Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

So even other racists think you're an asshole?

You should probably work on that.
I like a debate forum. Initially American Renaissance was that. On each thread there was a sentence claiming that "polite debate" was welcomed. Polite debate is my specialty. I decline to resort to insults, name calling and obscene words. I can prove the validity of my opinions with fact based and rational arguments.

There was also a quote from Thomas Jefferson, "There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world.” That is my attitude too.

Then those sentences disappeared. Jared Taylor decided that American Renaissance existed to promote what he called "white advocacy." With that decision I was no longer welcome. Jared Taylor did not quite say this, but to me "white advocacy" means that whites, and more specifically white Gentile men, are to be discriminated in favor of in university admissions and hiring decisions.

I made it clear that I was opposed to that. I want all professions to be open to talent. Although I am a Gentile, I stated that I enjoyed watching Jews become richer and more powerful.

Some American Renaissance posters presented the ridiculous claim that Jews started the NAACP because they hated the United States and wanted to destroy it.

I pointed out that Jews have been more successful in the United States than in any other country, and that the United States has been more protective of Israel than any other country. I said that Jews have every reason to love the United States, and that the vast majority of them do.
I like a debate forum. Initially American Renaissance was that. On each thread there was a sentence claiming that "polite debate" was welcomed. Polite debate is my specialty. I decline to resort to insults, name calling and obscene words. I can prove the validity of my opinions with fact based and rational arguments.
I'd rather hear obscene words than obscene ideas...

We've all seen where your kind of thinking leads, it leads to death camps.

I pointed out that Jews have been more successful in the United States than in any other country, and that the United States has been more protective of Israel than any other country. I said that Jews have every reason to love the United States, and that the vast majority of them do.

They love Israel more than America, that's the problem.
Environment has a lot more to do with who you turn into than genetics.
There is no evidence of that. The evidence is that genes matter most. As more is learned about human genetics this is becoming increasingly obvious.
There is no evidence of that. The evidence is that genes matter most. As more is learned about human genetics this is becoming increasingly obvious.
Not really.

This kind of thinking was debunked after WWII and all the Eugenecists had egg on their face when their crackpot theories were put into practice by the Austrian Mustasche Man.
I'd rather hear obscene words than obscene ideas...

We've all seen where your kind of thinking leads, it leads to death camps.
The Nazi effort was to destroy the most superior race in existance.

Youir thinking leads to government spending programs that fail.
Not really.

This kind of thinking was debunked after WWII and all the Eugenecists had egg on their face when their crackpot theories were put into practice by the Austrian Mustasche Man.
Again you do not understand the difference between "debunked" and "disproved."

When Galileo said the earth revolved around the sun his assertion was debunked by the Inquisition, but eventually proved. The example of Galileo is far more relevant to the truth of race realism than your example of Bigfoot.

Before Hitler discredited eugenics it was a respected movement in the West. It will be needed again as computer technology and automation eliminate jobs for those of below average intelligence.

Look at the following diagram. Since 1980 the value of factory production in the United States has risen, but the number of factory jobs has declined dramatically. This is because factory jobs can be done better, faster, and less expensively by factory robots.

factoryjobs 2.jpg
The Nazi effort was to destroy the most superior race in existance.

Youir thinking leads to government spending programs that fail.
Except the Nazis didn't think they were superior, and neither did anyone else at the time.

That's the problem with Eugenics, you can declare any group "inferior", even other white people, and it can stick if enough people are willing to go along with it. (Of course, the Jews having killed their imaginary god-man didn't help, either.)

Same thing happened in Asia. The Japanese decided the Chinese were inferior, so it was okay to take their land and exterminate them. Americans decided the Amerindians were inferior, so it was okay to exterminate them.

This is the problem with your kind of thinking, Hector, it always has bad results.
When Galileo said the earth revolved around the sun his assertion was debunked by the Inquisition, but eventually proved. The example of Galileo is far more relevant to the truth of race realism than your example of Bigfoot.

Actually, it's really not.

Let's review. Galileo didn't invent the Heliocentric model; Copernicus did. It wasn't a big deal when Copernicus came up with it. In fact, it fixed all the problems the Church was having with the Calendar, which is the problem that he was tasked with solving.

What got Galileo in trouble was when he claimed that stories in the bible, such as God Holding the Sun in the sky, couldn't be true of the Earth revolving around the Sun instead of the other way around. It wasn't the science that got him in trouble, it was the religion, because religion is always a negative force. This was done within the backdrop of the Church fighting for its life against the Protestant Reformation.

Before Hitler discredited eugenics it was a respected movement in the West. It will be needed again as computer technology and automation eliminate jobs for those of below average intelligence.

