly who we need to fire up voters from Detroit to the suburbs.

Ms. McMorrow is a state senator in Michigan

Mallory McMorrow: The last few days have felt like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I have teachers texting and calling me from out of state who have never donated to a political candidate asking how to do it the right way to ensure it gets to the Harris campaign. Thousands of new volunteers have signed up. A staggering amount of content has been produced, all organically. The memes! It feels very “hopey changey.” I tuned in (along with hundreds of thousands of others) to watch Harris speak to the staff at campaign headquarters and walked away inspired. We’re going to win.


McMorrow: So, 2024 is no 2020. I attended the Democratic presidential primary debates when they were in Detroit in 2019 — two nights, too many candidates. Then, Harris had a hard time finding a lane. But now, with three years on the job as vice president, she is polished, prepared and ready. And there is no better lane right now than a prosecutor against the first convicted-felon ex-president. I can tell you from where I sit in Michigan that Harris is exactly who we need to fire up voters from Detroit to the suburbs. why didn't the Dems run her in a primary against Xiden? It's nice the dem senator in Michigan is excited....but what does that have to do with anything I was asking? She clearly thought Xiden was unfit too....
You do understand that the Constitutional duties of the VP are largely ceremonial, right? Her only Constitutional responsibility is to break ties in the senate. Any other responsibilities assigned to them by the president and the determination as to their performance is completely left to the president.

Vice Presidential Immunity?
WAY overdue, but it's necessary now more than ever.

Harris' intentional failure to uphold our immigration laws, and her role in the cover up of Joe Biden's cognitive failure are the issues at hand.

On Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) introduced articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris for high crimes and misdemeanors. Such a move comes just days after President Joe Biden exited the presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Harris not long after. She also earned enough delegate support on Monday night to become the nominee.

Like when Xiden put her in charge of the border? How'd she do with that?

and speaking of ceremonial, like being the President of the Senate? and her she is skipping out on a day when the leader of one of our closest allies has come to speak...she failed at that too

Thanks for the reminder, she can't do her job.

In my opinion she didn't do a damn thing on the border, but as I said, only the opinion of the president counts. Also there is no constitutional duty to preside over a joint session of congress, except to tally electoral votes. It's more of a tradition. That said, I fully agree, she can't do the job.

HE's told us in his letter. Now he'll speak to us tonight.

Go speculate and play your bs conspiracy shit elsewhere.
To think, a man who has been proven to be a sexual offender, who has been charged with multiple felons, has numerous federal indictments pending, and abused his own charitable foundation is the contender for the presidency for the MAGA party....AMAZING.

The morals of the former GOP are gone. Their leader is a career criminal.

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