Have you noticed?

President Trump was shot at in an attempted assassination. I have even heard that the gunman used an "AR type" weap[on, whatever that means.

Have you noticed that not one Trump supporter has called for a ban on guns, or tougher gun restrictions?

Why, well three reasons:

1. Our Constitutional rights are more important than anything else.
2. We blame the shooter, not the gun. The gun didn't crawl onto the roof and shoot at Trump.
3. We aren't idiots.
4. We aren't pussies.

See my signature....
The hysteria on the right is very heartening indeed.

Trump has already filed suit against Harris. The guy who accuses others of conducting "lawfare" against him, has filed suit over Biden's transfer of his campaign donations to Harris. Trump has no standing to sue the Democratic Party.

Trump has also complained to the US MSM networks demanding "equal time" to respond to President Biden's speech to the American people. That's all Trump is good for - whining like a little girl over all of the unfairness being inflicted on a man born to wealth and privilege.

What do you fools see in this fat, stupid old asshole?????
Regarding legal matters, did you get your law degree from Walmart?
In the REAL world, we restrict gun ownership. That's why, in the REAL world - OUTSIDE of the USA, our levels of gun crime, murder, gun suicide, and injuries from being shot are almost non-existant outside of the USA.
Gun crime yes, crime, no.
Every study done OUTSIDE the USA, debunks all of the bullshit being fed to Americans by the NRA, but Americans are obsessed with their guns.

So you pick and choose which studies to believe, no wonder you spout so much debunked nonsense.
In living memory, kids could take shooting classes in school with live ammo. Schools were not getting shot up. Guns were routinely seen in racks in pickups. Bars and malls were not getting shot up. You could order a gun and ammo from a catalog and have it shipped to your house, no questions asked. People were not afraid to hold a neighborhood BBQ.

What's changed? Not guns. They are less easily obtained today than back in the day yet more people are getting shot.

You're memories are being viewed through rose coloured glasses. Murder and violent crime increased as more and more guns were being sold to Americans.

Notice that big drop beween 1995 and 2000 - that drop in violent crime and homicide happened 20 years after Roe v Wade became law. With fewer children being born to poor women, crime rates dropped like a stone.

What's changed: selling guns wasn't big business in the 1950's. The nation wasn't promoting movies about "tough guys and killers". Owning a gun wasn't seen as "cool" nor was being threatening to others.
Why would anyone on the left call for gun control after a shooting of Trump?

Why wouldn't they? Democrats aren't the hypocrites that Republicans truly are. Democrats called for gun control after Steve Scalise was shot too.

Tell us again how Republicans reacted when Paul Pelosi was nearly beaten to death???? Trump was still making jokes about that at the convention a couple of weeks ago.
They are fed information everyday telling them that Slavery has nothing to do with them and Black people have been given all the opportunities they got... This is Bullshit...

They justify black poverty rates by saying they are lazy. Yep, those people they worked to death in the fields..

Slavery is just awkward and makes them feel bad. How dare people make them feel bad..

Those who do not learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat them. Americans keep repeating the violence and hatred of racism. In the 17th Century, white plantation owners told their indentured servants that "black people are stealing their jobs". Today, they're telling black people that "immigrants are stealing black jobs".

How can someone "steal" your job? Do they put a gun to the business owner's head and threaten to shoot them if they're not given a job? How could slaves steal anything? They were in chains?

Donald Trump hires illegal immigrants at his golf clubs and other properties. Trump hires maids and cooks in Mexico because appararently, he cannot find any people in South Florida to work at Mar-a-lago as maids or cooks. And then he tells YOU that "illegals are stealing" black jobs. Did the illegals working at his golf clubs force Trump to hire them? And you fall for it like Pavlov's dogs hearing that bell!!!!

Hiring illegals is a crime!!! Your criminal President blames the people he's exploiting, and abusing for stealing jobs from Americans. Just like the plantation owners in the 17th Century telling their workers that "slaves are stealing your jobs".

Nobody ever accused Democrats of favouring "open borders" or "free trade" before Trump started saying these things. In fact, Democrats opposed NAFTA, and fought hard to protect American workers before they passed the legislation required after Clinton was elected.

Obama handed Trump the lowest level of illegal border crossings in 50 years, and within 2 years, illegal crossings had spiked to the point where Trump was declaring a National Emergency.

Trump stopped all legal border crossings so that the ONLY way into the country was illegally. He was a boon to smugglers and coyotes everywhere. And women who were forced to wait in Mexico were sex trafficked and raped.

Democrats prosecute employers
Gun crime yes, crime, no.

So you pick and choose which studies to believe, no wonder you spout so much debunked nonsense.

Crime of all kinds.

Other nations count "violent" crime much differently than Americans. In Canada, a fist fight outside a bar where two drunks exchange a few blows is counted as a "violent" crime. In the USA, these crimes aren't counted.

"In the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime is composed of four offenses: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Violent crimes are defined in the UCR Program as those offenses that involve force or threat of force."

In Great Britain, violent crime is defined as:

"The legal definition of violent crime refers to any act that involves the use or threat of force against another individual or property. It includes offenses such as homicide, assault, robbery, and sexual offences. Under UK law, violent crimes are categorised based on the severity and nature of the act."