Hitler discredited it by ....actually applying it.

USMB proves that even a moron can handle a not so much. And that works on the assumption that computers will stay static. We've come a long way from the tape-readers I saw as a kid that everyone thought was hot shit.

Look at the following diagram. Since 1980 the value of factory production in the United States has risen, but the number of factory jobs has declined dramatically. This is because factory jobs can be done better, faster, and less expensively by factory robots.

Yes, you keep repeating the same charts like a fucking mantra without applying any critical thinking.

Reality- Jobs disappear all the time, new jobs are created. It's just a matter of adapting.
Except the Nazis didn't think they were superior, and neither did anyone else at the time.

That's the problem with Eugenics, you can declare any group "inferior", even other white people, and it can stick if enough people are willing to go along with it. (Of course, the Jews having killed their imaginary god-man didn't help, either.)

Same thing happened in Asia. The Japanese decided the Chinese were inferior, so it was okay to take their land and exterminate them. Americans decided the Amerindians were inferior, so it was okay to exterminate them.

This is the problem with your kind of thinking, Hector, it always has bad results.
You are committing the Guilt by Association Fallacy and the Slippery Slope Fallacy.

Because the truths of race realism are self evident and easy to document scientifically they thrive in an environment of open debate. They can only be suppressed by force.

Policies based on assumptions about humans that are not true always fail and usually have bad effects.
Actually, it's really not.

Let's review. Galileo didn't invent the Heliocentric model; Copernicus did. It wasn't a big deal when Copernicus came up with it. In fact, it fixed all the problems the Church was having with the Calendar, which is the problem that he was tasked with solving.

What got Galileo in trouble was when he claimed that stories in the bible, such as God Holding the Sun in the sky, couldn't be true of the Earth revolving around the Sun instead of the other way around. It wasn't the science that got him in trouble, it was the religion, because religion is always a negative force. This was done within the backdrop of the Church fighting for its life against the Protestant Reformation.


In his 1615 "Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina", Galileo defended heliocentrism, and claimed it was not contrary to Holy Scripture. He took Augustine's position on Scripture: not to take every passage literally when the scripture in question is in a Bible book of poetry and songs, not a book of instructions or history.

USMB proves that even a moron can handle a not so much. And that works on the assumption that computers will stay static. We've come a long way from the tape-readers I saw as a kid that everyone thought was hot shit.
Many people can operate a PC. It takes an enormous amount of intelligence to design one, or a computer language.

Bill Gates, who has an IQ of 160, put it best when he said, "Software is an IQ business. Microsoft must win the IQ war, or we won't have a future."

Except the Nazis didn't think they were superior, and neither did anyone else at the time.
Then how did they discredit eugenics? Negroes were not targeted by the Holocause. Members of the most accomplished 0.2% of the Human population were.
That's the problem with Eugenics, you can declare any group "inferior", even other white people, and it can stick if enough people are willing to go along with it. (Of course, the Jews having killed their imaginary god-man didn't help, either.)
All I advocate is that we make sterilization a qualification for receiving welfare checks. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because those who refused to be sterilized would be denied something they had done nothing to earn. I would require this of each of the races.

You think illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. I maintain that raising illegitimate children on welfare is not a legitimate life style choice.
Yes, you keep repeating the same charts like a fucking mantra without applying any critical thinking.

Reality- Jobs disappear all the time, new jobs are created. It's just a matter of adapting.
The truth does not change. Unfortunately, your misconceptions do not change either.

Computer technology and automation destroy large numbers of jobs for those of below average intelligence and create a small number of jobs for those of above average intelligence.
You are committing the Guilt by Association Fallacy and the Slippery Slope Fallacy.

Because the truths of race realism are self evident and easy to document scientifically they thrive in an environment of open debate. They can only be suppressed by force.

Policies based on assumptions about humans that are not true always fail and usually have bad effects.
You know, I imagine Dr. Goebbells saying the same thing.

All I advocate is that we make sterilization a qualification for receiving welfare checks. This would not be compulsory sterilization, because those who refused to be sterilized would be denied something they had done nothing to earn. I would require this of each of the races.

I would recommend sterilizing you, but your personality pretty much precludes the chance of you ever breeding.

You think illegitimacy is a legitimate life style choice. I maintain that raising illegitimate children on welfare is not a legitimate life style choice.

No one is "illegitimate", and marriage is a patriarchal relic of the past. In the animal kingdom, the best males get multiple mates.. Only humans seem to think that monogamy is a path to anything other than mediocrity.

Then how did they discredit eugenics? Negroes were not targeted by the Holocause. Members of the most accomplished 0.2% of the Human population were.
Superior people don't get turned into lampshades.

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