Zone1 Should white people start using the nword more to make it not be offensive? I think so.

So I watched this short.

I realized this white lady said it like it was nothing and she did not apologize.

Sure she got some pissed off people but I thought about it more and realized if more white people said it, not directed at someone mind you, then the word would lose its teeth. If everyone said the nword then it loses its power it has over whites and blacks and would just become, another word.

At the end of the day it is just a word. A word has no power and can't hurt you unless you choose to let it. But as it is it holds a lot of power, white people are afraid of it and blacks spin out of control when white people say it. But at the same time blacks openly say it constantly like it was nothing.

If we're going to end racism shouldn't anyone be able to say it? As it is now you're only allowed to say it if you have a certain skin color, but isn't that racism? Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

Besides "nword" is just saying it without saying it. Anytime you hear nword it puts the real word in your head anyway. We all know what it means.

Resnic, I have a great idea. Why don't you go stand on the corner in the South side of Chicago and holler "N*****" at the top of your lungs over and over again? Then come back and tell us what happened. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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Resnic, I have a great idea. Why don't you go stand on the corner in the South side of Chicago and holler "N*****" at the top of your lungs over and over again? Then come back and tell us what happened. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
May God have mercy on his soul.
So I watched this short.

I realized this white lady said it like it was nothing and she did not apologize.

Sure she got some pissed off people but I thought about it more and realized if more white people said it, not directed at someone mind you, then the word would lose its teeth. If everyone said the nword then it loses its power it has over whites and blacks and would just become, another word.

At the end of the day it is just a word. A word has no power and can't hurt you unless you choose to let it. But as it is it holds a lot of power, white people are afraid of it and blacks spin out of control when white people say it. But at the same time blacks openly say it constantly like it was nothing.

If we're going to end racism shouldn't anyone be able to say it? As it is now you're only allowed to say it if you have a certain skin color, but isn't that racism? Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

Besides "nword" is just saying it without saying it. Anytime you hear nword it puts the real word in your head anyway. We all know what it means.

Only one way to find out.

Come on over this weekend and try it.
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Resnic, you haven't stopped using it in your conversations with other racists. So apparently you want to use it in our faces. So feel free to walk up on somebody black and use all the n words you want. Make sure you can afford the co pay.
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Resnic, you haven't stopped using it in your conversatuons with other racists. So apparently yu want to use it in our faces. So feel free to walk up on somebody black and use all the n words you want. Make sure you can afford the co pay.
I would love to see the results of that.
I would love to see the results of that.
Me too. Of course you know he isn't going to do that without his gun. But then again, if he does that, he will probably get shot before he could get his gun.
So I watched this short.

I realized this white lady said it like it was nothing and she did not apologize.

Sure she got some pissed off people but I thought about it more and realized if more white people said it, not directed at someone mind you, then the word would lose its teeth. If everyone said the nword then it loses its power it has over whites and blacks and would just become, another word.

At the end of the day it is just a word. A word has no power and can't hurt you unless you choose to let it. But as it is it holds a lot of power, white people are afraid of it and blacks spin out of control when white people say it. But at the same time blacks openly say it constantly like it was nothing.

If we're going to end racism shouldn't anyone be able to say it? As it is now you're only allowed to say it if you have a certain skin color, but isn't that racism? Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

Besides "nword" is just saying it without saying it. Anytime you hear nword it puts the real word in your head anyway. We all know what it means.

The word has already lost its teeth. The rap/gansta/entertainment culture uses it routinely. It is only the woke/cancel culture/PC world that treats it as a felony level offense if anyone other than a black person uses it.
I hope you are not of the degraded type of person, Foxfyre, to ever use it.
I could almost guarantee that she does not use it. People with decency, who were brought up properly by their parents, do not use it. I myself have not only never used it, I don’t think I ever HEARD it, except by blacks.

So she does have a point that the horror over the word fades when blacks use it on each other, and that the rap artists almost glorify it.
The word has already lost its teeth. The rap/gansta/entertainment culture uses it routinely. It is only the woke/cancel culture/PC world that treats it as a felony level offense if anyone other than a black person uses it.
Why do whites think they get to determine what has lost it's teeth? So why in the fuck do whites like you have a problem in not using this word? Women call each other bitches, is that OK for me to use in talk to or about women as a man? Whites call each other wops, degos, guineas, micks, limeys, and pollacks. Do I get to go to anyone of those groups and freely sling those terms with them? I mean, I have never felt dissed because I can't, so what in the hell is the problem with whites and the n word?

I see that Lisa says this is a fact. So it's OK for me to call Jews Hymies. That's no longer anti semitic. How about you racist pieces if white trash just learn to respect people who aren't white and stop pretending that the world revolves around your pasty white asses?
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Why do whites think they get to determine what has lost it's teeth? So why in the fuck do whites like you have a problem in not using this word? Women call each other bitches, is that OK for me to use in talk to or about women as a man? Whites call each other wops, degos, guineas, micks, limeys, and pollacks. Do I get to go to anyone of those groups and freely sling those terms with them? I mean, I have never felt dissed because I can't, so what in the hell is the problem with whites and the n word?

I see that Lisa says this is a fact. So it's OK for me to call Jews Hymies. That's no longer anti semitic. How about you racust pieces if white trash just learn to respect people who aren't white and stop pretending that the world revolves around your pasty white asses?
How about YOU stop saying whites don’t get to form an opinion about black issues considering you formed - and expressed - quite a contemptuous opinion of what Gd thinks of Jews, and what Jews are doing wrong?!

And we are in Zone 1, so shul up calling is “racist pieces of white trash,” “pasty white asses,” etc., etc. What makes you think you are exempt from the rules? How’d you respond if someone referred to your nasty black ass or called you a piece of ghetto trash?àa

Learn to debate with the f-word and making racial slurs against whites and Jews - and you’ll be making inroads to reducing anti-black racism.
Whites call each other wops, degos, guineas, micks, limeys, and pollacks.
No, those are all racially derogatory and socially unacceptable. The difference is white people don’t go for an Academy Award when someone says one of them (like you just did).

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