France comes together to block Le Pen

I pointed this out a few says ago. This is how it works in France. Nazis killed many French citizens, They do not want them back. The Nazis have failed in Holland as well. Decent people come together to crowd out the shit.

Tommy Tit, here is how the French elections work -

The part that massages the vote is the strategic dropping out of candidates in the 2nd round to swing it one way. It happened in over 200 constituencies. Communists, like yourself, are over the moon that you can do that. Ignore the people, you hate them. The French system is like you, stupid.
Tommy Tit, here is how the French elections work -

The part that massages the vote is the strategic dropping out of candidates in the 2nd round to swing it one way. It happened in over 200 constituencies. Communists, like yourself, are over the moon that you can do that. Ignore the people, you hate them. The French system is like you, stupid.

I know how the system works thank you. It has always worked this way. Its no better nor worse that any other system. Its just that neo nazis like you always squeal like girls when you lose.
There would be a coalition of the decent to stop farage and his nazi party as well. He will never win power because decent people wont allow it. Its all good.
Why is it not democracy ? A coalition ensures that policies will get the widest support. All countries have their own system.
We are not talking about a coalition. We are talking about somebody who is about to vote for RN but then does not because some leftist candidate withdraw his candidacy. And similar incidents are happening all over, the ones who constantly lead the polls by a wide margin lose the elections.
We are not talking about a coalition. We are talking about somebody who is about to vote for RN but then does not because some leftist candidate withdraw his candidacy. And similar incidents are happening all over, the ones who constantly lead the polls by a wide margin lose the elections.
You seem to not understand how democracy works. And it always works this way in France.
You seem to not understand how democracy works. And it always works this way in France.
There is the question why the right coalition with 37,1 - 37,3% gets 142 seats and the left coalition with 26,3 - 26,9% gets 188 seats.

That is strange and the 2022 results aren´t any better. And we lack an explanation.
tn harvey thinks its funny. Probably because he doesnt understand.
Its easy.
The people who are dropping out are predominantly moderate. Their supporters will increase the moderate vote. The nazis wont pick up any more votes.
See how it works ?
Watching elections over the decades one thing is certain, no one has answers otherwise one party would win consistently, not the wide sweeping changes that occur in elections all over the world. One time the left wing wins, stays in power then the right wing sweeps in and wins and stays in power, a few cycles later, the left wins, then the right and so it goes. Tides ebb and flow.

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