Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

It's much easier to suppress the vote with voter ID, as 27 million Americans do not have a current ID with their current address.

This isn't about voter integrity, because there's no fraud going on.

This is about voter suppression and you know it.
So you are worried that less than ONE PERCENT of residents (and if they lack current official ID they are likely to be illegal aliens who can't vote anyway), NOT VOTERS, lack an ID with their address on it. If they lack that they aren't eligible to vote anyway since you are required to have your CURRENT ADDRESS on file with the registrar of voters to be on the rolls.
If you can’t verify who is voting, then your election has zero integrity.

“Suppression” can be safeguarded against but not if you don’t even know who is voting.

Stop with these half baked conspiracy theories and stop belittling black people with comments about how they don’t even know what computers are.

There are only two possibilities here. The Democrats either believe wildly bigoted things about black people, or the Democrats are corrupt and manipulating the voting process.

Except you've provided no evidence that any voter fraud is going on.

You know damned well that once you have voter ID laws, you will be using them to block people of color from voting.

Simply. You can't be trusted.
So you are worried that less than ONE PERCENT of residents (and if they lack current official ID they are likely to be illegal aliens who can't vote anyway), NOT VOTERS, lack an ID with their address on it. If they lack that they aren't eligible to vote anyway since you are required to have your CURRENT ADDRESS on file with the registrar of voters to be on the rolls.

I'm worried that a country with a long history of voter suppression is coming up with a new scheme for voter suppression.

If you are a citizen, you are eligible to vote, period.
Except you've provided no evidence that any voter fraud is going on.
Yeah, you are right. There is no evidence of voter fraud (*Democrat talking point). But where the most black people live, there is ALREADY voter photo-ID required. So, your whole premise is sunk.


Voter identification laws by state


Six maps that reveal America’s expanding racial diversity | Brookings

You know damned well that once you have voter ID laws, you will be using them to block people of color from voting.

Simply. You can't be trusted.
Black folks already live under voter ID laws. So, where is your evidence of voter “suppression”?

Man, being a liberal must be embarrassing as heck.
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No, it just proves my point that voter suppression is going on.
LOL Where is your evidence?

The level of dishonestly from liberals like yourself is wild. I say voter ID will help protect the integrity of our elections and you respond by demanding I show you evidence that fraud is happening. However, you claim voter ID will result in “suppression” THEN claim “suppression” is happening and you still provide no evidence to support that claim.

Your point was never that voter suppression IS going on. It’s pretty obviously you were ignorant to the fact that most black people already live with voter ID. That’s why you used future-tenses.

Typical mis-informed liberal.

You know damned well that once you have voter ID laws, you will be using them to block people of color from voting.

Nope, I believe that once you have voter ID, the people who want to suppress the vote will abuse it.
LOL Where is your evidence?

The level of dishonestly from liberals like yourself is wild. I say voter ID will help protect the integrity of our elections and you respond by demanding I show you evidence that fraud is happening. However, you claim voter ID will result in “suppression” THEN claim “suppression” is happening and you still provide no evidence to support that claim.

It’s pretty obviously you were ignorant to the fact that most black people already live with voter ID. That’s why you used future-tenses.

Typical mis-informed liberal.
And there is already voter suppression going on.

Over the last 20 years, states have put barriers in front of the ballot box — imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls. These efforts, which received a boost when the Supreme Court weakened the Voting Rights Act in 2013, have kept significant numbers of eligible voters from the polls, hitting all Americans, but placing special burdens on racial minorities, poor people, and young and old voters.
And there is already voter suppression going on.

