Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

Trump Is Suddenly Too Old

23 Jul 2024 ~~ By David Strom

A month ago Joe Biden, at 81, was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack, and able to leap tall buildings at a single bound. Any dissent about these assertions was mere "ageism," you bigot!
Now that Biden is out of the race, Trump is far too old to be president and should be rejected on that basis alone. You needn't even think about his supposed admiration for Hitler, plans for reeducation camps, and desire to round up MSNBC hosts.
Sadly, Trump is just too old to be president.
How times have changed.
Very quickly. The mainstream media talking points have turned on a dime.

Trump may not be fit, but he is tough. He took a bullet and sprang back up to yell, "Fight!" This line of attack isn't just hypocritical, it is moronic.


"The Gaslighting Media"​

The real truth is that people grow old differently. In Joe Biden's case Alzheimer's caught up to him sooner than most.
Trump on the other hand a 78 plays golf and is capable of making decisions that Biden never could.
As the author Strom pointed out, the hypocritical Quisling Joe's frailty and mental deterioration Media has covered for the last three and half years.
Didn't we hear it coming from the Neo-Marxists daily as they lied knowing what the rest of America knew that Joe was failing both physically and mentally badly.

Donald Trump Suffers Polling Blow Over His Age​

At 78 years old, Donald Trump is too old to work in government, according to a new poll.

It was conducted on Monday and Tuesday by Reuters and Ipsos from 1,241 U.S. adults nationwide, including 1,018 registered voters; 53 percent agreed with the statement that Donald Trump is too old to work in government, while some 43 percent disagreed with it. Newsweek has contacted the Trump campaign for comment via email.

Fifty-six percent of those polled agreed with the statement that Kamala Harris, 59, is "mentally sharp and able to deal with challenges," while 37 percent disagreed. Only 22 percent of voters assessed President Joe Biden that way. The poll had a 3 percent margin of error.

No one is buying that weak-ass shit. They entered illegally. The California skank and her master got rid of the remain in Mexico policy and brought about a national crisis.
It is current immigration law
Republicans could have changed it, but Trump would not let them
Uh, you're the one with logical fallacy, Captain.

there was none. I said Trump was morally bankrupt and you aske for a vid of him molesting an 8 year if that is the only thing in the world that makes one morally bankrupt....if not, why did you ask such a thing?
There’s nothing sudden about it.

Trump has been a babbling old fool for a decade

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