Because other crimes aren't included in American "violent crime statistics", it's impossible to compare your crime rates with other nations.
The real problem is people having access to guns. Whether they were militias of slavers, gangs of white kkk on citizen patrols, black inner city criminals, or troubled teens. The original rationale for having them was given to us by tyrants and it was irrational and nonsensical.
The real problem is the those who are illegally obtaining the guns and committing crimes with those illegally obtained firearms. The vast majority of law abiding citizens aren't the ones we need to worry about. The data defines facts. We know what the facts say. The left denies those facts and uses propaganda and false narratives to paint the wrong picture.

At least you're starting to recognize the issue here. All those slavers, the KKK, Inner city gangs and thugs or troubled teens all have societal or mental issues. Fortunately, slavery is gone. The KKK exists as some fringe right-wing nazi nut jobs that need to be imprisoned, but are no longer socially acceptable. The inner city gangs, that is where the vast majority of gun crime occurs and most of those are illegally obtained. So create your laws, the thugs will continue to get their guns. And the troubled teens who commit gun crimes, statistically is miniscule. No less tragic, but the data does not support remove the 2A or even creating stricter gun control laws.
The real problem is people having access to guns. Whether they were militias of slavers, gangs of white kkk on citizen patrols, black inner city criminals, or troubled teens. The original rationale for having them was given to us by tyrants and it was irrational and nonsensical.
That's nonsense from the start. Tyrants do NOT want armed resistance, which is why the first thing they generally do is disarm the populace.
That's nonsense from the start. Tyrants do NOT want armed resistance, which is why the first thing they generally do is disarm the populace.
What's nonsensical is you inventing a fantasy hypothetical in the midst of historical reality. White Americans were tyrants. Not just their government but individually. The population needed guns so they could enforce that tyranny.
You're memories are being viewed through rose coloured glasses. Murder and violent crime increased as more and more guns were being sold to Americans.

Notice that big drop beween 1995 and 2000 - that drop in violent crime and homicide happened 20 years after Roe v Wade became law. With fewer children being born to poor women, crime rates dropped like a stone.

Let's see if we can spot the disconnect. On one hand, you claim that crime increased BECAUSE of more guns, while on the other you claim that crime went down DESPITE more guns. IOW, you're admitting that violent crime rates don't depend on the number of guns in circulation. The fact is the VAST majority of firearms are never fired at another human being.
What's changed: selling guns wasn't big business in the 1950's. The nation wasn't promoting movies about "tough guys and killers". Owning a gun wasn't seen as "cool" nor was being threatening to others.
Really? Ever seen westerns from the 50's, or cartoons? Everybody walked around with a handgun in a holster and a rifle on their saddlebag, and the biggest movie stars were manly men like The Duke, who would toss a boy into a pond to teach him how to swim or spank a wayward wife. Every boy wanted a gun for Christmas so they could play Cowboys and Indians or Sheriffs and Outlaws, and they weren't pretending to write letters to the editor when they played. Compare that to today, when a boy asking for a dart gun for Christmas would be sentenced to write a term paper on how the sheriffs were terrible people for not using the outlaw's preferred pronouns and be put into therapy until they learned to just shut up.

I was born shortly after the 50's, but you sound like you were born a LOOONG time afterward and never lived in the States.
What's nonsensical is you inventing a fantasy hypothetical in the midst of historical reality. White Americans were tyrants. Not just their government but individually. The population needed guns so they could enforce that tyranny.
The population needed guns because they had just pulled off a successful insurrection against the empire of the day and did it without a formal military. They wanted to be sure they could do it again if they needed to and they were right.
President Trump was shot at in an attempted assassination. I have even heard that the gunman used an "AR type" weap[on, whatever that means.

Have you noticed that not one Trump supporter has called for a ban on guns, or tougher gun restrictions?

Why, well three reasons:

1. Our Constitutional rights are more important than anything else.
2. We blame the shooter, not the gun. The gun didn't crawl onto the roof and shoot at Trump.
3. We aren't idiots.
4. We aren't pussies.

Trump supporters and Republicans and conservatives aren't yelling about banning guns because we don't want guns banned. We know guns are just inanimate objects.

What we want banned is criminals, dopeheads and crazy people. We want to ban the people in our society that go out and hurt other people. We all know even if you ban every gun all the people who want to hurt other people will still be here. If we ban criminal scum then we don't need any gun control because only decent and law abiding people will be here.

Also haven't heard any democrats calling for gun control when trump got shot which tells me all the ones screaming about gun control everytime some criminal shoots someone but stay silent when trump is shot tells me they want trump to be shot.
The population needed guns because they had just pulled off a successful insurrection against the empire of the day and did it without a formal military. They wanted to be sure they could do it again if they needed to and they were right.
And to control their slaves. You keep trying to rush passed the fact that you're relying on the rationale of violent tyrant fucktards. Also, we no longer have to fear British retribution or need to control a slave population. And we have a standing army. All their reasons for needing guns no longer exist.
And to control their slaves. You keep trying to rush passed the fact that you're relying on the rationale of violent tyrant fucktards. Also, we no longer have to fear British retribution or need to control a slave population. And we have a standing army. All their reasons for needing guns no longer exexist.

The Constitution says nothing about "need" applying to the right to own firearms.

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