By voter “suppression” they are just referring to keeping these people from voting (see video below) -

-93 people registered w/ birthdate of 1850
-4,144 voters registered over the age of 90 (there's only 10.3k residents over 80 in that county...this number would drop off significantly at 90)
-232 registered at local prisons
-125 registered to a non-profit, NGO or business
~300 voters with no first name
-110 potential double voters - same name, DOB, and address but different Voter ID numbers
-Registered voter named Jesus Christ

Over the last 20 years, states have put barriers in front of the ballot box — imposing strict voter ID laws, cutting voting times, restricting registration, and purging voter rolls. These efforts, which received a boost when the Supreme Court weakened the Voting Rights Act in 2013, have kept significant numbers of eligible voters from the polls, hitting all Americans, but placing special burdens on racial minorities, poor people, and young and old voters.
There isn’t any real evidence of voter suppression. It’s just what Democrats like Stacy Abrams cry about when they lose. “Voter suppression” is liberal code-speak for election denial.

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By voter “suppression” they are just referring to keeping these people from voting (see video below) -

No, guy, the problem is that it isn't a good faith effort to clean up the voter rolls, it's an effort to purge people of color and the poor.

2000 would have been a very different election if Jeb Bush hadn't purged the voter rolls of thousands of people who were eligible to vote.
I'll be clear. This isn't me saying every single white person or every single black person. This is all about generalization and the average white or black person.

There is no such thing as white privilege. It is a myth, a lie, it's fake, it does not exist.

You know what so called "white privilege" really is? It's white people raising good people, it's white people being better parents. That's all it is.

You know why white people will get the job, get the loan, get a new car, live in a nice area, have people treat them better? I'll explain.

Because on the whole white parents get their kids swimming lessons, they let them play sports, they help them with homework and make sure it's done, they take them to band practice, they make them earn an allowance, they teach them doing chores is part of helping out, dads play ball, dads teach them how to fix things, they encourage them when they do good and make them understand when they do something wrong, they teach them manners, teach them to be polite, to be honest, to work hard, how to take care of the things you own, how to control their emotions, be responsible , be smart, have a strong will and so on.

So when the white kid from that family grows up and goes to get a job he will look them in the eye, speak clearly, have a good vocabulary, stand up straight, shake their hand, and thank them for their time. When they apply for a mortgage they have good employment history they have built up over time, they look and sound professional and so on.

There is no privilege to it. It's white people raising their kids the way their parents raised them and so on. It's good training is all it is, it's good preparation for life, it's parents helping their children mature and grow.

There are millions and millions of broke, dumb, poorly mannered white people in America because they came from a family that perpetuates that so their kids continue it on. They have no white privilege at all and just as bad off as a lot of these called disadvantaged blacks.

Thomas sowell is a well mannered, intelligent, well spoken black guy with a successful son. His son was successful because his family helped him become that way.

So the idea of white privilege is really only, the privilege of being raised by a good mother and father and being taught good morals, values and standards. It has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with decent people raising their children to be decent.

I am white and I am privileged. I am privileged that I grew up with my grandmother who was loving, sweet, hard working and a smart country woman that wanted me to be a good man. And I am privileged I was practically raised by my uncle that was a old school marine recon and us marshall, he was as hard as a coffin nail, taught me more about being a man than anyone else and loved me like his son. So I am privileged but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with my skin color.
That is quite an unhinged racist rant !! It sound like an essay that you wrote as part of your application for the Arian Nations. The whole faulty premise of your screed assumes that white families are better at raising good productive and capable children and the notion that non while people suffer socially and economically because of their faulty parenting. By denying the existence of white privilege, you are in effect denying the existence of systemic racism that has permeated life in this country from 1619 to the present day. Black people have less wealth than whites because of multi generational road blocks that have been thrown down to thwart their advancement

Now for a lesion that you are not going to like but that you badly need to learn. I am a white guy in my late 70s’ and I know a few things about while privilege and racism.

