‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Yeah, good luck with that pousti.
And I don't believe arabs in Dearborn are going to vote for Trump. They're just threatening that to get Biden to help Palestinians in GAZA

Hey, Malaka, my brother is going to a monestary in Greece. One of those hard to get into ones and you can only stay a couple days. Ever been to one? He was crying about how hard it's going to be and he doesn't know exactly where he's going. When I heard and got all excited and said

"you're retired and in your mid 50's, you better go on that awesome adventure. If not now when? And if not now, why not? Because no one else to go with you? Fuck it! You speak the language. Go get lost. Go do something most people dream of doing"
The election is about the country, not one man.

What you guys don't seem to realize is Trump is going to break the law constantly when he gets in. You think that's going to be good for you? Are you sure you want the next Democratic president having that kind of power?

And trust me, we will do it too. Go ahead, lower the bar.

What makes me mad is the Supreme Court is so fucked up. They have a right wing spin on what is and isn't constitutional. They pretend they are "strict constitutionalists" but that's just bullshit. When they recently ruled that presidents can break laws as long as they are acting in official capacity???

Then they can be slick lawyers and say that Trump was acting in his official capacity when we all know he wasn't.

Republicans are funny. They don't have faith in our justice system but they sure do love the crooked Supreme Court.
What you guys don't seem to realize is Trump is going to break the law constantly when he gets in. You think that's going to be good for you? Are you sure you want the next Democratic president having that kind of power?

And trust me, we will do it too. Go ahead, lower the bar.

What makes me mad is the Supreme Court is so fucked up. They have a right wing spin on what is and isn't constitutional. They pretend they are "strict constitutionalists" but that's just bullshit. When they recently ruled that presidents can break laws as long as they are acting in official capacity???

Then they can be slick lawyers and say that Trump was acting in his official capacity when we all know he wasn't.

Republicans are funny. They don't have faith in our justice system but they sure do love the crooked Supreme Court.
What laws did Trump break in his first term? What prominent Democrat went to jail or had his or her house raided? You have been lied to. You people are just plain dumb.
And I don't believe arabs in Dearborn are going to vote for Trump. They're just threatening that to get Biden to help Palestinians in GAZA

Hey, Malaka, my brother is going to a monestary in Greece. One of those hard to get into ones and you can only stay a couple days. Ever been to one? He was crying about how hard it's going to be and he doesn't know exactly where he's going. When I heard and got all excited and said

"you're retired and in your mid 50's, you better go on that awesome adventure. If not now when? And if not now, why not? Because no one else to go with you? Fuck it! You speak the language. Go get lost. Go do something most people dream of doing"
Your brother is going to Mount Athos. You might like it there, Rumor has it that a lot of monks are as gay as you. Women are not allowed and I am not a fag.

What laws did Trump break in his first term? What prominent Democrat went to jail or had his or her house raided? You have been lied to. You people are just plain dumb.

Sorry that Trump wasn't able to lock up Hillary like he promised. It's because she didn't break so many laws that prison or a felony was warranted. Trump certainly wanted her charged. Was he not serious about that?

AND, what Hillary did wasn't a felony. Trump made it a felony then broke that law. You don't think he should be charged with his own law that he broke?

What laws did Trump break you ask? Hey Rex, why did Trump fire you?

Rex Tillerson says Trump got ‘frustrated’ when told he couldn’t do something that ‘violates the law’​

Your brother is going to Mount Athos. You might like it there, Rumor has it that a lot of monks are as gay as you. Women are not allowed and I am not a fag.

I don't think he got into Athos. It was full. There's more than 1 I understand.

Yes, I agree priests are gay. Religion is man made up. Do we agree on something?
You're an idiot. The unborn. LOL. Fuck em! Who cares really? There are suffering abused and neglected children in this world. Now those people I care about. Once they've popped out of the pussy.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Vergogna! How many of you, if in the right situation, would get abortions yourselves? Suddenly you'd want the right and access to a doctor. You piece of shit.

But it makes you feel good about yourself to "stand up" for fetus'. Meanwhile, once they pop out, fuck em! They're on their own. Right?

Yes I love abortion. It's necessary. We'd be overpopulated with unwanted children without them. Or do you think people will stop fucking?

And if standing up for freedom is the hill I die on, so be it. You American Taliban. Thinking that the fetus in my womb is precious. So stupid. If you want to give me a million dollars I'll have the kid. How badly do you want me to have this kid? I don't want you to die on the hill. I just want you to pay to house, cloth, insure, feed my baby.
You are sick we know that!
1. Groceries are not affordable.
US families are losing $1,000 a month in buying power thanks to "Biden's runaway inflation.
Not even sure where you are coming up with that... My wife and I don't even spend $1000 a month on groceries, much less paying $1000 more.
I've never been. Why did you go?

Mostly famous for its bustling party scene, nightlife, and LGBTQ+ welcoming ambiance, Mykonos is a must-visit Greek island.
I have been to every major island in Greece. Fags are about 10% of tourists in Mykonos, probably because of the nude beaches in the south. I prefer Crete, Naxos and Rhodos.

Mykonos would be good for you. You can be as gay as you like.
The Founders did what they could to safeguard the country against corrupting forces, but they couldn't have envisioned a straight up criminal.

And far worse, they would never have envisioned an America that just didn't care.
The founders never envisioned a craven lowlife like Trump but they put language in The Constitution on how to deal with the likes of him. But, SCOTUS just nullified that with their immunity ruling on behalf of their MAGA hero Trump.

And the founders never envisioned that an entire political party would support a deranged criminal Mussollini wannabe like Trump & assist him to regain the office of the most powerful person on the planet.

How do the sleep at night? For people with no conscience, it's easy.
You can't really stop them, that's the thing, dummy.

The only reason why crossing dropped in 2020 was because no one wanted to come here and catch Covid.

You may not be able to stop 100%, but you can stop a lot more than Biden stopped.
Even more than Trump stopped.

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