Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

The truth does not change. Unfortunately, your misconceptions do not change either.

Computer technology and automation destroy large numbers of jobs for those of below average intelligence and create a small number of jobs for those of above average intelligence.
Again, only in this very small slip of time. In 100 years, that could all change.

The biggest growth industry right now is health care, because we have an aging population.
Again, only in this very small slip of time. In 100 years, that could all change.

The biggest growth industry right now is health care, because we have an aging population.
Taking care of old people requires more intelligence than working in a factory or fast food restaurant.
No one is "illegitimate", and marriage is a patriarchal relic of the past. In the animal kingdom, the best males get multiple mates.. Only humans seem to think that monogamy is a path to anything other than mediocrity.
Children ae the responsibility of their parents.

I do not believe that the tax money of responsible married couples should be used to preserve the illegitimate children of irresponsible unmarried people.

With too few exceptions to be statistically significant those illegitimate children grow up to be just as unemployable and frequently as dangerous as their parents.
I do not believe that the tax money of responsible married couples should be used to preserve the illegitimate children of irresponsible unmarried people.

I don't beleive that my tax dollars should be used to prop up Zionist Fantasies or fight wars in the middle east.

So I suggest the following. Let's put check boxes on our 1040's. I'm guessing "Feeding starving children" will get move votes than "fighting wars for Israel".

With too few exceptions to be statistically significant those illegitimate children grow up to be just as unemployable and frequently as dangerous as their parents.

The it's our fault for not providing them with the tools to succeed, isn't it?

The problem is, we live in the kind of society you want, and you hate it.
I don't beleive that my tax dollars should be used to prop up Zionist Fantasies or fight wars in the middle east.
Foreign aid for Israel has had good effects. Foreign aid for block majority, black run countries does not. Frequently it ends up in the bank accountrs of the rulers.
Foreign aid for Israel has had good effects. Foreign aid for block majority, black run countries does not. Frequently it ends up in the bank accountrs of the rulers.
No, it doesn't.

We've been fighting wars over there for 40 years, lots of brave young men coming home in boxes, for nothing.

Here's the thing. While we are basing our foreign aid on who the Jews can bribe in Washington, the Chinese are investing in Africa and the third world, which is why THIS has happened.

The it's our fault for not providing them with the tools to succeed, isn't it?

The problem is, we live in the kind of society you want, and you hate it.
When Jews came to the United States during the turn of the last century most were very poor. They did not need to be given the tools to succeed. All they needed was their industrial strength IQ power.

We have spend trillions of dollars trying to give Negroes the tools of success. Nearly all of that money has been wasted. That is not the fault of the government. It is the fault of the low IQ people getting welfare checks and other anti poverty programs.
No, it doesn't.

We've been fighting wars over there for 40 years, lots of brave young men coming home in boxes, for nothing.

Here's the thing. While we are basing our foreign aid on who the Jews can bribe in Washington, the Chinese are investing in Africa and the third world, which is why THIS has happened.

View attachment 973657

No, it doesn't.

We've been fighting wars over there for 40 years, lots of brave young men coming home in boxes, for nothing.

Here's the thing. While we are basing our foreign aid on who the Jews can bribe in Washington, the Chinese are investing in Africa and the third world, which is why THIS has happened.

View attachment 973657
Africa has been called "the third world's third world." The Chinese import natural resources from Africa. They do not import manufactured products, because with an average IQ of 70 African Negroes cannot manufacture anything marketable.
When Jews came to the United States during the turn of the last century most were very poor. They did not need to be given the tools to succeed. All they needed was their industrial strength IQ power.

We have spend trillions of dollars trying to give Negroes the tools of success. Nearly all of that money has been wasted. That is not the fault of the government. It is the fault of the low IQ people getting welfare checks and other anti poverty programs.
You mean they had the advantage of white privilege in a country with religious freedom.

Here's the problem every time I hear a Jew whining about being discriminated against.

"I didn't know you were a Jew until you said something."

It's not a disadvantage if you have to announce it.
Africa has been called "the third world's third world." The Chinese import natural resources from Africa. They do not import manufactured products, because with an average IQ of 70 African Negroes cannot manufacture anything marketable.
They also build roads and invest in infrastructure, which is why China is now Africa's biggest trading partner, which wasn't the case 25 years ago.

The Chinese do it right. The US lets AIPAC tell us what our policies should be.

At the rate we are failing, we all need to learn Mandarin.

(Actually, I had a very nice lunch yesterday with my wife and her daughter, and her daughter was impressed with how much Mandarin I've picked up already.)
You mean they had the advantage of white privilege in a country with religious freedom.

Here's the problem every time I hear a Jew whining about being discriminated against.

"I didn't know you were a Jew until you said something."

It's not a disadvantage if you have to announce it.
Jews have the right to complain about anti Jewish hate crimes.

They do not need to blame discrimination for their circumstances in the United States because most are successful and prosperous.

Meanwhile, Negroes blame whites for their high rates of poverty and incarceration.

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