I had good , middle class parents who provided well for me. Yet that I did my best to fuck up my like from my teen years until my 30s . I did poorly in grade school and by the time I graduated from my mostly white high school, I was not considered college material

My first experience with white privilege was when I applied for a factory job . I was the only white guy hired with several other people. All of the others got shit jobs on the assembly tine. I, on the other hand, was assigned to a specialty unit where prototypes of new business machines were developed. The unit was staffed mostly by trained engineers and skilled mechanics, all white. And then there was me, right out of high school with no skills or training, being sent on assignments to wall street and other placed to help with the installation of the machines. THAT is white privilege in action.

A year later I joined the military. Still immature and not taking life- or the service -seriously I was always in trouble for minor and sometimes major infractions and even crimes. At one point I lost a couple of stripes, but later gained them back. I know for a fact that there were people of color who got the boot for less than what I was guilty of.

Then on the day that I was to be discharged, I was AWOL because I was in jail on drug charges. However, when I made it back to base, much to my shock, there were no consequences. I was even offered a fat bonus to reenlist, which I declined. Tell us again how there is no such thing as white privilege.

After discharge I continued to be a major fuck up. I got heavy into drug dealing and was eventually busted, and looking at 2.5 to 5 years in the big house. However, my white lawyers convinced the while judge, to let the white kid off with probation on the condition that he go back and live with his white parents. While the prisons were chock full of black and brown kids, my punishment was to be banished to a suburban ranch style home where I got the help that I needed and a job that kept me out of trouble. Yes, more white privilege that you claim does not exist.

In addition, there were several traffic stops along the way in which I was impaired on one substance or another but got away with it. I like to tell myself that I beat the field sobriety tests but the fact is, that I was cut a break, because I’m white. A black guy would likely have been cuffed, beaten or maybe shot . White privilege id real

I remain convinced that had I been black or brown, I would have been dead or in prison before I was 30 .
However, doors just kept opening for me because I’m white . Subsequently, I got my shit together, went to college , then got a masters degree and a good job. I then worked 35 years in a field that is dominated by women, and people of color. While no longer being the beneficiary of white privilege , I never felt discriminated against and in fact did quite well. That fact alone should provide you with some valuable insight, but I doubt that it will.
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I love how IM2 needs a white woman to explain why he is oppressed. If you are so oppressed, tell us about your experience. Peggy McIntosh is a racist. Her works are just opinion pieces written from her racist perspective. These liberals openly claim that black don’t even know what computers are.
see post 210
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see post 210
Thank you Progressive Patriot. So many of these guys have similar experiences to yours but ignore how te system helps them. They seem oblivious to this(and I'm being kind) and just think that what hppens is based on merit, good upbringing, etc. The confuse the word privilege with wealth, and believe that because they aren't rich, there is no white privilege. Then they want to point to people like Oprah to claim that white privilege is untrue even though there are less than 10 black billionaires in America. Thank you for revealing the little things these guys don't choose to see.
No, guy, the problem is that it isn't a good faith effort to clean up the voter rolls, it's an effort to purge people of color and the poor.
MarathonMike nailed it. As usually you woke-crusaders cannot distinguish the difference between disparity and discrimination. Expecting everyone to play by the same rules is not “voter suppression”. You are just pushing the selectively-evidenced conspiracy theory about Republicans being racists.

2000 would have been a very different election if Jeb Bush hadn't purged the voter rolls of thousands of people who were eligible to vote.

That sir is “election denial”.

Stop pushing dangerous conspiracy theories which threaten our democracy. Sound familiar?
Every racist ever has believed in some ideology that rationalizes their racism.
White supremacists believe black are genetically inferior.
Antisemites believe Jews manipulate society.
Liberals believe whites are privileged.
Every racist ever has believed in some ideology that rationalizes their racism.
White supremacists believe black are genetically inferior.
Antisemites believe Jews manipulate society.
Liberals believe whites are privileged.
If you believe that blacks have less than whites because of their own alleged short coming rather than white privilege and racism as you apparently do, then you are in fact a racist

Liberals have shown that white privilege is real. Racists deny it, lie about it or are just too stupid to see it. Which are you?
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