Border Czar Kamala Harris never once spoke to heads of US Border Patrol.

No it isnt

Call him a reformed progressive or a heddonist

Or maybe s John

But you sound like English is not your first language
  1. A person considered sexually promiscuous.

There’s no indication he ever reformed.
When you look at someone of color and assume they got their position because of their skin color, it’s racism.
Um, Tater literally said he was going to get a VP that was a black woman, Moroner.
Double standards are your specialty.

We knew you guys were deeply misogynistic back in 2016. Nothing had changed. P
Opposing the radical, batshit left-tard policies of HItlery and Commiela isn't misogyny, Moroner.

Pace yourself.
Opposing the radical, batshit left-tard policies of HItlery and Commiela isn't misogyny, Moroner.

Pace yourself.
We saw your hatred of women.

Attack a woman who had an affair.
worship a man who fucks anything with a pulse.

Clear as day how much you hate women.
You guys love families so much you voted for the guy that made three of them.

I think it’s absurd that you’re trying to claim the media attacking Trump is deserved. You know we’ve watching MAGA complain relentlessly about it and offer ZERO repercussions for his infidelity.

They did make lots of excuses though.
I have never defended trump for cheating on his wife (s)

And you would overlook it if he werent a republican president

I’m guessing you loved bill clinton in spite of Monica Lewensky

So its all situational with libs like you
I have never defended trump for cheating on his wife (s)

And you would overlook it if he werent a republican president

I’m guessing you loved bill clinton in spite of Monica Lewensky

So its all situational with libs like you
Situational is attacking Harris and not Trump when Trump’s behavior is far worse than anything she ever did.

Pretending he’s paid some price for his affairs is absurd on its face. He’s exalted by the Republican Party. He’s paid ZERO price. Hell, you guys stick with him after the Access Hollywood tape, there’s basically nothing you won’t ignore.
We saw your hatred of women.

Attack a woman who had an affair.
worship a man who fucks anything with a pulse.

Clear as day how much you hate women.
There is a reason I call you Moroner, and this post illustrates it.

I don't hate women. There are many women, including women of color, who I could support as President. They just don't have the looney tune policies your idiots have.

But you are so stuck on not being able to argue on policy that all you can bleat is MISOGYNY and RACISM. Your game is weak, tired, and played out, Moroner
There is a reason I call you Moroner, and this post illustrates it.

I don't hate women. There are many women, including women of color, who I could support as President. They just don't have the looney tune policies your idiots have.

But you are so stuck on not being able to argue on policy that all you can bleat is MISOGYNY and RACISM. Your game is weak, tired, and played out, Moroner
You “love women” when they’re obedient and submissive, like all misogynists.

Anytime they get their own ideas, they’re attacked.

Keep defending the whore Trump and pretend like you don’t have a clear double standard.
Return your definition to the dumpster where you found it

A whore is a woman who sells her body for sex
I think I’ll keep my dictionary, thanks.

Point stands that Trump has faced zero consequences for his whoring around.

You “love women” when they’re obedient and submissive, like all misogynists.

Anytime they get their own ideas, they’re attacked.

Keep defending the whore Trump and pretend like you don’t have a clear double standard.
You may want to check with Willie Brown to find out how obedient and submissive Kameltoe is...dumbass.
I think I’ll keep my dictionary, thanks.

Point stands that Trump has faced zero consequences for his whoring around.
Public humiliation and hurt to his family is only a “zero consequence” in lib la la land
Public humiliation and hurt to his family is only a “zero consequence” in lib la la land
He doesn’t look humiliated to me. In fact, I’ve never seen him appear humiliated whatsoever.

Hurt to his family is a consequence FOR HIS FAMILY, not for him.

Your party nominated him three straight elections and speak of him as if he were ordained by god himself.

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